MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

But if I’m creating a preview, those juicy shocking bombshells at least get hinted at.
No mention that MB and others actually plotted to kill her… I mean, if that had a demonstrably factual basis, it would be the hook of the preview.


When my granddaughter was 2, she kind of looked like a troll doll. She was adorable (in my eyes).


I don’t know if it’s the same farm, but if so it’s probably not when MB was there because of the one scene with the heavily blanketed horses. Who knows if MB’s horses even had blankets!
OK, maybe one, but not the fourteen you need for a northern winter!


LOL - Brown Derby, that reminds me of something Melle van Bruggen said to me in a clinic years (MANY) ago: “Why are you schooling flying changes with him, when you haven’t mastered Training Level!?” Ouch. :wink:


Lendon Gray could be fun too. “Is there something I’m doing that is preventing you from following my instructions?” (Horse was referred to as a Creature."

You learn to get over yourself pretty quickly. No more sunglasses needed to hide the tears.


The preview most definitely centered around her social media posting, and the role that played in the shooting.

I found it quite interesting that they interviewed Dr. Simring, and he declared on 48 Hours that Lollypop “gaslit” MB. I also took note of the various images (both photos, and short video clips) of LK they used in the trailer. They most certainly cultivated a a clear impression of her personality … I screen shot several of the images they used to show how they added up to a certain impression. The last image is from the trial… 48 hours paused on that frame of LK’s face and expression while Dr. Simring’s voice was playing in the background talking about her gaslighting MB and driving him crazy…


I was training with a well known trainer in my area and during the she yelled at me “STOP, what are you doing?” and I responded with what I thought I was doing and she responded with “no,you arent”. I dont remember with the actual movement probably because it was so embarrassing .


I had a coach tell me that if couldn’t get the horse to walk with a clear rhythm, I might as well get off and hand the reins to the judge. Same coach asked me if I wanted to keep living. I said yes, why? She told me she was trying to figure out why I kept looking down while I was riding a four year old.

In isolation, these remarks sting. But in the context of the whole lesson, they are wake-up calls to remind me to sit up and RIDE. Do the work or get off the horse. This is not a sport for passengers.


To be fair, most amateurs lack the ability - or the time, money and drive to train hard enough to create the ability - to ride at Third Level and above. The difference is that most of us know that and accept our fate. Only the delusional ones believe themselves to be the Next Big Thing

Reminds me of when DH / SW first moved to Florida, after supposedly declaring nobody in Canada was good enough to teach her, or they were all trying to hold her back because they were jealous of her talent, or some such nonsense. She was going to be on our PanAm Games team and be a superstar, dontcha know?


But, Lauren has unlimited time and unlimited means…so all she needs is the drive.


I believe a rider needs to get to the FEI level before the rider ever gets drug tested. So there’s that.

I’ve seen many, many, many horses get drug tested at USEF competitions over the years. Never a rider. Not once.

Plus LK has not shown at any USEF competitions for more than two years, according to the USEF website.


Thank you for encouraging me to find this video on YouTube.

Wow! Just wow!


Couple thoughts. Could we just ignore CH and hut-ho? Sorry but the idea of “we need to correct misinformation!” Rings hollow since there is a 48 hours episode and the general public during the trial thought LK was the instigator.

If you want that drama fine but literally no one in the general public thinks LK is a good person.

I also am looking forward to the long awaited 48 hours episode. I would appreciate it if CH wouldn’t rehash how the trial should have gone and I appreciate even further if people wouldn’t engage with CH. Everyone hates it but everyone responds so???


So the black floral shirt in the two pictures looks identical, and very much like the one in the picture from the Times article from almost 3 years ago.

So are those pictures from the same Times article? Or does she just really like that shirt?


Here is a preview to the 48 Hours episode… juicy…

They are from the Times article. The others are from her social media, or maybe directly from her.


I’m still weirded out by that 911 call. It’s just always sat odd with me. I can’t put my finger on it.


It’s the “I’ve been shot in the heart. Michael Barisone shot me” that is off. I don’t think most people in a spontaneous event, would first name, last name identify an attacker. Most are, you know, actually hysterical when they call 911.

Especially when you next hear RG ordering her to put the dog inside.


The part that has always struck me as odd is the repeated use of MB‘s full name, by both LK and RG. Would you really do that under those alleged circumstances?

Especially since he was right there, pinned to the ground. It’s not as if they had to identify him because he was driving away in his truck, when you might also throw in the truck’s description and license plate.


Jinx!! Lol.