MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

If they do uncover actual evidence that supports the idea that JK coerced MB to agree to allow LK and RG to stay at the farmhouse in spring of 2019… might that be something that could result in MB’s legal team petitioning to add JK as a defendant with respect to MBs counterclaims?


Wow. Waded through much of this and I have these things to say:

It was 38,000+ PAGES of social media, not posts.
LO on her GFM page explains clearly MBs medications and the removing of them.
Taylor is clearly biased and needs to be reported.
Speaking for myself, the letters I write to MB never mention ANY of this debacle. None. Zero. Zip. I tell him stories of my horse experiences, share the work on my cabin, recite stupid, funny recollections about friends, family, dogs, cats, and the like. Stuff to help get him outside his little world at Klein.
CH has an alarming way of misinterpreting verbage and inserting alternative words.


My guess is the move will not happen until there is a bed available for him at Greystone.

My second guess is that there is a serious shortage of beds available at Greystone… just like there was at Ann Klein. I’d expect he will have to wait awhile, again. :cry:


Oh yes, absolutely.


It doesn’t necessarily mean he won’t be beginning treatment/therapy that can give him a leg up at Greystone, however.


That’s good to know.

I hope he can continue to hang in there, and that whatever services are provided are of some help to him. He certainly has been through a PROFOUNDLY stressful experience over the last three years, and transitioning back to his life outside of an institutional setting will be tough.


Reading the GFM update it’s pretty clear that whatever AK has offered in the way of therapy falls FAR short of what should be offered. Obtaining real therapy at Greystone is far more likely, but of course, he has to be transferred first.


The way I understand it they are no real services offered at AK. They more house people there than treat people there.


Let me reiterate, there is no treatment at Ann Klein! AK is evaluation and control ONLY. The faster Michael can get to Greystone the faster his formal treatment will actually begin. I can’t help thinking any delay in moving him is punitive. If the move takes a month or more to achieve, that’s a month or more of lost treatment time so Taylor will extend his Greystone stay next March for another 6 months!!! I do not trust this system and the people involved in making decisions in NJ one iota.


I still don’t understand why RG has been excluded from all this legal wrangling. Just because he doesn’t have assets is no reason in my mind to not include him. He’s bound to have information, or would it be hearsay?

Oh, speaking of RG, several friends in the Raleigh, NC area told me they had heard a rumor that RG was seen there recently. :flushed: I wonder if it could be true? Thinking it through RG has a familiar appearance so he could easily be mistaken for someone else. But still, he did testify that he liked NC.
??? Curious.


He could be a witness, and be getting subpoenas along with the others.

Or he’s done a runner, as your post suggests, and they have decided it’s not worth finding him?


Maybe he has answered and complied with whatever had been requested of him thus far.

I’d imagine that they are still in the early stages of the litigation, and perhaps more requests will be made with respect to deposing different key witnesses. Maybe they want to get LK done first though -


In state vs fields, the 1978 case to follow the 1975 Krol case, there is quite a lengthy explanation to the rights of someone involuntarily committed due to NGRI being the same as those who have not committed an act that would otherwise be a crime. It also goes into why the judge should err on the side of caution concerning the NGRI as compared to the other as the NGRI committee has demonstrated a violent act in comparison to being deemed capable of being a threat to self or others. This is for the public protection.

The “update” on GFM did state that MB’s withdrawal from medication was with his psychiatrists supervision and he took part in any offered group therapy. While it seems as though his therapy at Greystone may be more structured, the rest, nutrition, and guided interaction is reported to have been very beneficial for him. The judge seems to have followed the legal guidance except for the timeline. The timeline seems to have been affected by staffing and Covid.

I posted the information concerning the 1975 and 1978 Justia documents along with a guidebook above. Edited to add I also posted a link to the New Jersey Statue and Rules as well pus a Rule 39 mentioned in the Justia documents. The posts are 4147 explanation and 4149 links. You can search New Jersey State vs Fields 1978 Krol or New Jersey State vs Krol 1975 or New Jersey involuntary commitments for more information.

With the upcoming civil trial, depositions, and testimony and legal representation vigorously defending their clients, all affected parties must be under a great deal of stress. Hopefully, once it is over, and MB has been in treatment, they can both get back to healing and moving on with their lives.


What is “guided interaction” and where does that appear in the Go Fund Me update?


Why is this past tense? :confused: He is not at Greystone yet and he sure as heck didn’t receive this at AK. Sure AK was several steps up from county jail.


@hut-ho78, I am curious. Are you just going back and reading all the stuff that @eggbutt posted about Krol (with links) and sharing that stuff with us so we know you are reading it now? Or do you think you are finding stuff that has not already been posted here on this very topic?
If you are just catching up, that is great. Then we can all be on the same page about how Taylor is not following the rules.

Edit to change name of poster who posted Krol links…


I’m wondering if @hut-ho78 actually read all three parts of the most recent GFM update since there was so much she must have missed like all the changes in the hearing date for one thing. I remember before the actual hearing two posters kept pushing the idea that Michael Barisone’s team were delaying it with negative connotations!

The avoidance of facts is remarkable! Truly!!


And just like that, some folks spoke as if attorneys.


Any hearing updates?
Anything posted about Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek’s contempt charges for not answering the subpoena?
I should think that if it was just a case of things being lost they would have that all taken care of by now.

Any news on when Michael will be moved? I hope it is soon. If he has to be confined at least he can be somewhere that is providing him with treatment.