MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Had to repost and bold this as @trubandloki is spot on- this will happen again!!!


Are we sure we know she is deeply devoted to her horses and dogs? What evidence have we seen of that? How do we know the horses are not just a means to an end- her own personal glory and such?

Rosie has attacked more than one person. If she were to attack the wrong person, it could be fatal for Rosie, as she could be seized and euthanized as a vicious dog. That is not a good or devoted dog owner in my book.

What about her devotion to RG, her life partner, as she termed him when testifying? She has physically gone after him before, as well as thrown him under the proverbial bus before, then backed that sucker right over him?

What about her devotion to her parents? They certainly seem to defend her every move and are ready to come to her rescue, yet she dragged them into this mess in their elderly years. She seems to have no issues with them being exposed to COVID, when she herself claims she cannot travel due to it.

I propose LK is devoted to one person and one person only- herself!


Legal and Smart people, do these rights apply to Krol detainees as well?

***edit to add, I automatically group legal people into the smart category!


Here is an essay that talks about these dynamics in relation to romantic relationships with people who have NPD. It can be applied to friendships with NPD people as well though.

The opening reference to the fable about the frog and the scorpion sums it up perfectly…

A frog and a scorpion are sitting by the river. The scorpion asks the frog to carry him across. The frog says, “No! If I do, you’ll sting me!” The scorpion replies, “That’s foolish. If I did, we’d both drown.” So, reluctantly, the frog agrees to ferry him to the other side. About halfway across, the frog feels the sting of the scorpion’s tail in his back. As he begins to drown, with his last breath, the frog exclaims, “You fool! What have you done?! Now we’ll both die!” The scorpion replies, “I couldn’t help it. It’s in my nature.”



Isn’t it a little more complicated than that? SGF is a LLC that has the Lundbergs as part owners but also MB as a part owner.

If it’s the attorneys for the insurance company that has insured SGF, I’d think they need to depose pretty much everybody, including the Lundbergs to get sworn statements to present in court, if only to establish that the Lundbergs, as part owners of SGF did not commit the LLC to any agreements with LK.

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They’re asking for communications between JK and MB, Tarshis, and the Lundbergs for all of calendar 2019.

They want to establish that it was MB who agreed to her living in the farmhouse, not SGF.

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SGF is asking for communications between JK and MB, Tarshis, and the Lundbergs for all of calendar 2019. I think they are more interested in MBs agreement for LK and RG staying in the farmhouse in early spring 2019, rather than the negotiations for her to leave.

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If MBs alleged agreement with LK and RG concerning them staying in the farmhouse in 2019 was actually documented in writing in a text or email between one of these parties… wouldn’t that have come out at some point during the criminal trial?

It seems like it should have come out by now if there was documentation of this agreement and the related terms.


LK’s “manifesto”, I believe it was the manifesto…it may have been posted here, said it was written and audio recorded…


First, it is SGF that is alleging there was some at sort of barter agreement between LK and MB.

Second, whether there was a documented agreement or not, shooting her was equally against the law, so no, I don’t see how it is relevant for the criminal trial. That was simply about whether he attempted to murder her.


I guess I should have prefaced that with she professes to be devoted to her animals.

Otherwise you are right!


Who knows who CH really is? We certainly don’t.

We do know that CH is very focused on speaking in defense of LK though. And of explaining this whole situation from LKs perspective.

:thinking: :woman_shrugging:


I just only vaguely remember Bilinkas’ cross examination of LK. But he definitely asked questions about the details of the agreement she had with MN regarding boarding horses, and living at the farmhouse. It seems so weird to me that LK didn’t mention that the agreement was documented in texts, or an email, or anything.

Maybe I should go back and rewatch that portion of the trial.

Do you remember that portion of the trial?

Maybe Judge Taylor kept Bilinkas on a super short leash during his cross examination… to avoid anything prejudicial from making its way into the record. Taylor was definitely careful about that.

Hmmmm. I wonder why he wouldn’t even allow Bilinkas to reference an email or text where an actual boarding and living agreement was documented in some way, though… if it was just a matter of a straightforward contract… it doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t have been particularly prejudicial.

Clearly I am missing something pretty obvious about this. :woman_shrugging:


We are discussing the current legal filings with the civil trial. Please stop rehashing the criminal trial, and please stop encouraging those who are trying to twist the facts to continue either. This is about the civil trial.


Agreed, but isn’t the contract going to be front and center of the civil trial? I sure have questions about whether there was a written contract and what it specified. It has been alleged it was a crude contract, but how was it finalized - text, paper, email, what?

But I completely agree the last paragraph of the OP’s post is worn out…the preaching and repeating is absolutely unnecessary - we know what the poster believes.


The contract, if it was documented in electronic communications, is completely relevant to the civil trial.

SGF literally just sent out subpoenas for all these communications. If LK actually had documented it… it’s weird it wasn’t mentioned during her cross exam.


If the contract was actually between JK and MB… that might be a factor during the civil trial as well. SGF is seeking JKs communications for some reason.


But remember YankeeDuchess was the same about doggedly defending LK, and she allegedly had no connection to her either. I think some people just like to be contrary, and to argue for arguments sake. They pick a side and then are committed to sticking with it, even after they realize theirs is the losing side, because they simply can’t stand to admit they were wrong.


Let’s please drop the tangential line of discussion regarding whether various posters are in cahoots with parties associated with the case. There is no evidence to suggest we have alters of previously banned users posting. Beyond whether or not their posting privileges have been previously revoked, it doesn’t particularly matter why someone is choosing to post, and focusing on that person’s motivations, etc. primarily just serves to make them even more of a focus of the thread.

It’s fine to present a different POV, and is fine to be irritated by another poster’s POV. Debate the opinion or post if you want, or ignore it if you don’t want to contribute to focus being shifted to that line of discussion.


I figure they lawyers already have, say, MG’s communications, Tarshish’s and SGF’s communications. Asking for JK to produce his communications to MG, Tarshish and SGF would do what? Prove that the received certain emails, and that he was actually in conversation about subjects, so he can’t say, nobody ever asked him to have her leave, they can establish that the conversations weren’t one-sided, etc. I guess.