MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I did not realize Dr. Joanna Bajgier worked at AK as a psychiatrist as well. That’s very interesting. Somewhat misleading for the Nancy article to say AK affiliates disagreed with release when Dr. Joanna was a proponent of it and works for AK.

How the heck did a Canadian publication get access to MB’s Krol hearing? I’m stumped.


The difference is that you did not imply she was bought and then when it was pointed out she worked at AK you did not hold to your line that you thought she was bought.

I totally get that the article was confusing.


Yes, the she-Wolf who terrorized her chosen victim in every way she could think of until everything fell apart with her FtB plan. She is a predator who can sense her victims’ weakness.


This needs to be posted frequently


I guess we’ll know when @Inigo-montoya storms on with a proclamation.


The post of mine you quote was in response to your responding to me with a pdf of the Barisone aquittal.

I have understood for a long time that Barisone was acquitted on all four charges. So what is your point in posting that?

Everything you said to Cindy I agree with. However, I thought your response to Cindy was incomplete in that it omitted to point out the way the distinction between the NGRI verdict and a verdict of NG matters in terms of Barisone’s current situation.

I suppose instead of the word ‘matters’, I should have said ‘not “irrelevant”’.

Just an aside, I met Nancy J during the MD5*, she was working on stories specifically about CAN riders that were there competiting, she told me she writes frequently for the CAN publication. :woman_shrugging:


The article said the AKC evaluation committee recommended against release, while one specific psychologist recommended release.

It seems unlikely all psychologists affiliated with AKC would be on a given evaluation committee.

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Nancy is super cook! She generally pays close attention to detail too.


I was volunteering in the press area all weekend, I would wrangle atheletes for interviews for the journalists. Fun being up close to all the big names, especially the riders from overseas.


Thanks, I appreciate that.

I also wonder if the information was conveyed to her by someone else. I’m having a hard time believing she sat in on the actual hearing.


It’s basically: “I didn’t do it, but if I did do it, I was legally insane at the time, and therefore not responsible for my actions.”

Editing to add: the amnesia makes it that much more complicated with respect to whether or not he “did it.”


I fully agree that amnesia is not the same as delusion.

The Nancy Jaffer article stated in the first paragraph that the judge decided to commit MB to Graystone rather than release him because the judge determined that MB was a danger to others.

That’s the charge to the judge — the defendant should not be committed to the psychiatric facility unless he posed a danger to himself or others. If the psychiatric commitment also provides the necessary support and treatment at the same time, that’s all to the good.

What was the horse using it for? Was he wearing it?

(At the height of the Covid pandemic, I saw a photo of a horse wearing a bra over his nostrils as a mask.)



Yes, the judge……which medical school did he get his psychiatric degree from?


I assume none. It’s his job as judge to assess the expert testimony from the medical professionals, social workers, etc.

Do you imagine that the 12 jurors in the criminal case had medical degrees when they came to the NGRI verdict?

And how does



Right, the judge and prosecution wanted more coping skills. I wonder if something was said to prompt that statement. I think it was very questionable that AK was engaging in therapy, and instead focused on evaluation, because it seems to me they more or less warehouse criminals whom they know they are just going to ship back to jail anyway.


I think in this case, the judge is following the majority decision of the AK evaluation team. The team presents their findings but it is the judge’s job to make the official legal decision and say a few words in regards to the reason for that decision.

I have been following this story since 2019 and I am disappointed to hear that MB is still having significant issues. But I also have no reason to doubt the AK evaluation team.


Thank you for letting me know that my answer to a different question from a different poster did not completely answer your question/statement I did not know I was answering.