MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Uhm… nevermind LOL

:rofl: :rofl:

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If someone has a personality disorder like narcissism or sociopathy they can’t change their basic orientation, with or without treatment. It is who they are. They can learn better coping social skills but may not see the point.

If these personality disorders are exacerbated by an active opiate addiction I would not expect any move toward better social behaviour until the person is fully and permanently sober, since addiction tends to amplify these tendencies.


She is 41 years old and hasn’t changed for the better in decades. The odds of her changing her personality or methods now that she is middle-aged are very poor.


Thank you for this. If Taylor allowed people in without MBs permission, that seems highly wrong, but if MB waived sequestration for Jaffer, that seems legit. Bilinkas might have specified: you can report overall statements by the lawyers and judge, but no detailed psychiatric or medical info.

Bilinkas is shrewd. If Taylor had opened the hearing inappropriately, I’d expect Bilinkas would have spoken up forcefully.



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The article makes it clear that the judge’s ruling accorded with the majority opinion of a committe of AK specialists. There is no direct quote or further information from those folks, and that is entirely as it should be. There are brief quotes from the legal teams and brief remarks from the judge as to his reasoning.

We don’t get to hear from the actual doctors or what they say or think. So I don’t think we should over interpret this.


As to how a journalist got info on the hearing, I expect she contacted the lawyers involved or their offices for a statement after the hearing was over. She likely wrote up an article based on their contributions plus publicly available information. She wasn’t necessarily in the hearing. JMHO.


Her last, most recent comment on the YouTube was when?
How many months after that part of this s is resolved?

She hasn’t changed as of those comments, hence let’s assume she hasn’t changed.


The Court may also have issued a press release. I doubt she was present.

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It is my understanding Nancy was actually in the courtroom with several other journalists.


But she had pictures.
And they appeared to be taken from the gallery, or not by someone near the dais


The photo of Mr. Barisone and Mr. Bilankas in court is credited to Nancy Jaffer.


You did so when you said MB had significant issues. Again, there is a lot of context left out of the article and you don’t know what the team actually said, objected to, disagreed with, or even how much time any individual on the team actually spent with MB in furthering the evaluation. Plus, some docs really don’t know what the hell they are doing. I wonder why, if the team was so against this doctor, why were they allowed to present the report?

ALL detainees are brought to court in handcuffs. Why try to make something perfect normal sound so nefarious? Drama.




I’m not surprised media was allowed, MB welcomed media at the criminal trial. LK makes me thing of the dog who chased a moose, and the moose is now chasing her.


Cockroaches don’t like light. :grin:


Sure she does…the predator wants her victim to know she’s still around and going to continue her harassment and continue her plan to FiB. If she sent anything to AK or the court it was to influence their thinking and maintain her narrative.

Lauren Kanarek and her group are not finished with Michael Barsione and many of us fully understand that about her (I am not talking about the civil trials). Apparently you have not noticed Lauren and her family are obsessed with Michael Barisone and anyone who supports him in any way.

Do you know Lauren? Serious question.


Very serious question, what counseling are Lauren Kanarek and her family undergoing to deal with their obsession to continue the destruction of Michael Barisone. Did Taylor think keeping Michael in a safe place for another 6 months will appease Lauren to the point she stops her sm obsession over Barisone?


In my opinion no, because the civil case is probably will still be going on so he will still be in her crosshairs.