MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

That’s my point, @trubandloki

Strange, You say you can not see my posts and you were not tagged and you have me ignored…

Your point makes no sense.


This is an interesting point. He definitely wasn’t in the trailer. I wonder if he will feature in the episode at all. If not… hmmm. :thinking:


As more and more stuff comes out, I think we can safely ignore some posters….


Thank you so much for linking that, it’s very interesting indeed. From what little was shown, and from @eggbutt’s screenshot above, I get the feeling that this may well not be going the way LK and the family thought it would. This is always a problem when you’re not “live” to TV and things get filmed and then cut and shut. Blossom might have thought she was captured perfectly and it’s all champagne and balloons - then it gets turned around in editing. Of course, I could be totally wrong, and all those long promised juicy bombshells are just about to come out and leave us open mouthed with shock. I guess we’ll know soon enough.


Today is Thursday. It will be interesting to watch the degree of agita as the 48 hours episode airs. Inevitably, it will spill out in comments on COTH, YT, and wherever else Lollypop and the fam choose to post.


I will point out again that their claim to have lots of money was contradicted by their sworn testimony in the trial when they said they could not afford to be at the farm in New Jersey unless they wrangled some sort of barter arrangement to be there.

Unfortunately for MB, he tried to accommodate them.


Wah. Video unavailable. The uploaded has not made this available in your country.

Click on the link Hut-Ho posted above - it worked for me and I’m in Canada, so it should work for you too!




OK, now that I’ve watched the preview video, I am in complete agreement that the presence of Boyd Martin is an unexpected but very welcome bonus. Bless him.

Note to self. Buy popcorn before Saturday!


Thank you EaDoug and Hut-Ho. Wowee it looks like 48 hours has nailed it. I presume as I could see the trailer on there that I can watch the episode as well?

Hahaha at LK trying to get people not to watch.


Yes, huge thanks for posting the trailer!!


Bluntly, her heavy makeup, overly coifed hair and false eyelashes come across as bizarre on screen. And it’s not just that she appears that way during the 48 hours interview… she looked that way in the NYT photo, and obviously during the trial as well. She comes across as a wannabe Kardashian.

I would imagine she thinks she looks great like that… which is why she goes for that look when her image is going to be very public. But… there is a notable contrast between her and everyone else who was interviewed or pictured. MHG, LO and of course, Boyd, are all fit and attractive people. But… they aren’t even remotely similar to LK. They come across as more down to earth and genuine… not like they are obsessed with their image.

Even the interviewer for 48 hours, Nikki Battiste, had on less dramatic makeup the various times she appeared in the trailer for the episode, and a more subdued personal presentation than LK. Think about that. It’s literally her job to actually appear great - well coifed, etc - as she gives on camera interviews to others… and yet, she looks more low key and genuine than LK during the interview.


Understatement regarding Boyd! Lol.


Just watched the preview… wow. :hushed:


Boyd is to 2022 what the Man from Snowy River was to 1982.


Out in the wilds of California here, I’ll keep my eye on this discussion as those in earlier time zones see and react to the show. Echoing others, the trailer is effective and disturbing.


I agree, but there’s a huge amount of women in the world that think they way LK has put herself together is the pinnacle of fabulous. It totally doesn’t work for me, or any of my girlfriends, but maybe the crowd she hangs with all look like that? One of my girlfriends is an “eyebrow artist to the stars” and even she doesn’t look like that, but others go mad for the tarantula eyelashes etc. To be fair, I’d kill for LKs hair, mine will never look like that - no matter what you do to it.


Unrelated tangent.

I was just reading an article in the Times about a new play about Burns starring Alan Cumming, where he uses a lot of interpretive dance in the story, even though he is not actually a trained dancer. That seems like it would be interesting to see.