MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I thought it was interesting that Nagel kept demanding that the recording the Ks have weren’t relevant to the situation. Basically he admitted there are more recordings that were not given to the prosecutor, and that they were withheld because someone thought that they didn’t really deal with the situation.

What’s on those recordings, I wonder?


Do you really think he knows that he is wrong? Doesn’t he realize it makes him look incompetent?


Once again, the resemblance to a certain former politician is incredible.


I honestly do not believe he knows he is wrong. I get why it could be confusing for non-equestrians but you would think with the amount he is being paid per hour, and all the boasting LK has done about her top 10 global tap dancing lawyers, he would care enough to know for certain. A previous filing had pretty terrible grammatical errors as well and multiple errors regarding actual factual information. Not sure what’s going on in his realm of writing but… I agree, it does not look good. I wouldn’t have submitted something so poorly written in college, let alone a high profile case that is being scrutinized by the public and that represents me as a professional.

On a side note, one of LK’s lawyers, I can’t recall which, had an incident with a judge where he couldn’t control his remarks to the judge and it became an issue. It was many years ago. So that paired with the carelessness for detail doesn’t paint a pretty picture for the upcoming civil trial in regards to LK’s legal representatives.


I noticed this in Mr. Nagel’s filing; " Further, if it was discovery that the defendants were actually seeking they could first try and depose Mr. Kanarek…"

Didn’t the defense mention in their filing that they would accept either documents or a deposition?


I think that is his goal.


I sent Nagel’s filings to an attorney friend. He said that if he’d presented anything like them to a judge, the judge would have had called him in to chambers and asked him if he’d lost his mind.

Of course my friend is not the ambulance chasing type of attorney. Perhaps not much is expected of that sort?


It is on Global in Canada. I just put it in my PVR to tape in case I forget to put the tv on in time. Woo hoo! I never watch the TV but I will tonight.
Thank you for posting where to watch KM.


It’s interesting, isn’t it? I think at this point they are throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks. Like stating LK’s communication with JK may potentially be client/attorney privilege… yea, keyword, potentially. I could potentially become an astronaut and fly to the moon next year. Odd are not good, however.

I still crack up at exhibit A in the first motion to quash. “Hey, call me” the day before deadline for KK to hand over material as proof that Nagel/associates have tried extensively to contact CD/ED over the subpoena(s) is just laughable.

What is telling to me is how much JK and KK do not want to comply and hand over requested discovery. Ascertaining that discovery is harassment is a really a stretch IMO as well, especially since it’s relevant material. I also think it’s a stretch to say that just because LK’s phone was confiscated by police after the shooting and material turned over to prosecution, ED/CD should not subpoena the same material. LK could have easily sent relevant information to JK and deleted the information prior to the phone ever being confiscated.


I agree. “Exhibit A” was a truly pathetic attempt to show that “Phone calls and emails were sent.” Not really exhibiting anything “extensive” is it?

I wonder how much patience the judge has?


He’s already had to deal with one motion to compel from SGF….


Well, all of this is happening in NJ and so far I am not at all impressed with the court system or law enforcement. It seems it is a bunch of good ol boy golfing buddies with lots of secrets on each other.


Also, exhibit A was an email to Deininger, but the motion to hold in contempt came from Mark Silver. Why didn’t they submit any proof of email communications between their office and Silver for proof?


Maybe they figure that if all the Ks are sharing one lawyer, the players on the other side are equally interchangeable. /s


The subpoena is also for texts and such after the incident, so on new phones that had not been confiscated by the police.


Yes indeed!


In fairness, (and you would never know this based on those motions Nagel filed) Silver filed the Motion for Contempt for Jonathan Kanarek and Deininger filed the one for Kirby Kanarek.

Exhibit A, the email to Chris Deininger, was sent the day AFTER the deadline in the subpoena to Kirby. Not that it mentions subpoenas, a witness that’s not his client, or any subject matter whatsoever.


The Prosecutor, Schellehorn, stated MB competed in the Olympics.


If the evidence that he shot her was “pretty weak”, he should have plead straight Not Guilty.

He pleads Not Guilty, the prosecutor can’t prove the elements of his case because the evidence is weak, and he’s acquitted with straight Not Guilty.

You would never plead NGRI if the prosecutors case is so weak that you could get acquitted on a straight NG plea.


No memory of event. Can’t aid in his own defense. Why are you so velcro brained to a past verdict which isn’t important for the civil trial? Geeze move on already. There are plenty of new things for you to deny.