MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Giggle, there are not even all the right letters there (in the quoted part of what Judge Taylor said) to turn into the word danger.


Methinks that Taylor is well aware of the probability that LK and her pack will continue to malign and torment MB any way they can. And he is worried that it will result in an explosive confrontation of some sort and MB and/or LK/JK/RG will end up back in his courtroom.

By sending MB to Greystone, he keeps him safe from LK and eliminates any risk of a hostile confrontation between him and the K-Klan. Meanwhile, if the civil cases are hopefully resolved by the time MB is discharged, he (MB) will likely be off to Florida and the chance of an encounter between MB and LK in New Jersey is significantly reduced. IOW, they become Florida’s problem and Taylor can wash his hands of the whole sordid mess.


"The judge expressed concern that if Barisone crosses paths again with Kanarek, either in the horse world or in court (Kanarek is suing Barisone, and he is counter-suing) it could result in “a situation I don’t think he’s capable of dealing with.”

That does not suggest LK is in danger.
What an imagination you have, those movies in your head must be something. 🤦
I hope you are stretching before making these reaches.

I’m sure many are aware of LKs suggestions of her attempts to influence the Krol process by contacting those involved, and that she’s unlikely to play nice, any time soon.
Again, I’m reminded that only one side has years of history of bad behavior documented by interaction with LE.


I agree, I think MB is better off doing what he needs to and keeping his focus on him, and letting lk twist out there in the sm wind.

I hope there won’t be a confrontation in FLA, but I wouldn’t bet against it. Having examples of her raving all put together by Denninger and Silver will only help him.


Ha, more great minds. I didn’t see your post before making my most recent comment. :smiley:


In case anyone is interested, here is a link to the article: Michael Barisone Will Have to Wait for Freedom – Horse Sport

OR would you rather I do the ole copy and paste thing again? nahhhhhhhhhh

Oh and an edit, I do not see the word remorse in the article



Regardless of how Taylor personally feels about Bilinkas and MB, or whether or not he has ever golfed with JK before… one thing is for sure…

If MB is released from the civil commitment, and some sort of public confrontation happens between him and any of the Kanarek group… it will reflect poorly on Judge Taylor’s decisions regarding releasing MB.

It shouldn’t, if the K’s are at fault and instigated the confrontation. But… it will.

I think there is an element of buying some time, and stabilizing MB even more by sending him to Greystone to complete an intensive inpatient program there. I sincerely hope that the inpatient program there is of actual benefit to MB. Maybe it will be. Maybe not. If MB can remain calm while working through this process, and become even better prepared for his transition back to regular life… that’s a good thing, I think.


“At today’s hearing, it was stated that the DCPP employee was actually looking into allegations of neglect, not abuse.”

"Simring observed that because Barisone felt that “he was under direct and personal threat by Lauren Kanarek, who I believe was gaslighting him…he came to feel delusional, that Lauren Kanarek was capable of anything; poisoning the horses, doing some kind of harm to the tenants and students.”

The psychiatrist pointed out “difficulty in running the farm were not the normal business concerns, but rather, the direct threat he felt from Lauren Kanarek.”"


Dollars to donuts we see nothing of IM until they think they have something to gloat about again, no matter how delusional they are!


You might be right. It might not just be gloating though. If there are ongoing private discussions about potential settlements between multiple parties involved in this litigation, maybe I-M will hop back onto the forums and talk about that some more, to prove how clever he is, and how dumb the people chattering on the forums are.

It’s a super smart 3-D chess move for people involved in litigation who are trying to negotiate settlements to yammer about the private discussions and details to outsiders on public forums. :wink:


I don’t recall the judge’s statement IM is mentioning about the civil trial danger alleged because I would have responded it’s ridiculous. The courts come fully staffed with court officers/bailiffs etc.

It may come as a surprise but the courts have been protecting litigants from eachother for awhile now. Oh that’s right - that’s why the courts have them! And they have guns and handcuffs and courthouses even have jail cells!!!

Now how about THAT?!


There’s also the possibility that MB could harm himself if there were a confrontation. This could postpone MBs deposition too

Here’s to hoping that Nagel doesn’t act like a total baculum during depositions.


Yes! <3


Extra points for an excellent use of the word “baculum.”


I learned a new word today!


Sorry, I was unclear — I wasn’t thinking of slowing down the depositions we have been talking about. I should have said “the completion of depositions etc.” rather than just “depositions etc.,” as I was wondering about anything on the defendants’ side that might need to wait for MB.

I really know so little about civil litigation, as indicated by my flub in understanding the reason for filing for a protective order some days ago*, and am as thankful as everyone for the input of the knowledgeable people in our midst.

*“Some days” because it simultaneously feels like yesterday, and a year ago, that we began discussing this recent flurry of filings.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Oh - you’re good. I have lots of questions too. The legal people are so helpful, and these discussions on the various Barisone threads are pretty informative and interesting!

I am wondering though if LK’s side might try and use MBs continuing commitment as an excuse to delay parts of discovery. My guess is that they will try and make creative arguments to delay whatever they can, whenever they can. My comment was mainly to see if there was any reason a plaintiff/petitioner in a lawsuit might be able to demand that their deposition (or the deposition of one of their side’s supporting witnesses) be permitted to wait until AFTER the defendant/respondent is deposed.


Oh look, gaslighting used properly!


Yes, and what happened the last time Barisone was a free man, with access to a gun, was in contact with LK, and was not “capable of dealing with” the situation mentally?

Someone was shot and nearly killed.

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