MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Huh. That’s weird. Maybe they are doing it another day.


Yeah, I can’t find anything from any resource one way or another.


And remember how well that worked for Michael last time he tried it.
The police and the DA insisted Lauren was not a risk and ignored him and empowered her to do even worse things.

Me too. I was wondering when we would get either a bunch of angry posts or some gloating posts from IM.


Bears repeating/calling out.


It’s ok. I appreciate your apology. I’m sorry if I jumped the gun. Text can be hard to interpret.

But to answer your question, no, I do not know LK. I would not tolerate someone like that in my life. I detest drama, I do not tolerate liars or abusive people.

In the same breath I do not need to know her. I do not know her mental health profile, but I have met clinical narcissists, clinical sociopaths, psychopaths, paranoid schizophrenics, people with significant mental health issues, the lowest of the low - pedophiles, gang bangers, felons who have killed people, serious drug addicts and drug dealers that would rob their own mothers grave. I do not need to meet LK to understand devious behavior. I do not under estimate her will to make this as difficult as possible for MB, I just underestimate her power and influence in this situation because there are so many things that more reasonably contributed (to me) why MB was sent to Graystone. The judge covering his own ass and protecting his own self interest a big one of them.




Yes, I am suspecting that was a good part of his motive.


If she were to send a letter to Taylor and/or Schellhorn to express her fear if MB were released, and if that were an inappropriate thing to do, I would expect them to ignore the letter altogether. (For all I know, the process may permit Schellhorn to consult the victim; I don’t know.)

Lauren would not have any power to inappropriately manipulate the hearing unless Taylor and/or Schellhorn permitted themselves to be manipulated.

Based on the criminal trial, I formed the opinion that both acted very professionally in their jobs. I also thought Taylor was impartial.

If you’re making an accusation that there was inappropriate influence on the judge or prosecutor, that’s an accusation more against the integrity of the court than it is against LK.

I see no basis for doubting the integrity of the court.

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But she had pictures.
And they appeared to be taken from the gallery, or not by someone near the dais

Good point! I stand corrected.


If Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek just happen to hand over the information asked for in their subpoena before the deadline for the contempt hearing will that just go away?


LO posted an update on GFM


Oof. That is quite the update by LO. If you go to the GFM, take note that there are 3 updates today - you need to click on the see older button and then scroll down two to start reading from the top.

I think it should satisfy, answer, and clear up most of what has been debated back and forth here.

My question is WHY have the hearings been ruled ‘open’? They are now discussing medical and health information, why are they not closed hearings?


Thank you @KurPlexed for letting us know there is an update on the GoFuneMe.
Thank you for the heads up about the three updates @EADoug. It reads like three separate pages. Starting with the third page in the older button expansion.

Very interesting read and very well written.

It is nice to know that all the medical staff at AK that are actually dealing with Michael thing he is doing so well.

I am totally floored that a judge would think it is ever OK to say to someone that they felt their completely distressed state is an act.
I have never seen something so real as Michael’s reaction to the verdict.
(It is a video I have a hard time watching, still.)

Taylor is not making himself look any better, that is for sure.

Jingles for Michael and LO. It sounds like he is in a mental place that he will make the best of his treatment at the new facility, even if he should not be there.


No wonder we had a hissy fit yesterday. That kind of report will make some things difficult in the civil trial.


I am appalled by what I read on the GFM. The judge is just ignoring all precedents ? Or are they laws? Seems like there is a case to be made for him to sue the court system for rights violations. I hope he does. What say ye legal professionals?


Wow. Very well written by LO. Very hard to read.

I hope 48 hours looks at Judge Taylor’s conduct closely, and covers it by as part of their program. It is my understanding that they too were aware of the 09/07/22 Krol hearing, and had reporters on site.

Last thing. I really don’t understanding why his next hearing is 6 months out. I hope this can be appealed. It seems like a hearing at the three month mark is required under the law.


If you go back to the verdict and count the 60 days for the first hearing, following the law, and then go forward 90 days per the statute in the update, his SECOND hearing should be next week. This feels like a travesty.


I feel so bad for MB and LO. Her frustration at the situation is palpable. The fact that everyone on his care team at AK said he was not a danger and the committee still made their choice us puzzling. I hope we learn more about this in the next few days.


It seems like Taylor is not a fan of following the laws in this case.