MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?


Tom Burlinson. Loved him in Phar Lap as well.


It really seems as if the description of wannabe Kardashian is spot on.

As an aside, I happened to see one of the Kardashians (Kourtney?) on one of the morning shows this week. Not on purpose. I was watching the previous story and then she popped up.

It was absolutely unbelievable how many times she used the word “like” throughout the conversation. There were times when it was really almost every other word. I am considering banishing the word from my vocabulary as a result. Lol.


Of course she did. Narcissists think they walk on water. They think nobody can see through them, and all they have to do is open their mouth and the world falls into line. Even though the facts are not there, they still think it. Because Daddy will take care of everything.


Because to the Kanareks it is all smoke and mirrors. There is nothing there. No talent, no drive, no empathy, no integrity, no accomplishment, and probably very little actual $$ based on the extremely sweet deal they had for 5 horses plus living accodations.

For sure 48 Hours will point out LK had several opportunities to leave but chose to stay and
Finish the Bastard.

Hey Jonathan, if you’re trolling here, the only person who deserves to be in jail for many, many years is your daughter and possibly the others involved in her plan to destroy and that includes you, doesn’t it?

Why weren’t the recordings and bombshells mentioned as LK promised (“ah, I got that off my chest…”).


I wonder if the farm scenes are from when it was HH or if the new owners allowed filming there for the show.

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He’s exactly as I pictured him, only fatter. I thought he would be in tennis-shape. I dated a man who looked like him, but in his 60’s was in great shape from playing tennis, so maybe that’s why.


Thank you! I’m so used to links to US stations not working in Canada, I didn’t bother to click on it.


For some reason my brain created him as about 6’4" and slim. I mean, it has no bearing on anything. I just thought it was curious how my brain created a character like when I’m reading a novel.

I sometimes have the same reaction when I see movies / shows based on books.


I betcha 48 hours cut that from the episode so that they could fit in more clips from their Boyd interview. :woman_shrugging: Viewers want what viewers want. We’re only human.


Agreed on imaging how characters in my novels look. To me, JK took on a rather Montgomery Burns-esque look in my mind. I was off. Way off. More of a grown-up and aging Nelson.


this x 1000


More details on the episode from Nancy Jaffer:


So does anyone know, when in the preview, Lauren was walking along a shedrow and petting a horse, when the interviewer asked her about horses, and she said “yes, they are everything to me” or some such, she stops and pets a horse, was it her horse?


Further proof that the “movies in our heads” can be way off base. WAY off base.


My favorite part were the lawyers. They were fabulous. Then, along came Boyd. Boy oh Boy oh Boyd.


I think honestly, when she takes a thoughtful look at her life, it would probably behoove Lauren to try a different discipline with horses. Maybe 3 day eventing. There are alot of really top notch eventer trainers in the US. There’s one in PA, isn’t there? Martin? Martin-something? Oh. Wait.


LK thanked the LR folks for hosting her there for “the interview” and it’s likely that they were paid by someone to have her there, petting a horse, which may or may not have been one of hers. You’d have to dig up photos and compare them, to get some sort of conclusion. I wouldn’t be surprised if the location was JK’s doing, for narrative control purposes, just like the NY Times article and the associated photos were.


Ya know… it’s actually sort of hilarious to contemplate LK trying to ride with various top tier Eventing coaches. Especially certain “old school” people who have well deserved reputations for being tough with their students.

If she thought MB was a bully… she should try spending time as a working student in an Eventing program… that might give her some perspective :rofl:


You have no point.


Naaah. This is pretty much always the point: