MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

The article was confusing. I don’t know. Was the outlier doctor a member of the larger committee? I don’t know. Does AK allow different professionals to present differing views? Presumably.

What issues is MB facing? I don’t know. That’s why I said issues and didn’t characterize it any further. Obviously his legal team, Bilinkas and Simring, is going to argue hard for him to be released.

Anyhow I think if the AK committee has a majority opinion then the judge pretty much has to make a ruling that follows it. The judge’s remarks were annoying and maybe crossed a line, but I don’t think we can be deeply outraged by the judge ruling to accept the AK committee recommendation.

The AK committee findings and the reports from the various mental health care professionals are private at this stage and not open for us to poke around and dispute. So all we can conclude is they still feel there are issues for MB to heal from.

I’m disappointed but I don’t see any grounds for saying AK was way off base. With mental health as indeed other serious health issues you don’t know the outcome until its all over. There may be various paths to a good outcome, including different hospitals or outpatient care. These days many patients tend to be released too soon because of funding and space, so we are perhaps surprised to see a ruling possibly erring on the side of caution.


Any news from NJ?


How is not readily evident that the K’s certainly have their focus on MB? KK has joined the forum discussions. IM joins the discussion and attacks people here who support MB and I have my suspicions as to who he is. LK has been all over social media focusing on MB. Has produced more SM on him than I have produced about anything in the duration of my life. I think it’s clear.

I really don’t appreciate you assuming to know what I do and do not know. There is no need for snark, even if you disagree with what I say.


Something to remember: It was LKs issues which started this whole ball rolling in the first place. At that point, LK had been asked to leave and began her reign of terrible.

As of now there are ZERO MEASURES to change that. In fact if anything she has been emboldened.

Think about Jaffe’s statement. I mean really think about it. It states the judge felt that if LK and MB were to come across eachother that MB might not have the tools to deal with that.

When you come across someone you abhor at a show, each person sees the other, sneers, whispers to their friend what a bitch that person is and then they move on. That is not the type of interaction the judge worries about I’m guessing. I’m guessing the judge represented he is worried about actual interactions. A name called, a threatening stance or motioning of fingers to represent a gun.

It’s almost as if MB is now expected to be able to compensate for whatever behavior LK manifests in his presence.

And that’s mucked up.

I hope I’m wrong. If I’m not it’s a travesty of justice x 10.


I was actually agreeing with and providing emphasis to your post.


At some point, LK’s bad behavior isn’t enough of an excuse to continue to hold him.


This is what I was responding to and I thought you were addressing me. If I misinterpreted it, I apologize.


It may be that the procedure for a Krol hearing is that AKC puts together a committee of their choosing and that MB has the right to present expert testimony from a professional of his choosing.

As biased as Taylor seemed to be against MB and his legal team, I doubt he thinks for one minute that LK and her pack of coyotes won’t be waiting for an opportunity to target MB again, whether it is 6 days from now, 6 weeks, or 6 months. And he obviously doesn’t think MB is currently in a state of mind to cope with it. If he had released him this week and there was a violent confrontation next week, everyone would be breathing down Taylor’s neck about it. He is protecting everyone - MB, LK and her pack, the people of NJ, and yes, even his own professional reputation. If MB successfully navigates the levels at Greystone and is released in the coming months, but THEN unravels, Taylor can shrug and say, “Not my fault. I followed the recommendations of the Greystone team to release him.”


I was not attacking you or being snarky…only pointing out Lauren DOES have power, at least apparently with this court. I asked if you know her because I freely admit unless you know her or know someone who has experienced or seen her antics, it is hard to comprehend her behavior. She is an outlier as far as behavior. No one should ever underestimate her ability to manipulate and use her resources (daddy) to get her way. I would not be in the least surprised to learn Lauren sent a letter to Taylor and Shellhorn extolling her fears of Michael and how he is directing his supporters to threaten her.

Sorry if I offended you. It sincerely was not my intention.


I feel like if what several posters are saying here. . .Taylor is keeping MB in inpatient treatment for his own safety. . .that is more punitive than helpful.

i don’t actually think that is what his statement is about. I think he believes that MB cannot control his emotions. I have no basis for this other pure speculation. the remedy for keeping him safe should be a restraining order, no? I’m not opining whether Taylor is right or wrong.

I am neither a lawyer nor a psychologist.


Its 430pm ET, any update on the hearing?


This is complicated, because a restraining order in itself doesn’t prevent anyone from violating it.

It simply applies a potential penalty for doing so. But the wronged party has to call the police and attempt to enforce the order. Just look at what happens when there are restraining orders between two employees of the same company - the company often says that the two parties need to just stay away from each other. In this case, that’s about as likely as my walking to the moon this evening.

The evidence Taylor has is that the two parties in question had a violent altercation, with several prior altercations before that.

Given that it sounds like at least one individual on the panel was not sure about release, to me it sounds like Taylor hedged his bets - if Greystone says he can be released according to their criteria, then he can be.


I’ll go on record and say my issue with Taylor’s decision is his disregard of the Krol procedures. Yes, I believe Michael will benefit from real counseling at Greystone, BUT I think he could obtain the same or better private counseling in his own home and town surrounded by loved ones. Periodic reporting to the court is not an issue to me. This 6 month stint reeks of bias and punitive action to me and raises alarms that Taylor can/will/might overrule Greystone’s evaluation and recommendation next March and sentence him to even more time just because he can and Lauren and daddy asked for it.

EDITED TO ADD I am not naive enough to believe the Kanareks will l leave Michael alone once he is released and will actually devise a plan to confront him and make it appear he “lost control”. Of course plans are already under way to prevent the Kanareks from getting anywhere near him at any time in any place.


Especially if one party was reaching out to try to hinder or affect the evaluations or even falsely trying to claim that MB’s associates were purposefully fueling his delusions by discussing LK’s SM with MB.


Yeah, I am wondering when the drunken rage postings will appear. :laughing:


I just want to take a moment and note that my post concerning hypothetical dialogue between Prinzess Lollypop and Inigo-Montoya was actually flagged and edited by the mods.

It was clearly sarcasm and snark.

Some people are very very sensitive. And they don’t seem to want anyone to make any jokes about RG either. Apparently “manservant” is offensive and now must edited out of posts…


What happened when MB called the police previously?
If I was him I’d have very little faith in the police or a piece of paper.


IMHO there is NOTHING she won’t do.


Apparently there wasn’t a hearing today or if there was, those who should know don’t seem to know anything about it. Weird.