MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

It looks like ink. No idea if it is new or not.


Way to miss my point. Weird you took my post pwrsonally

That seems like a fools errand, especially with the Law & Crime crowd.
Seriously, telling them not to is likely the best way to get them to do so.


Whatever you think that trial verdict means no longer means a thing for the civil trial.


You know….they are surprisingly clairvoyant on this topic.


I do not get how being told that people say you shot someone = being told that the verdict means something other than what it is.

That seems like way weird logic and a total leap to me.

But… some people like to make imaginary connections about things.

(And one of those people clearly lie about certain things so…)


Some of us have actually been doing that for a long time. It has not worked yet.


JK: “…his financial lead that he needed…”

Sounds to me as though Daddy believed they were floating MB financially, and they therefore could call the shots, including harboring the expectation that MB would act as LK’s personal trainer in the strictest sense of the word and be dedicated solely to her and her wishes and needs. And of course that included MB allowing more and more of her horses to reside there, without any additional recompense to cover the added expenses.

My gut instinct is that Daddy got the idea that MB was their own personal lackey from Ms. Lollypop herself - who I still believe was playing all three men against each other (JK, RG, and MB).

And Daddy’s thoughts about the situation reinforced Ms. Lollypop’s delusion that she should be the center of MB’s universe. And round and round it goes but it was a downward spiral - sort of like what happens when you flush the toilet. :anguished:


There is no moderation over in the comments section of the 48 Hours preview.


So? That’s literally my point. Y’all engaging with CH and hut-ho get the threads shit down collectively. Also for the rest of us that’s really tedious. Anyway! If you build it they will come is famous. If you ignore it they will go away! That’s also holds true and I would like it to become just as famous.

The biggest thing about this 48hrs episode is that we actually get to hear MICHAEL BARISONE give his side of the story. This is huge. He didn’t testify at the trial. He’s been locked up for how many years? We’ve heard from one side (oh boy, have we heard from one side) and we saw the criminal trial…but we have never heard these events recounted by Michael in his own words.

This is what I am looking forward to hearing. This is huge.


But not all. If EVERYONE ignored you would see the change.


I find it really, really, really interesting that from the preview, it looks as if both JK and LK were more than happy to sit down for an interview, presumably thinking that it would make them look good and MB look bad.

But now it sounds like LK is telling people not to watch the episode. So maybe they did not have quite the effect they expected in the 48 Hours episode. :thinking:


For sure they felt $5000 a month was the going price for multiple horses boarded, training, housing 2 people and a dog and the ownership of Barisone himself. The only question remaining is if Barisone was seen as owned property or more as an indentured servant.


Similar to how long it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, the world may never know. Lol.


Michael was at the trial. He has always maintained that he doesn’t remember. The police provided no physical evidence to prove he ever had the gun in his possession or that he ever shot it. There are only three statements in the entire trial that put the gun in his hand: Simring’s hearsay, and LK/RG who are admitted lairs. Michael knows if Simring’s hearsay was accurate because all of that came from him, and based on other statements, I assume Simring misspoke. That leaves the two liars….and again, MB was present for everything, so he knows what they lied about on the stand and what they didn’t.


:joy::joy::joy:. I was commenting because I am interested in the case and I do wish people would stop engaging in the bull. So I’m happy the 48 hours episode has finally come out! Sorry but not some people here really love a dumpster fire


Oh, for sure. But that’s why we have a scroll key.


I agree. How long did we hear about LK being MB’s financial provider in threads. JK obviously shares the same sentiments. This will be easily disputed in the civil trial when expenses are broken down and it’s shown that clients were leaving, etc. It’s such a weak argument.

Ditto. And he seems quite well composed now. People can make huge strides forward in their mental health when their number one stressor is removed from the situation. They can become different people. Makes MB testifying at the civil trial more possible to me.


It’s really hard to scroll through 200 additions. That’s what it’s like for me. So yes I’m grumpy about it. Right or wrong that’s what it is. 99% arguing over the past and what ever else CH says and 1% relevant. It’s annoying and CH is annoying.