MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you that IM didn’t provide such a detailed account of the hearing. Goodness, LO made no mention of the Kanareks being present…well, actually she doesn’t ever mention them, so never mind. So were they really there? Don’t care really.

Oh, and no mention of the Kanarek Victim Statement. Or if there was it was not made part of the record. Perhaps someone realized Lauren is not a victim and a Victim Statement would be inappropriate for an acquitted individual’s hearing. Again the possibility for doubt.

Yeah, I think those Krol guidelines are going to bite someone in the tush. But Taylor seems to be like some others in that rules and regulations simply don’t apply to them. 48 Hours will be fun.





This is the complaint form for complaints against judges.


Hopefully that form is utilized


Well, Morris County is just full of good old boys doing whatever they want to do from local police department all the way up to a Judge. I recall IM saying he was “familiar” with the police, all the attorneys involved, and the judge. And so far all have failed Michael Barisone except his own attorneys and the jury.

Common thread?


That update was hard to read but I have to say at least they are making the best of the circumstances and it sounds like MB will take full advantage of whatever therapeutic interventions are on offer.

Knowing that obviously the source is biased, there is a lot that is disturbing in the updates. I find it pretty shocking that all those involved directly with his care and evaluation deemed him not to be a threat, but that an independent committee who with no interaction with the patient could recommend otherwise.

If all this is true, then I find Jaffer’s reporting to be subpar if she was actually present and under no gag orders.

I also find the court’s and Taylor’s behavior to sound very suspect on most things EXCEPT that a committee did recommend commitment… and I think that the idea discussed upthread that if MB were to “snap” if confronted with the relentless harasser, then he would be in hot water. I can understand covering one’s behind.

Ultimately, I hope first and foremost that Barisone gets the therapy he needs (Simring’s recommendation sounds like a full time job!), and that if civil rights violations or apparent abuse of power are indeed at play, that the appropriate investigations and appeals/sanctions are carried out.


After reading Lara’s update, it is pretty clear that Taylor is unapologetically biased against Michael and has no trouble showing it. The comments by Taylor about MB’s appearance during the trial should certainly be grounds for some type of censorship or sanction. How can he get away with that. I guess the good thing is that there is light at the end of the long, dark tunnel for Michael. It will certainly be a wonderful day when he walks out of Greystone on his way home.


I just want to add that when I was in the throes of bulemia, depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation in college, I went to individual (45-60 minute) therapy twice a week and group (I forget how long - a few hours?) once or twice a week… and THAT was exhausting. I can’t imagine as much therapy as Simring is recommending. I have done talk therapy, EMDR, Sand Play, EFT tap therapy, art therapy, and myriad other “therapies” with psychiatrists and psychologists and it is intense, and emotionally exhausting.

(PS, I think Sand Play is horse puckey and I don’t know about EMDR but it’s controversial… and EFT tap therapy somehow helped.)

Edited to clarify EFT tapping.


Reading LO’s update really clarifies how it truly went down. Which makes the judges decision that much more appalling, along with his totally inappropriate comments. He really should be censored or some kind of consequence.

That said, I truly hope MB gets excellent care and therapy. Since state ordered, is it paid for by the state? If\s the level of care comparable to private care?


These hearings, is there a transcriptionist recording it all?
I’d want a copy of that documentation of the judge and Schellehorns comments.1

Edit 1- their comments about his grooming while in jail…


Well. I guess it won’t be the first time Ed Balinkas has taken Judge Taylor to task, legally and won. Bet he’s nibbling a hangnail with a twinkle in his eye about this one.


I would hope so! But truth be told, in the photo he looked exhausted.


I would say stunned. My bet is he’ll shake it off and get to work.


So…was it the Board of Trustees who subverted the recommendations of the staff or the executive staff?

I’m inclined towards the BoT. They tend to be more of the country club set.


I hear you on Simring’s recommendation sounding extremely exhausting. During cancer treatment and for the first year afterwards, I went to weekly talk therapy, did a bi monthly support group that went for about 3 hours, and participated with an online support group as well on a weekly basis. It was all helpful, but emotionally grueling at times.

I wonder about the availability and expense of a program like Simring described… if the state covers the expense of services at Greystone, maybe that is a decent option for now.

I still wish MB had another hearing 3 months from now…


but didn’t Taylor say he could graduate the program at his own speed, so to speek? He doesn’t need to wait 6 months to “get out”? Just that there will be a hearing in 6 months?



I saw people read the handbook program descriptions for Graystone, and it seems like this early release MIGHT be possible… but I wonder if it actually will be possible for them to release him without Taylor signing off on it.


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Still working on finishing the bastard


But that would mean Michael might he home for Christmas and IM would have a fit if he was wrong again!