MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I think that reaction, for both sides (the average person just complying because it is easier and the predator counting on that reaction) is pretty darn typical. The person who is willing to stand up and say ‘this person is trying to bully me into compliance’ is far more rare than those who just go along.

In other words, it does not mean someone has something to hide just because they went along.


In situations regarding finances while she was in NC, JK was most definitely involved and if something went wrong JK became the threatening junk yard dog. His empty threats carried more weight because of his attorneys status. Nobody ever asked what field of expertise he had experience in though. I know one little woman who marched right up to JK’s chest, pointed her finger at him and told him she was not threatened by him, her business was her business to run as she wanted, and he could get off her property. They ended up chatting half the evening over a bottle of wine and are quasi-friends today. Another business owner simply hung up after repeated calls from JK threatening them.

I can understand MB bowed to the threats, believing they were real, and he didn’t want to be tied up in legal actions.


We still don’t really know what field he specialized in.

Which is interesting. As much as has become public so far… other things have remained notably private.


The very same thing happened here on this very Board.

LK threatened multiple posters. Some left, some went silent but I exposed it because my career gave me familiarity with the topic of being sued. So we can use the reactions of the posters here as an example as to varying reactions to threats of legal action.


Here is an example of sorts. My cousin is threatening to serve me with papers, lawsuit, if I do not provide to him the name of the executor of my Aunts estate. He is calling it her Power of Attorney. But I digress. Frankly it is none of his business. And I am not executor of the will/estate. So I am under Noooooo obligation to give him anything. Is there a point? I have a point. Even though this is not the first time my lovely cousin has threatened me with legal action, I know he is full of bung. So I am ignoring him. If and when he does serve me with a legal action, I will then gather up my resources and confront the action. But at this time I am not in a fragile state of mind. At least I don’t think I am. I guess its who you ask. I also have, due to the nature of my day job, many resources at my fingertips.

Anyway, not that my little story means a hill of beans to what is/was happening in MB’s life, some people are much nicer than I and will just give in and go along. Me, it’s been brought to my attention that I can be a bitch.


It seems to vary with the wind and whims, whether contracts are or aren’t valued .

Lack of contracts are evidence of MB being a bad businessman, on one hand, while not required when its convenient for some


Well, and let’s remember MB had been a victim if severe abuse as a kid, so…


And Lauren knew that fact!


And its likely subtle, death by 1000 cuts as it were.
So gradual that its hard to recognize perhaps, except by those who have a bit of distance so its clearer for one to see. Like, say, your so or friend .


What an insightful and accurate post. Thank you.


She and NP really are likely cut from the same cloth.
Lashing put at those who hint at their mediocrity.
I wonder if that was the seed of the FtB, that someone stopped humoring her on that regard.


In this NBC news article on Alex Jones they say that because Jones and his lawyers did not turn over requests documents the judges handed out the harshest penalties possible.

Can something like this happen in LK’s case if she and her fam don’t give up the requested items?


Do we know anything about when/how she came to possess knowledge of his history as a victim of abuse during his childhood/teen years?

Was it widely known amongst people who were friends with him and had trained with him for a long period of time… and she just became aware over the course of her time as a client?


Is this personal history of MBs something she learned about via the recording devices that were placed on the farm by RG?


I am not a lawyer, but my best guess is no, because the Kanarek clan is not on trial. Alex Jones was.


Maybe. I have some friends who work in reality TV and most filming locations are simply chosen if 1 - the owner will sign a release and 2 - there is enough room to accommodate the lighting & crew required at the time they need to film.

Its possible her real barn just didn’t want a camera crew there and would not sign a release.


It is my understanding Michael is outgoing, gregarious and is an open book with his friends. It is common knowledge he did not like his mother and why. During any conversation about her, he may have made comments about his abuse and how he had worked on the after effects of that abuse most of his life. Or she may have found medications or documents in his office describing the issues he had.

Again, like the hyena, this woman looks for weakness in her victim and using the weakness as a weapon against them. For example, Joey’s child and how he died was one of her weaknesses. The predator focused on that weakness and was brutally vile and horrifying toward Joey via texts.


Perhaps because Paradigm didn’t want it publicized that she boarded there. Or, to be fair, maybe she didn’t want the general public to know where she boarded since she is obviously well aware how she is not a popular figure to many.


Does anyone know how long it will be before Michael will be moved to Greystone? I hope there is a limit on time allowed so it can be soon.


There have been limits associated with everything and they have been ignored so I am not thinking any of the rules will be followed this time even if they do exist.


This may be why the delay in responding to the discovery subpoena, as that could really change the flavor of the case, if there is coersion involved with the tenancy.