MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Yes, the other off thing……”I’m losing a lot of blood” also seems counter indicated by the other testimony and evidence as well….


JK comes off as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. LK comes off as a spoiled brat.

And yea, I agree, the 911 call almost sounds fake. The fact she mentions his name doesn’t bother me, it’s that she is supposedly that calm after being shot in the chest and expected to put the dog up. It’s weird.

Looking forward to what MB has to say.


If you don’t want to deal with CH and rehashing the trial why do you all keep talking about it? FYI many people are interested but have no patience for the rehash, arguing against the rehash to be rehashed. Seriously.



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Most definitely.


I don’t have a problem with them rehashing it, never have. The problem never was them rehashing the trial….


Your ellipses betray your actual statement. I also don’t understand the obsession with a trial that’s over.

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Did you watch the 48 Hours preview? The 911 call was played during the preview, which is the current topic of discussion on the thread.


Please stop policing the thread. Talking about how other people posts is what gets them shut down. It looks like you are currently the only one off topic that is posting or has posted recently. Everyone else is focused on the 48 Hours episode.


And she has proven many times that she does not remain calm in adversity, she basically has a tantrum.

Have you watched the video teaser for the 48 hours episode that is on this Saturday? This recording is part of the teaser.


Jinx again! Lol.


That’s for reaching out, @Cat.J95.

I have never complained about “how the trial should have gone”. I said I thought the judge was impartial and that I respected and agreed with the verdict.

In the 48 hours episode apparently Barisone himself will admit that he’s been told that the verdict means that be shot Lauren Kanarek. No doubt the elderly illegal mob will continue to try to pretend there is no evidence be shot her.

Yeah, your pretense of “we need to correct mis information” has always rung hollow.

Yes…I’m trying to follow the rules.


No I’m not watching the preview because as I said on the thread specific to the show I don’t want spoilers.

Look I’ve read all these threads. I literally do not understand why people never mentioned their association (the reactions of some seemed way off the top for name recognition) and also don’t get the whole “OMG they are trying to get the thread shut down!!! But wait I NEED to reapond!!!” And that co tributes to getting the thread closed .

Sometimes to me reading this thread is like reading the opinions of pre-teen Justin Bieber fans.

I worked decades ago I’m New Jersey. I have never met Barisone but I never ever heard a negative word. That means to me he was on the up and up. I did tell Cesar Para to stay away from me and not talk to me. Creepy and I had already heard the stories and ya know some people make your skin crawl.

Regardless there is zero reason to engage in what CH says unless you like this. This story has got the national stage and the general public think LK is a wack job. So why, unless you like the drama, would you just not ignore?


Looks like they are going to emphasize LK’s desire to be the center of attention and her hatred and competitiveness for MHG. If LK is advising people not to watch the episode, I can see why. I don’t think she is going to come out looking good.

Also still (somewhat) amazed the K’s expected an apology from MB for an event he doesn’t even recall. On the other hand, not amazed at their sense of entitlement.


I am not the first person to talk about who gets the threads closed. Just because you don’t agree with my post doesn’t mean I’m “policing the thread”. I don’t get why the insane posts get responded to. But by all means respond.


If we ignore CH they will go away.


In the second pic, above, it looks like new ink behind her left ear.


Maybe you should take your own advice.

I don’t care if you have a differing opinion, you are talking about how others posters post and that is indeed what shut these threads down. You are doing exactly what you are telling others not to do. It makes no sense. I asked you politely to stop derailing the discussion. You may not want to participate but others do. Please do not sabotage that.


I know this may be confusing to some, but there is no need to pretend when you have a grasp on reality. I mean, it’s not that there is “no evidence” as an absolute statement, but the evidence is pretty weak. I’m sure some will pretend that the evidence and police work was stellar.