MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

It is so sad, not just the outrageous personal comments from the bench (talk about ‘who does that?’), there are such clear and egregious violations of the clearly articulated Krol standards. You don’t need to be a lawyer to read and understand Krol. And you don’t need to be a lawyer to be able to see that MB’s rights with respect to those standards have been not just violated but denied completely.

I’m genuinely shocked that a NJ court would allow this to go on and go on so publicly. If the press, or the attorneys, or 48 Hours breaks this story - especially if there is evidence of undue influence by the Kanareks in any way - I hope there are massive repercussions for Taylor.

As I said above, Taylor’s behaviour here (esp the personal comments disparaging the acquittee) is one major reason why people form an impression of the justice system that it is biased and they won’t get a fair chance in front of a judge like Taylor if Taylor decides not to like them.

As a legal professional, I am disgusted.


I’m interested to see what you find if you do have time to dig. I have found a few cases where the acquittees have appealed their level of commitment or supervision after review hearings. Some of them are quite fascinating to read.

I think I’m getting lost in which part to appeal - the delays in getting the hearings going, or the supervision level imposed, or both.

Anyway, if you have time and find anything interesting I’m certainly interested in your thoughts.


Very well said.


Question for our beloved and appreciated legal eagles, first, is the general public allowed to file complaints against Taylor? Sorry I didn’t have time to go down my own rabbit hole last night. if the general public were to file complaints about Taylor, would they be taken seriously? And do you think an actual investigation would be performed? I am wondering if the general public has a leg to stand on to file complaints. I mean we certainly could flood the review board with letters if nothing else. I would rather make a true impact rather than spitting into the wind.

Sorry, more than one question


I am thinking it is entirely possible that LK sent her Victim Impact Statement to the AFFC board members / “committee.” And there were possibly other communications with them from other members of the K-Klan, or a connection of some sort.

Taylor deciding to accept the recommendation of said committee rather than the recommendation of the professionals who had actually interviewed and evaluated MB, gives every appearance that he was under duress of some sort to rule the way he did. Perhaps he owned JK a favor and was/is terrified of crossing him. (So, covering his ass as stated earlier.)

At any rate, it is clear that he has bias toward MB and animosity toward his legal team, and a vested interest in punitive action against them.

I hope the heck MB’s team files a complaint against him.


I assume his care at Greystone is paid for by the state. And I wonder if he had been released with mandated therapy, would those sessions also be covered by the state? Or would he have to pay for them himself?


Here’s how I look at it. NJ puts the complaint process, information, and forms out there for the general public to access. And I’m reviewing their information I don’t see any restrictions on who can file.

If you follow the links you provided earlier, you’ll find one link to the Rules of Conduct. @FitzE has mentioned the impact Taylor’s behavior has on the general public. Taylor chose to allow cameras and reporters into the trial, and the hearing yesterday. He opened everything up to public scrutiny. If the viewing public chooses to voice their opinions on his behavior, so be it.

(And yes, I believe the commission will review complaints. What they do next, who knows?)


I hope they appeal the heck out of him.


Thank you so much!


I wonder, since the hearing is public, whether a transcript is available of both the hearing and also the order. Right now, if I recall correctly, “we” (the public) are relying on the reports of the hearing in the press and also LO’s GoFundMe update. It would be much better if any complaint could rely on a verified accounting of what was actually said.


I concur.


It is becoming apparent to ME that the powers that be KNOW the predator and her pack WILL attempt to provoke him the rest of their lives. The Finish the Bastard plan is far from finished. Michael Barisone is no threat - they are!


I think, though, that it’s ok to rely on the press accounts. That’s kind of the bedrock behind the concept of freedom of the press and why it’s included in the 1st amendment, as that generally is how the public is informed. And here we have a reporter whose account matches a witness to what happened in the courtroom, specifically in respect to some seriously inappropriate comments by the judge re: Barisone’s appearance.


I agree, and thank you for all your expertise posts. I believe they are in uncharted territory possibly since NGRI is so extremely rare.


You’re welcome.

I would caution people from doing anything wrt this process or the participants that might cause problems for MB, his legal team and his supporters.


I believe the Prosecutor also made disparaging comments.
That’s why I think seeing the transcript is important.


I’m so flabbergasted by this. I don’t understand how Taylor can blatantly disregard the process and ignore the 3-month review. I hope they appeal and I hope the professionals there let Michael progress quickly which I believe he can and will. While at the same time, he is having to navigate the civil trial with his attorneys. This just beats all.


Oh, what a wonderful idea! I would love to contribute art supplies!


Another thought, sparked by iriedressage’s comment.
MB and his team have a big fight ahead of them wrt the civil trial.
I’m sure that his release would have been preferred, but each thing they do to him, every online comment, every letter to boards or committees, every additional penalty to a man who was acquitted… is more evidence of his mistreatment.

And if he’s at Greystone, where he’s protected from them, maybe he’s able to laser focus on getting strong and helping build a solid case against them and the rest who are abusing his rights.
Edit, but also where he’s exposed to more professional staff who see him helping others, working at getting healthy, etc… That can’t hurt, to have more people seeing him being his helpful self, and hopefully willing to testify in some way to that.