MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

That type of discovery might also show that the reason Lauren Kanarek was there was because Jonathan Kanarek made Michael let her stay there.
I can totally see why that type of information is something that those lawyers would need/want to prove their case.

To make sure they got everything.

If party A give three emails and party B gives three emails, but each have one email that is different …


Then somebody isn’t producing all their emails…


That might be on purpose or it might not be on purpose.

The point is simple, if you ask for the communications from all sides you are more likely to get a larger percentage of all the communications.


Are there any updates on Lauren Kanarek’s deposition and what is happening with that?


Does anyone know if Michael has been moved to Greystone yet? I’m anxious for him to begin the process with a real program.


I could not stop thinking about this very thing all weekend!

Hopefully this move is not anywhere near as much of debacle as when they moved him to AK.


Holy heck - I’ve literally been on an island for a week with no reception. Can someone give me the crib notes?? Just the highlights?


Well… MBs Krol hearing happened. Lara Osborne posted a 3 part update on the GFM account, and Nancy Jaffer covered the hearing and wrote an article about it.

Inigo-Montoya made an appearance on the forums immediately after the hearing. It was lively. It seems the Kanareks are pleased MB was not released yet, but I-M expressed that he himself was still agitated in general with the amount of support MB seems to have on these forums…

There was supposed to be some sort of ruling on LK having to do in person depositions last Friday, but, it’s confusing now as to whether the ruling was delayed or it will be combined with the Sept. 23rd hearing regarding JK and KK not responding to their subpoenas from SGF.

Sooooo… lots of moving pieces right now.

MB should transfer from Ann Klein to Greystone soon, and start a program that theoretically will help prepare him for life as a person who is able to manage mental health challenges with outpatient therapy alone.


@Tarlo_Farm I will add to the great post by @Virginia_Horse_Mom above.

It is 100% worth going to the Go Fund Me and reading the updated posts. Note that there was so much information that LO had to make it in three posts so you hit the button to see the older posts and scroll to the third post and start there. Well worth the read. So much stuff about Taylor showing his bias and how the hearing went and some added details that were not clear in the Nancy Jaffer article.

IM’s posts here right after the hearing were mean and libelous. They have since been edited (by moderation, because they were so not based in facts). He called Michael all kinds of names.


@Tarlo_Farm, I assume you know the stuff the thread was started about - Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek facing contempt charges because they have not answered their Subpoenas.

IM posted (during the flurry of posts after the Krol hearing) that Jonathon and Kirby did answer and that it is a lawyer lost the paperwork thing, not them not answering.
Several of us have noted that if that was the case then it seems strange that Lauren’s lawyer applied for an extension on that situation instead of them just saying ‘but wait, we sent that stuff, here it is again and here is proof we sent it’. But…their version of telling the truth online appears to run in that family.


Thanks for those updates. If only it would rain for three or four days so I could read all the juicy posts! And I will go to the GF me page. It’s time to add to that as well as my Ukraine GF me pages.


All the juiciest posts got flagged and edited. :upside_down_face:

We are all on a very very short leash now. But… the thread is still open. So that’s good.

Definitely read LO’s GFM update.


There was no “straightforward contract” in the form of a lease.

SGF is trying to establish that whatever verbal barter agreement was reached regarding LK living in the farmhouse, the agreement was created by MB and not SGF as an entity or by the Lundbergs.

Exactly who it was that struck the deal (MB or SGF?, LK or JK?) was not relevant for the criminal trial. However, the fact that there was an agreement and that she was a legal tenant was relevant in terms of MBs state of mind. As I recall, the terms of the agreement were first brought up by Schellhorn, and then pursued by Bilinkas.

That’s why they’re subpoenaing JKs communications with all the players — MB, Tarshis, and the Lundbergs.

I assume that thorough lawyers would subpoena both sides of any suspected communications, so I’m guessing MB, Tarshis, and the Lundbergs were also subpoenaed for their texts and emails with JK and LK.

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You know this, how?

As I recall the details were very vaguely referred to and the details left unclear


Sworn testimony by, Tarshis?

I recall the details not being very well fleshed out, which obviously is faulty… so I’d love for you to remind me of the details testified to re this:



It should be noted that to establish “legal tenancy” all that is required is for a party to have been domiciled for more than 30 days.

A contract is not necessary. In this case it seems certain parties are hot and heavy to specifically assign permission/agreement of tenancy to a certain party.

Question that motive and what would possibly transpire with one party being assigned culpability over another or other parties for entering into an agreement that LK could live at Hawthorne Hill.

I know that answer. It’s a strategem BTW.


Ding ding ding.

Thanks for spelling it out.

Also, that’s an important reminder concerning the more than 30 days makes someone a legal tenant issue.


CH - you continually advise us that you do not know the Ks or have any connection to them.

How is it you are so very certain of their motives, and why are you so very vested in defending them, protecting them, explaining away their actions (or lack of action), and at times even predicting their actions? And they at times parrot what you have said here?

Methinks there is more to all this than meets the eye. :thinking:


If only i could believe JK didn’t coerce and force MB under duress to permit that illegal tenancy. I would then imagine it must have been a heck of a threat for what I’m imagining was coercion on JKs part to work.

I’m imagining this based on past behavior as evidenced by shoddy work being self reported to make MB the bad guy.