MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Fair enough.

But you were criticizing LK for posting under RGs screenname, correct? It does seem like a form of dishonesty, if she was.

When posts under the screen name of IM appeared out of the blue the other day, it was “speculated” that the posts were by LK or by me.

It wasn’t me. I don’t think it was LK; IM sounded exactly like the old IM.

I’m just wondering if the “speculating” that I was posting under another user’s screen name was a form of accusing me of violating the forum rules.

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If you really wanted to know the answer to your question, you would post it in the technical help forum.


Yes. I agree. I’m not sure where or when I read that.


I don’t remember anyone speculating that you were the person posting under I-M’s handle the other day.

A few people did seem to be of the opinion that you and I-M had a coordinated message. :woman_shrugging:

But you know this. You just are looking for a way to control some of the dialogue on the forums, and get other people’s posts flagged and edited by the mods.

I have empathy for you. It must be REALLY tiring and frustrating to spend so much personal energy trying to control the discussion on various Barisone threads.

Hugs. Hang in there.


I’m not IM. I am not “coordinating” or communicating with IM. I am not posting under any screen name other than the one registered to my account.

Since it was suggested that either LK or I might be posting under a screen name other than our own, I just wondered if that was “a thing”.

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Best post ever.


Gee, I don’t know.

You seem stressed and frustrated. I’m sorry. That must be tough. Maybe go get some fresh air, eat a good meal, take a vitamin, drink extra water and go to bed early tonight. That might help.

Hang in there. Hugs.


I have a question, Judge Taylor and his opinions aside, in these types of situations what authority does the judge have to keep someone inpatient? Do they have to go with what the doctors say or do they just take it under advisement?

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That was so funny. I remember one of the actresses said that this episode of SNL was the first one her father was able to see in person, and she was really embarrassed that her dad was in the live audience while she was doing this skit.



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@Cat.J95, The rules give the judge quote a lot of discretion, I think, based on this:

Title 2C:4-9
The court may, in its discretion, appoint at least two qualified psychiatrists, neither of whom may be on the staff of the hospital to which the defendant had been committed, to examine such person and to report within 30 days, or such longer period as the court determines to be necessary for the purpose, their opinion as to his mental condition.


Thank you for finding that.


Y’all are making me hungry, but I have to shower first so I don’t make a meal full of horse hair and sweat.

I will share my favorite cheesecake recipe - ignore what it says about having to use a springform pan - I’ve made this in a regular cake pan 3 times, with no problem. You just have to use a lot of parchment paper. I also don’t wrap the cake pan in foil, just put it in a larger pan with water.



Try cinnamon ice cream on apple pie or apple cobbler. OMG - match made in heaven.


Totally agree!

That sounds amazing! Where are you finding cinnamon ice cream? I don’t think I’ve seen it before.

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Best ice cream I’ve ever had was Macadamian Nut in Oahu.


I made the cinnamon ice cream.
I have a Cuisinart machine that is fairly easy to use, and found the recipe online.


Here’s the thing about LK and RG’s gloating posts.

There is a tragic story in my extended family; my sister-in-law and her friend were pedestrians who were struck and killed by an impaired driver who then left the scene.

The driver was arrested within hours.

When the community found out that the commonwealth’s attorney was going to propose a plea deal, the family organized a protest and a prayer vigil outside the courthouse with some media coverage and no deal was offered.

When the driver was sentenced to 12 years, I didn’t know how to feel. I didn’t feel glad or vindicated or that justice had been served. I didn’t post about it on Facebook or gloat about how he got more time because of the prayer vigil. I sort of felt that it was appropriate that he got more time for killing two people and injuring one than some people get from drug offenses.

Mostly I felt sad. Sad about the people killed and injured, sad about the waste of life, including the driver’s.

Who GLOATS about something like that?

Yes, LK was shot. But other people’s lives were destroyed that day, not just hers. And she bears a lot of responsibility for things getting as toxic as they did because she didn’t do the sane thing and just leave when she was no longer welcome.

Gloating about someone being committed to a psychiatric hospital? OMG. Not that there isn’t lots of other evidence to that effect, but that is some serious narcissism/sociopathy there.