MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I’m not going to brunch.

I need to look up what TTYL means.

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It was not an admonition. It was a caution.
Because only a few of us here are well versed in the law and the processes regarding situations like this.



For people that like smoked salmon, I have a simple, light appetizer, that I love putting together to go with a pre-dinner drink at this time of year, all the way up until winter starts… a little dry Chardonnay goes great with it, or a vodka martini.

Good quality cold smoked salmon… sliced thin
Thin slices Granny Smith apple
Lemon juice

Combine all 4. Make the apple slices thin and able to lie flat on a plate. Squeeze lemon juice on them to prevent oxidation, and emphasize tartness. Use them like a cracker, and arrange on a serving plate. Put preferred amount of salmon on top of apple slices, and sprinkle capers over all of it.

My husband likes a little thin sliced, raw red onion added to his portion as well. It definitely makes the app extra pretty. I don’t love raw onion though, so I skip that on mine.


Pretty sure that EB requested that you not interact with her.

TTYL simply means talk to you later. Nothing nefarious or flag-worthy.

Have fun at your brunch EB, sounds like you will be having more fun than some other posters!


That sounds really good! It will def be on my list to make! Ty


How blessed you are to have never been so depressed, exposed to such hostile conditions, and then kept in conditions equally detrimental to your mental and emotional state.

Negating MBs challenges doesn’t make LK more sympathetic.
You’re doing her no favors by feigning being so myopic.


Thanks for the clarification, AngelaFreda.

I’ll rephrase: The caution that MB supporters think carefully before accusing a judge of improper conduct came from @Angela_Freda.

I don’t understand why KnightsMom would think the caution was posted as a way of deterring MB supporters from filing complaints against Judge Taylor, since it came from a MB supporter.

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Mmmmmm meatballs.


I made a most excellent mushroom gravy covered meatloaf last night. It was so good, and I usually hate my own cooking. :joy:


White Chicken Enchiladas anyone? Perfect for when it gets cold out.


I don’t understand why you read her comment that way.
I didn’t.


Ooooh. Yum.


Looks easy enough. They will also be on my list for when it cools off a bit. Ty


Don’t you think that it’s important for their mental health and healing from this trauma for LK and RG to admit they caused the situation and escalated it until it culminated in a shooting? If they refuse to take any responsibility for their role, does that make them delusional?


When I looked it up, the explanation was Talk To Yourself, Loser. Dual meanings? Perhaps.

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Where did you find that? I’ve never seen it be used as anything but talk to you later


The tacky celebration on RG’s FB age was inappropriate. And not exactly conducive to presenting a good image when it comes to the civil trial. Why would anyone maliciously (as opposed to happily and genuinely) celebrate anyone else getting help? Neither RG or LK will ever show any remorse for any of the wreckage they have strewn behind them - and why should they… they are always right and can do as they please. /s

Apparently we must excuse them for anything and everything as well. If I had been shot and had LK’s medical issues and flatlined twice (as we have been repeatedly beaten over the head with as if it was a badge of of the highest honor or BIS at Westminster or something), I would take a step back and look at what got me there at that moment in time. I would use it as a way to evaluate, start over and become a different person.

Sadly, LK will never do that. She has made it clear through her own words that she never accepts responsibility for anything, must not be challenged or corrected… and thinks that she is a brainiac playing 5D chess when all us simpletons are simply playing checkers.

IM’s pathetic performance here after the hearing was even worse than RG’s juvenile taunt - but at least it was not on full display on FB for all to see. What a sad little group of people.

And I have never seen TTYL used in any other way than Talk To You Later… maybe in the urban dictionary it has gained new terminology on the street or something.

