MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I don’t think that sending MB to a facility to help him transition from jail, AK, and into normal society is a bad thing. It’s a “safe” call and would make sure that all boxes are thoroughly checked. Maybe he won’t be there for soo long. We’ll see.

I don’t think LK, RG, and Co. Will rest until they truly finish him and will forever revel in any suffering or negativity that MB may experience. It’s disgusting quite frankly, but most importantly, sad. This is their life. They’re so unhappy that they can only attempt to feel something through mockery and others suffering. What a way to waste your life. Especially with all of the resources LK has (horses, flexibility in that she has no job commitments, and money, allegedly). But hey, if that’s the way you want to live, then whatever, but don’t be offended when others call you out on your sh*tty ways.

What also amuses me, given her history, is the people that tirelessly defend LK and believe that being a victim and/or experiencing trauma means that she can do no wrong and shouldn’t be criticized. If that’s the case, no one should ever be allowed to say one negative thing about me and I should be able to get away with being a serial killer, essentially. #logic

It just says a lot about certain people, who tirelessly defend and excuse many of her actions. I’m fine with alternative views and whatnot, but it just says a lot about you when you spend hours on here standing up for these types of people. I’d consider a long look in the mirror, quite frankly.

I also can’t help but feel like anyone who willingly interacts with, engages with, or conducts business with the K’s after all this, surely has to be rather…inept or of similar character. I wouldn’t take my chances, even though I’m often “too nice” IRL. And no, not because of anyone here, there, or anywhere damaging their reputation(s), they did that all on their own. Plus, they just remind me all too much of people I’ve had negative experiences with in the past and try really hard to avoid.


You are so, so, far from reality, but keep on twisting :+1:

I am ok with someone having different opinions, but you’re something else.

Feel free to flag this post.


While at AK MB weaned himself off of meds under the supervision of a physician.


I’m sorry, are you trying to say there is no evidence that LK and RG are lying drug addicts? Did you watch the same trial as everyone else? They literally testified to that under oath.


I hear what you are saying with this.

But I really believe, on a deeper level, there is a VERY insecure human being lurking deep inside LK. Consider this quote about narcissism…

“When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.” — Brené Brown

Since the shooting, LK has moved to Loxahatchee to live there full time, and is apparently continuing to pursue being a competitive adult amateur dressage rider. I wonder…

1.) Does she struggle with feelings that she will never truly “belong” in the South Florida dressage community?

2.) Does she struggle with feelings of inadequacy as a result of being an “ordinary” adult amateur rider… like so many of the rest of us are? An ordinary adult amateur rider might be described as someone who has nice horses and can afford to train with good coaches, but who will not realistically progress past a certain level, nor ever compete for a spot on a U.S. team. I suspect LK has trouble coming to terms with this reality as well… she is no more remarkable than many other riders and owners in various “horsey” locations across the US.

Anyway… I bring this up because I think there is a certain desperation that underlies the whole “finish the bastard” thing with LK. On some level… I wonder if she feels that if she can just “win” this legal battle, and “prove” that MB was in the wrong… maybe then people in the dressage community will reconsider their opinions of her. Maybe then they will see her as a victim in this situation, feel sympathy for her, and accept her, to a certain extent. Maybe then she will “belong” to some extent. And if she is accepted and belongs… maybe then people will begin to see her as a more remarkable and special rider…

I think some of the ugly gloating and rage posting coming from her general direction reflects an ongoing degree of frustration with how she has been rejected in a fundamental way by the community she tried to insert herself in the midst of. And… it seems like she is not exactly setting the dressage world on fire with exceptional performances in recognized competition…

The truth is, regardless of what happens with MBs stay at Greystone, and his eventual release, and regardless of what happens with the legal battle… LK will NEVER be embraced by the dressage community. Not at all. And her competitive future will always be limited, because she is simply not of the same caliber as many other riders… who spend a lot less time on personal drama, and more time on riding their horses, achieving specific goals while moving up the levels with their horses, and participating in recognized competition where they actually earn scores that prove they have mastered specific skills, and are actually moving up the levels.

So in the end… she’s not going to “win.” The only way she can “win” at this point, is to pursue a fresh start with her life and equestrian hobbies… maybe move to a new town (or country), where she pursues riding in a different discipline.


Yes. And also, I would think if the negotiations involving JK to find LK a new barn and to leave was a lie made up by MB’s attorneys then I would have thought that there would have been moves by the prosecution and judge to block such testimony. I assume there will be some kind of evidence of a negotiation.

What I find very curious, and probably will be more relevant going forward…. the comments about MHG calling around and trying to block LK leaving.

  1. How did LK know? From her recordings? And if so, were they also subject to Seekers transcriptions. Where were those conversations had?

  2. I wonder how those fall in the timeline of the negotiations between JK/Tarshis.

Another thought……maybe RG is working with SGF. Some people seemed to think SGF acknowledged that he was owed money. Maybe SGF reached a settlement with him after all.


Interesting. I see her as a narcissist who thought she could pay a high end trainer to be the center of his world, when that’s not how it works, you garner their attention from hard work and achievements. Her rage came from not only not being the center of his world, but from not getting any attention from him, and soon his assistant trainers becoming disinterested, because of her lack of work ethic and talent.

Rage. Of course, without his recognition she wasn’t going to fit into any society in Florida either.


This bears repeating. If this is what she wanted, she will never get it. And I doubt the Little Ranches used as location for her interview with 48 hours was done for her sake. I’m sure it was done for 48 hours, and probably chosen by 48 hours because they knew it would flatter her, and represent an elite horse community. She trying to enter it. She seemed to indicate there would be a second part to her interview, which will no doubt be a studio, and not be in elite society.


I keep wondering if she will be ostracized? Show managers have the right to refuse entries, don’t they? I wouldn’t have her on a property I owned, and you have to wonder at the thinking behind anyone accepting her to be a student on their property, or going to her place for lessons.


The only skills LK has honed are predatory skills. It seems to have been pushed to the side or forgotten that LK has exhibited this pattern of behavior for years and years. The difference is at HH she was with her prey 24/7 and, because of her unacceptable behavior, was ostracized by every one to the point she had to punish them for abandoning her unrealistic goals and telling her to leave. I don’t for a second believe Michael didn’t tell her that he wanted her gone. That was probably her true breaking point and the FtB plan was edited to true and outright destruction. She would show him, by God!

I have no explanation for her supporters for the undying deflection of anything they deem unpleasant or casts a negative light on the Kanareks. The issue with that type of obsession on their part is they are unable to see the horrible behavior of the people they idolize. These people are saviors protecting the current underdog of the day. Perhaps they will eventually open their eyes…or not, similar to a group of radical political supporters in the US. Truth matters. Always.


I would imagine show managers don’t want to be sued as well.

I don’t know the exact timeframe of when she moved to her current facility. Maybe they didn’t know enough about her at the time they accepted her as a client to fully appreciate what they were getting themselves into…

With that said… I would imagine they are ALSO nervous about the risk of lawsuits if they ask her to leave.

Another thought… technically, the facility where she is currently a client, and show managers, need to be careful of incurring a SafeSport related sanction if they act against LK and attempt to declare her a “persona non grata.” Right now, there is still a SafeSport ban against MB, and it is known that LK is the “victim” in that case. If a show manager or a current USEF member acts against her… they might risk having her make a SafeSport complaint against them, and declaring that they are trying to “retaliate” against a “victim.”

I think the SafeSport ban on MB won’t be re-evaluated or amended until after he is released, and probably it will take even longer, and not change until after the civil case is resolved. If it shifts from the current full ban, to a more limited sanction forbidding he and LK from any contact at recognized venues… then… I think more people might begin drawing lines/boundaries with her…


I agree. But the deeper question is WHY does she need to have the attention and acceptance of a high end trainer? Realistically, she’s just another middling adult ammy. Which is totally fine! Plenty of great people are enjoying their horses and experience riding at the lower and middle levels.

But in her mind… it’s not fine. Theoretically… a person who is a narcissist has a deep insatiable need to belong, to be liked, to be seen as special. That’s the root of the narcissism.


As far as LK moving to another country, I’ve thought about this and believe it is the most intelligent decision she could make and go into a fresh start with a possible bright future. But that won’t happen primarily because she is too lazy to learn a new language or society norms. Plus, developing “connections” in the equine and social communities would take tremendous effort on her part. But that may be something Rob would like to pursue.

If LK had any drive to succeed, with her alleged resources, she could certainly follow a path similar to what JJ Tate has been on for the past months in Europe (at a much lower level), completely immersed in hard core athletic training on and off the horse. Can any of you see her actually doing that? IMO, a path like the journey JJ has been on would truly show all of us, and particularly Michael Barisone, that we were all wrong about her. I dare her to look into it and better yet, commit to it!


I don’t think that’s an option due to finances and let’s be honest, there is no fresh start for people like that. I firmly believe she feels she has done nothing wrong.


There are a few very talented people mostly musicians who also have drug problems and they seem to either OD young or go to rehab.

There are no star athletes with an active opiod addiction.

As long as we are discussing toxic narcissists, their reactions to things are counter productive and not rational. Their sense of self is fragile and when its challenged they will explode in defensive rage at the closest target. They tend to have very little understanding of how they appear to the general world. They will often have a small group often dependent family members who participate and even enable their thoughts and behavior but they will also turn on them too.

Obviously any active opiod addict is going to be a mediocre athlete, especially in a new sport started in middle age. And I can’t imagine too many barns welcoming an active addict.

The only time the addict can really escape from knowing they are a mediocre very flawed person is in the feelings of grandiosity and well being caused by their drugs. Which is why drug addiction is going to magnify narcissism.


If the non-response to the subpoenas was simply a routine administrative error the extension to the 23rd would not have been required in the first place.
As soon as they got notice that there were contempt charges for them not responding they would have said ‘but we did respond, here is our copy of what you asked for’ not ‘we need more time’.

I also want to say that I like lollipops so it is hard for me to make the word into her name.
(Though I do giggle at it.)


Here is the thing about LK that some people do not seem to get.
She is not against doing ‘this’ to anyone she decides is not to her liking anymore.

You (general) might be her friend right now and you can laugh at her evil as it is done to others and pretend that you are safe because she is your friend.

Just remember, as soon as she turns, that simple conversation you had via text will be chopped and some single line will be posted all over the internet as her proof that you are evil in some way, or she will use something you told her about you against you as your weakness, etc.


This is so true!


That would be a miracle for sure. Unfortunately, as we all know, it will never happen. I guess I just don’t comprehend how you can live your life as LK does and see nothing wrong with it. She seems to lack the ability to really put energy into anything other than destroying people.


I really don’t know any narcissist (although I do have a BIL who is pretty borderline), but what is her deep love & devotion to her horses and dogs? Is it they (she thinks) “love” her back when no one else will?

If so, that is so sad.