MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I thought I heard a noise. Figured it was raccoons.


That’s my point, she’s being dramatic, I didn’t say anything about whether she should or should not be.

Murder means killing, which is by it’s nature is violent. You don’t have to say it twice. But you can if you like.


The only exception to this would be Felony Murder… wherein you don’t even have to be present or aware of a death to be convicted.

ETA: see Illinois for example. Cops run someone over while chasing you? Felony murder.


Agreed, after the GFM update, it is clear that there is a lot of hot air that doesn’t need our time and attention to diffuse.


Eggbutt felt the need to take LK to task for posting that MB was “committed” on the basis of Wednesday’s Krol hearing, and claimed he had not been committed.

The legal documents describing the purpose of a Krol hearing use exactly that word.

On the basis of the Krol hearing, Taylor ordered MB committed to a psychiatric facility. It is an involuntary commitment.

LK used the term correctly. It’s such a bizarre thing to criticize her for. Ditto for the “interesting and productive” discussion that LK referred to MB trying to “violently murder” her.

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Thanks for the info - one of our horses got out at a show (was filling water buckets and didn’t close the door). he just walked out …tried to grab his tail… anyhow went out after him and realized I didn’t have anything to secure him… the bra would have worked well. anyhow the horse came over when I called him, even though he was on the burn over looking the show grounds, like the lion king, but he eventually walked over to me knowing I had treats in my pocket and my trainer came running out with carrots the feed bucket and halter and lead… next time if ever, the bra will come off!


I am gratified that so many more people are finally seeing the predator Lauren is and how obsessed she and her family are. They accept zero accountability for anything and gloat at others’ stress.

I don’t understand the “celebration/congratulation” recent post made by one of them excited that Michael is going to Greystone for perhaps six months. Who does that? Why the excitement? Are they excited Michael will receive help for the physical and mental damage three of them did to Michael Barisone? Have any of the four expressed any remorse for everything the predator daughter, Lauren has done, not only to Michael but to others? Just the fact they continue to laugh at Joey as recently as this week is astonishing!!

The truth about the Kanarek family will be told sooner than later, and quite publicly. Personally I can’t wait to watch Karma collect.

This is the recent post I reference above - (it was sent to me by several concerned people)


I wonder, does MB have a way to access any files to see if anything was given to this committee in order for them to counter their medical team without ever assessing the patient? If it was a footnote in the report, then there must be some sort of evidence justifying it’s inclusion in his file.


Would something like that be part of the transcript and official record?


Theoretically it should have been disclosed 24 hours before the hearing and there should have been testimony, with cross exam, among a couple other interesting rules. But we see how that worked out.


That is the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen. Such trash.


Thank you, that’s what I thought. I’m always interested in language. I’d not heard that phrase before.


Who is on the committee, and do they have ties to the Ks? Also, do they have ties with Taylor? If I were on MB’s team (or part of the 48 Hours staff), I would be looking at both those possibilities.


How long would that procedure take normally?

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I keep on having this disgusted feeling that the powers that be are anticipating MB being provoked upon release. It certainly seems so.


I can’t seem to ask my question. I get an error message that my question is too similar to something I already asked, which it isn’t. It is about a writ of habeas and how long that process would take. If this message goes through, could any legal types please enlighten me ?

ETA: And now my original message appears two messages up.


That error message is something you can ignore and just keep typing/posting. It is more of warning than an error.
At least in my experience.


Well, my only comment is firstly, it is clear libel to post in writing statements that you know not to be true and are potentially damaging to the individual you are speaking about.

Secondly, I have hoped since the trial that MB’s attorneys are working on an appeal. I imagine they probably started framing one out before the verdict came in, in case they needed it. Since you’d never appeal an acquittal, they had to wait. Now they have 6 months to challenge every area where the precedent was disregarded. What I haven’t had time to research is how exactly one would make a Krol challenge since you aren’t appealing the verdict. Maybe this weekend I will have more time to dig.


I woke up this morning with this situation with MB on my mind, this saddens me so very much.


I am again trying to catch up on overnight postings, so apologies if this has already been stated.

Regarding the original scheduled date for the Krol hearing -

We were told the hospital was not ready, but upon speaking to them, I was informed that they would have in fact been ready but were told the hearing was cancelled so they did not complete the evaluation at that point.

Who cancelled that hearing, and why?