MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Was Dateline at the trial? These shows don’t do that, do they? Follow the same case?

I doubt it, especially since we have only heard about 48 Hours covering it.

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No need to shout. :roll_eyes:

That Dateline is about a cyclist



But wouldn’t you be upset if you missed it because you thought it was Dateline rather than 48 Hours? Bold caps was for attention, not to offend. :wink:


I really like 48 Hours’ description on their YouTube page -


Agree. Although I did work in feature film and not television,

Is it possible that Episode 1 The Random Menace interviews were long ago and the more recent interviews were for Episode 2 Attack of the Phones?

Meaning one on the criminal trial and the next on the civil trial? Or some similar structure?


Could be. It does seem like it would be too much ground to cover in one episode.


And too long a period of time. It could be years before the civil trial really gets resolved.

There aren’t two episodes, that anyone is aware of. Just the one episode at 10 PM EDT.

BTW an episode is actually 42 minutes.

My listing says there is a new one at 8:00 C and a new one at 9:00C. Can’t tell if they’re doing one twice or two new shows.

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I’m assuming they will cover the civil trial too.

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Nancy Jaffer says it will be the 10:00 PM episode.


LK was interviewed 6/21. To my knowledge she was only interviewed once.

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Ah ok, thanks, I did not get the correct impression of timing of that post.

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I’m a day behind, and have only gotten to this now - if anyone finds a way to link to these episodes for those who aren’t in the USA, that’d be fabulous. It’s not shown in my country.

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Try these
where to watch 48 hours https://g.co/kgs/HzeLUa


Thank you! It’s showing episodes from a few years ago, but I’ve put a series link on it now and will scroll through them all until I find the one I need. Strangely, it linked to Judge Judy instead of 48 Hours where I am, and god knows there’s THOUSANDS of them I had to discount. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I’m not sure that I’ll have access to it either. Or maybe I will later on. So I’ll have to rely on COTH Cliff’s notes.

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