MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I think that is a big assumption to make. You don’t actually know what the team’s position was and how they differed from the psychologists perspective.


I think that it’s possible that someone who has been a victim of violence may have had a sort of PTSD triggered by LK’s shooting. And questioning how it had come about, who might be TRULY responsible for the events in August 2019, I THINK, could have brought about doubts?–memories? of not being BELIEVED, herself, when it happened to her. I am not a licensed anything, but these have been my impressions here.

On another note (and I wish that I had thought of it then), I went horseback riding with my cousin/friend EARLY today (at the time I normally am JUST getting out of bed). Although she is a municipal worker now, she was an office manager for a neurosurgeon for a couple of decades. She used to tell me “interesting” stories of what some patients claimed. I believe she said that one patient kept making appointments with the doctor, insisting he remove a (non-existent) metal plate that had been placed in his head (by someone else). I think that all of the patients with ‘unusual’ claims, requests, and beliefs were Out There in Public, Living Their Lives Despite All–I don’t think any (but I could be wrong) were part of a prison program or were incarcerated Somewhere For Their Own Good.

I’ll ask her when I see her again.


As far as articles go, I think Nancy was a bit hamstrung in what she could say without violating MB’s privacy and so this article might not reflect what was said/happened very well… I hope there is an update to the GFM that might add some clarity on the issue.


Why did you post the pdf of the Barisone acquittal in response to my comment on your response to Cindy?

Do you think I don’t understand that he was acquitted? I’ve understood that perfectly since the verdicts were rendered.

The team’s recommendation was that Barisone should be committed rather than released at this time, and the judge took their recommendation.

That is a very definitive statement to make for someone who has no idea what actually happened or was said. Were you there and forgot to tell us that? Or have you been in contact with someone who was?


My guess is that, during discussions with the AK folks, MB mentioned the civil actions and probably expressed some anxiety that LK apparently still has it in for him. He may have even mentioned her continued SM postings, and perhaps voiced concerns about how far she may go. And maybe even commented that he is still afraid of RG and JK.

So the majority of the psych team at AK felt it was in his own best interests to stay someplace where he would be safe from her - esp. as things heat up regarding the civil cases - and where he could receive treatments and counseling specific to helping him move through the step process.

Ans although I am disappointed for MB’s sake that he is not yet “free,” I do think the therapies offered to him at Greystone will be of benefit in helping him learn how assimilate back into a society where he sadly will always be at risk of some sort of retaliation from the K-Klan.


Maybe it was because LK actually did contact AK like she was threatening….and that made the team worried.



Very good thought. She showed her true colors and they saw them.


I don’t think MB is at Graystone because the staff wants to protect him from LK. I don’t believe they would be within their legal right to hold him for that reason.

But general coping skills, since he went through a significant mental health crisis, and setting MB up so he is able to withstand the stressors outside the confines on a hospital, makes sense to me.


Which might have been a big concern if LK was actually trying to contact AK and influence them with her “evidence”….what would she attempt to do to MB if he was out and could he handle it?


This is dishonest


Yes, if its clear she still quite committed to harassment…


He’s going to need a protective restraining order when he is released, against all the I’d and RG. And some very protective friends


Good point but I can’t help but wonder if that was in the back of their minds when they wrote their report. And the public face they put on it was that they had concerns about how he would react should he run into her again. The Greystone program makes sense, to protect MB from the K-pack, to ensure that she isn’t given the opportunity to provoke him into a physical altercation, and to give him more time to heal, esp. since he will now (finally!) be receiving appropriate counseling and therapies.


I believe the answer to the part that is bolded and underlined can be found in this post by our amazing moderator.


You make some very good points @DownYonder!


Right, And he wouldn’t have been brought into the court with handcuffs on.

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My statement is based on reading Nancy Jaffer’s article, of course… I don’t know whether she was there or spoke to someone who was. I’m a little surprised that she would be allowed to attend given that it was billed as a closed meeting.

I have not been in contact with anyone who could possibly have been there.

Yes, I agree with you that there were concerns with how MB would react when presented with those same stressors. But I really don’t think LK has much, or really any influence here. Say she did contact AK - what could she legitimately voice? He’s been either in jail or hospitalized since 2019 (I think?) - therefore no physical contact, I think it’s safe to say no verbal contact… what legitimate claims could she make that would actually be relevant and “confine” MB further presently?

I don’t think she has any power here to be honest. I think the concerns are about MB and how to successfully treat MB, not act as security or something else for him.