MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

OMG. Hilarious :rofl:


Ok I’m done after this but in the spring I love to make honeysuckle tea and sorbet. So good!!


About urban dictionary. I am amused by slang so I occasionally pop on there or related sites. It’s an unfiltered wide open user platform. Absolutely I see definitions on there that are definitely pranks or trolling, and I see definitions that could be specific to one little clique of teens or very regional.

I know as a teen I was very interested in minute discriminations between say “stoner” and "head, " or “slut” and “sleeze,” or “nerd” and “geek.” I would also have found it hysterically funny to assign secret obscene meanings to commonly used online abbreviations and then use them snidely, except the internet didn’t exist yet. And we made up words too.

Rap music culture is super inventive lexically, artists will use very local expressions or just invent a word, no explanations, and then their fans will be online with competing definitions of what it means, always sex or drugs related.

So I totally understand the impulse to troll or prank such sites with made-up words. As with anything on the internet, check multiple sources. I’m sure there’s a rude or obscene definition of just about every acronym or catchphrase out there.

Linguistic inventiveness is a very good quality for teens :slight_smile: but us old doozies just have to avoid being pranked by it.


You have an odd way of demonstrating it.

Sure it does. Maybe “empathy” doesn’t mean what you think it means?


Definition of empathy

1 : the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner


Omg, so easy to make too. Good side for meatloaf leftovers tonight.
I was kinda Jonesing to make the leftover meatloaf into a sandwich on toasted garlic bread… Ah, dilemma…


While some refuse to accept it, a lack of empathy is an absolute trait of psychopaths.


Roast turkey & cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes and scalloped potatoes. But I didn’t get dessert and probably won’t eat again today :blush:


Ahhhh, but are we sure RG made that post???

Do we really envision RG taking the time to make the meme and then post it???

Nah, we have never been that gullible and certainly are not that gullible now!!!


Yeah. Anyone with a brain larger than a walnut who has followed this situation for any amount of time knows Prinzess Lollypop made that post.

It was established at some point during the last two years that she actually set up a Facebook and Insta account with his name, and then spends time pretending to be him, posting about things he wants to buy her, and how amazed he is with her riding. One of his family members or old friends publicly talked about it… I can’t remember who. But they said she was doing this all the way back when they still lived in NC.


It does not matter who actually posted it… it still represents the 2 of them - and not in a good light.


Yea… but… if it was Lollypop… and it almost certainly was… it speaks to how pathological she is.

I hope MBs attorneys have a copy of that post, and ask RG about it when he sits down for a deposition…


Well, that wouldn’t be all that would have been said….


I think if someone makes themselves a vessel of hate, the hate they nurture to direct at others tends to corrode the vessel (the person who hates).

Empathy is the opposite. Having empathy is a positive emotion for the person experiencing it. I have empathy for all the people involved in this tragedy. But I don’t “show” my empathy for MB by trashing LK; that may be what has you confused, AngelaFreda.

I almost referred to you as simply “Angela”, but the other day I responded to LiberalSnowflake as just “snowflake”, and the mods edited out “snowflake”. Yes, my post was flagged for referring to someone who chose the screen name LiberalSnowflake as just “snowflake”. Fun times.


Oh I totally agree with that, Eggbutt.

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Speaking of posting under someone else’s screen name, since you brought it up, would that be a violation of the rules of this forum?

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Yes, I remember very well the disgusting, racist “review” of a barn she boarded at in NC. Posted under RG’s name. No comments on the care, just about the owners.


I don’t claim to be an expert on the COTH forum rules.


I don’t have empathy for LK, because I quite simply do not understand what she is feeling to make her act and react the way she does online and on the witness stand. It’s completely alien to me.

Sympathy? Sure, I can do that, but that’s only because I’m a generally sympathetic person.
I do believe that LK neither wants nor would she value any empathy or sympathy from me, except as a means to manipulate me to her benefit. This is based on my experiences with people who behave as she does, and based on her online postings.


I thought I read somewhere that empathy is what distinguishes us from animals.


I see empathy in animals all the time. They pick up each other’s feelings. They just have no words to rattle on and on about it.