MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

@eggbutt - OMG that cheesecake picture is pure torture. I am salivating at my desk. I am trying to talk myself out of dashing to the grocery store to buy the stuff. I am thinking about the clothes I wont fit in after I personally devour the sucker in one sitting.


By responding you make them stronger. Love the tiger and use anconyms all the time! :cowboy_hat_face:


It is huge, so share with neighbors, friends, coworkers!

It is so important to leave it in the oven the extra hour to get that brown crust! The photo is of slightly warm cake. Some European friends of mind talked me into trying it a smidgen warm and it was amazing. This was the warm cake in the photo. You can see the left side of the inside cut is quite creamy. When cold it becomes a more solid creamy. I’ve made this cake for over 50 years and it always gets raves! Enjoy!


Agreed! I will not respond to any of them directly, nor will I mention their names. I made that vow earlier this week and I plan on keeping it. I have no time for deniers and enablers.


Every time you say their name they become stronger …. You give them energy and air you keep their fire lit. This is why one should not say the name of the evil one. You say his name you give him power and his dark Supporters are walking this earth. That is the only analogy i could call apon - sorry, do not mean to make it Christian - but Y”all are smart you get the point I am making.


Amazing how fragile some poster’s feelings are.

Can’t even handle jokes about hugs.

Yet… they steadfastly defend one of the most viciously vitriolic people to ever have posted on the COTH forums.



I was thinking this afternoon how I wished Joey Stagaard’s descriptive posts were still available to repost so those who might not be aware could read what was done to her. Hysterical? You bet she was! Tormented and harassed for years by a complete stranger! I’m told Joey posted on many of the YT chats and her posts were responded to with more vile responses from the total stranger!!! Predator squared. Tell me again how this family has nothing to show remorse over. I’ll wait.


TBH (heh) I thought you were referring to Voldemort.

Back on topic - I’m all about the ease of dump cakes right now, with cherry apple yellow cake making it smell and taste like autumn.


You just know the moderators will be relieved when this is over in months or years or ever :frowning:


Tiggers are wonderful things!


I have been sitting here deeply troubled by this case, during the trial and now with the results of the Krol hearing. I have no horse in this race except as a compassionate human being who believes that injustices are occurring. I felt like I had to do something.

So, in my frustration, I just sent an email to the producers of 48 Hours. I have no idea if they will read it or just ignore it thinking I’m a crackpot, but I could not sit here and not call out the injustices. Here is a copy of what I sent. I did sign my name at the bottom but am leaving it out here for obvious reasons. The title of the email was “Michael Barisone Case.”

"To Whom It May Concern:

I am a long-time equestrian who has been closely following the Michael Barisone shooting, the trial and its aftermath. I understand that 48 Hours is going to cover this case and, thus, my email to you.

I have no direct knowledge of the case, know none of the individuals involved and live across the country from the incident in CA. I do, however, keep up with this case via the Chronicle of the Horse Forums. I’m not sure if you have stayed up with the conversations there, but there are many attorneys who are members who participate in our discussions to offer legal perspectives on the case and who help us understand the intricacies of the law.

It seems that there have been many irregularities in the court’s handling of this case, both during and since the trial. The latest irregularity is the court’s handling of the recent Krol hearing that took place to determine if Mr. Barisone was going to continue to be in the custody of the state in a mental health facility.

There were countless delays of the hearing which violated NJ law and Mr. Barisone’s rights under that law. There have been inappropriate comments made by Judge Taylor who presided over both the criminal trial and the Krol hearing. There has been continuing social media harassment posted by Lauren Kanarek, the individual who was shot during the incident. Although Mr. Barisone is currently shielded from this harassment due to being an in-patient, it is evident that Ms. Kanarek is continuing to attack and defame Mr. Barisone.

As a frequent viewer of 48 Hours, I would hope that the producers of this program are continuing to follow the case and will present all sides in a fair manner. I also hope that they address the inconsistencies/violations of rights that the court has displayed in its administration of this case. The only way to correct injustices is to shed light on them. 48 Hours is in a perfect position to shed this light.

I look forward to all of your future episodes.



Just sitting here pondering the meaning of life on this rainy Saturday night. You know what question comes to mind???

Why does what happens on this board bother LK, and at least her mother if not other family members as well, so dang much???

Why are they so hung up on what a bunch of people they do not know think???

The situation here, with LK and her family and supporters attempting to control the conversation absolutely astounds me!

Were it me and my family, an Internet forum is the last place I would be spending precious time!

Time for physical rehab??? Yes!!!

Time for therapy to deal with potential mental health issues as a result of being shot??? You betcha!!!

Time to spend enjoying loved ones because I realize how truly short life could be??? 1000%!!!

Time for riding and honing my abilities as a horse person??? Just try to keep me away!!!

Time for accomplishing items on my bucket list??? Can’t wait to check those things off!!!

Time for trying to make the world a better place for others who are not as lucky or blessed as I am??? Try to stop me!!!

But time on an anonymous horse forum, trying to argue and threaten people who really meant nothing to the original situation to begin with??? Nah, ain’t happening!!!

Just the musings of a rainy Saturday night!!!



This says so much about you as a kindhearted person!!!


WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW!!! @Fiesta01 you are amazing!!!


But what you are missing @cutter99 is you have real goals, accomplishments, a support system that is concerned about your mental and physical health and who would get you any help necessary to resume your life. But that said, you would never be in this situation because you would have left when either you felt uncomfortable or when asked.


We removed some inappropriate commentary to keep the thread focused on the case vs. name calling, etc. The appropriate follow up to that action for those who would like to continue discussing the case is not to rehash the comments that have been edited or removed.


I wish 48 hours would have an expert in police forensics go over the evidence or lack of evidence, perhaps even a ballistic expert. (Currently watching a 48 Hours episode.)


The whole story is so horrific I wish I’d never heard of LK or this whole stinking drama.


I wager quite a few people wish they’d never met her!


Wondering what I missed… but I can imagine what it probably was. Let’s all take our own advice and ignore those who seek to inflame!