MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Do you mean JK and KK?

As I recall, the subpoena to JK explicitly said just sending the documents was sufficient and they were not asking him to be questioned about them.

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I did mean JK and KK. Thanks for pointing that out. I will go back and edit my post.

They might not be planning on questioning him about those documents just yet… but I would imagine at some point in this lawsuit discovery process, they are going to want depose JK.

Don’t you think they will want to depose JK? Why do you think they would not pursue that?


That was LK. KK and JK have made no such claims. They have made those claims about others, specifically lawyers in connection with active cases. I think that was a foolish strategy to employ, since there is undoubtedly evidence of JK’s involvement (from LK’s emails/texts/SM if nowhere else) and Seeker has personally admitted to hers.


It seems to me that the common theme to everything is “lies”. Everyone else is lying. That is the absolute worst thing to present to a court because the courts presume honesty and, in theory, there is a relationship between the courts and these lawyers.


While I think the judge’s personal comments were horrific and should warrant his removal from the case, I don’t completely disagree with the decision to keep him in treatment. It can take months to stabilize coming off of medications like that and, for Michael’s sake, it would be better to stabilize in a therapeutic environment rather than on his own.
Hopefully he speeds through the levels and the professionals can set him up for success.


Who gloats about “something like that”?

When the verdict came down as 2 NGRI and 2NG, wasn’t there a great deal of gloating posted here? Not only gloating that MB had been “exonerated” but that the victory in court came about because LK herself and sunk “her” case because the jury didn’t believe LK and RG because they were lying drug addicts. The italicized portion indicates the nasty insults inserted into the gloating. There is no evidence the insults are true: it was not “her” case, and while Bilinkas did what he could to impugn their testimony, there’s no evidence that the jury did not believe their testimony.

That’s not “gloating”?

I was always mystified by the claim that the NGRI verdict was a huge victory for MB. I guess that the gloating was based on the assumption that things would work like clockwork and MB would be released within a couple months, rather than committed at the Krol hearing.

The result of the Krol hearing in essence is part of the verdict. Given all the nasty gloating in April, which now appears to have been premature, you are dumping on LK/RG for posting a graphic with confetti?

You (g) consider LK to be the worst person on the planet, and nevertheless hold her to higher standards of social behavior (She was gloating over the Krol decision! How nasty!) than the standards you set for yourself?

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The documents they requested from JK are his written communications with RG and Tarshis, as I recall. In submitting them, presumably he stipulates that he wrote or received them.

Whet is there to question him about?

You (g) keep thinking of SGF as being antagonistic to the enemy, LK. But the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. You (g) seem to lose sight if the fact that SGF is also antagonistic to MB. They’ve already said that it was MB who had an unwritten, barter deal with LK giving her permission to live in the farmhouse, and that he was not authorized by SGF to make such an agreement. Getting the communication between JK and Tarshis is pertinent to thier cross claim against MB.

If they wanted to depose JK, I think they’d impose him now.

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What was expressed for the most part was how terribly LK and RG performed on the stand… their attitudes, their answers… they did sink themselves. Observing that was not gloating… just noting what everyone could see for themselves. Even the Law & Crime commentators on YT who follow many cases said that. LK even said she lied all the time on SM… and somehow you do not think that was a bad thing to admit? And yes, they were both drug addicts in the past and who knows about the present…

It is not advisable for LK or LK acting as RG or IM or anyone involved in the upcoming civil case to be celebrating and gloating - as, once again, they are only hurting their own case… and once again, fail to see that - or maybe they just do not care? It is very sad…


The jury seemed capable to me. They gave one clear answer which is something we certainly didn’t get once from LK.


Did you mean that you think they’d depose him now?

I definitely understand how spell check can sometimes mangle posts…


LK has certainly argued that was not the case on YT. She seemed to be saying that the jury wasn’t qualified to render the verdict they did.


Well that’s DEFINITELY what her lawyer (Nagel) seemed to say after that verdict.


Do you think SGF might try and depose the Lundbergs to support this position? When do you think it would make sense for them to do that?


SGF attorney doesn’t need to depose the Lundbergs because that’s, in essence, their client. LK’s attorneys will likely want to though, as the case progresses.


Ah - you are right. My brain was still stuck on thinking about SGF… but what I meant to ask was really about Nagel I guess.

@CurrentlyHorseless - what do you think? Do you think Nagel will depose the Lundberg’s to support the position you outlined?


Legal Eagles…y’all have studied all the filings more more than I have. Did any of the filings specifically mention demanding written communications between JK and Tarshis? I’m curious because surely they already have Tarshis’ documents wouldn’t you think? I just don’t recall that particular specific mention of Tarahis.


This is from the original subpoena attached to SGF’s motion for contempt re: JK.


Thank you very much @ekat. So it is Communication between JK and Tarshis…again, it seems they would already have that information from Tarshis, but I assume they want to see if he provides the same info. I have heard that attorneys already have the answer to questions they ask. Is that true?


Yup. Here is a screenshot of the subpoena that SGF sent to JK. It details the communications they want…


Look at the rest of it as well. They want communications between JK and the Lundbergs for all of 2019. The Lundbergs are part of SGF, and clearly Silver is representing their interests. Soooooo… it seems likely that Silver already has these communications from the Lundbergs…