MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

While it’s really not a mistake the prosecutor should have made, at least for him, it was a case from six months ago that was probably mostly in his rearview mirror. So I can find that a little more understandable, even if it should not have happened.

For a lawyer who is gearing up for a case that is still in front of him and sending in the legal paperwork with such a mistake? That seems much worse to me.


What are everyone’s thoughts on the civil case making all the way to trial?


Maybe ask that same question again at 11:00 PM on Saturday night? Lol.


I wonder if the T.V. show has done any research.

I don’t watch “true crime” shows. I don’t find the reliving of actual crimes to be entertaining at all. IRL crime as in this case, people have been hurt (in many ways) and it isn’t something I enjoy seeing rehashed for the entertainment of the public. I think it comes from having lost a friend to crime. I can only imagine how painful it would be to see a T.V. show made about it for entertainment.

I know it’s a popular genre now, and to each his/her own.

I am interested in the legal process however.


All the parties fully cooperated and did interviews. LK even got new lashes.


Yes, I’m sure they did.

That would not have been the case back when…

No judgement. Times have changed and privacy seems not to be as important to many people these days.

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Wasn’t LK very confident after her 48 hours interview? I wonder if she thought other people weren’t going to be interviewed. I mean, did she think they weren’t going to talk to other people? Maybe she didnt think they were going to interview MB.

Who was the blonde woman answering some questions about what was going on between MHG and LK?


Well, again, all the Kardashian wannabes may figure it is their best shot at fame and fortune. :roll_eyes:


Am I the only one who was struck by how painfully emaciated LK looked on TV? Which adds pounds to you, btw. I hear.


Perhaps LK figured that after they spoke to her, they would take her version as gospel and not waste time interviewing anyone else. /s


Does anyone know how 48 hours came upon this story? Did they come upon this all on their own, or did Lauren call them up and offer it to them? If so, irony, baby, that it doesn’t flatter her.

Lara Osborne. She handles the GFM and takes care of Michael’s affairs and property.


Also the mom of the young working student who testified at the trial, I believe.



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Yes, David Dow, Development Producer with 48 Hours saw something on Dressage Hub and contacted Susan Wachowich for information. She sent out private requests for anyone with knowledge of the situation who would be willing to talk to 48 Hours to contact her. She passed along all the contact info she received to David and it took off from there. I know this because I was one of the people Susan contacted and I contacted people I knew and funneled all the willing contacts back to David through Susan. This was late last November or early December as I recall. EDIT, IT WAS SEPTEMBER 12, 2021. Sorry for my mistake.

There were a lot of people willing to share their information with 48 Hours and it appears they felt the story had enough depth for the show and then began phone interviews and narrowed the scope to proceed.


Interesting indeed


I wonder if MHG was interviewed.


I don’t know but at one time she said she wanted no part of it. She wants to put all of this behind her and continue with her goals.


Because, in my opinion, that would be admitting that the police department didn’t do its job.


It drives me crazy that on page 6 of the Motion To Quash, he still hasn’t corrected, “…where is found guilty of attempted murder of Plaintiff, but not criminally responsible due to insanity…”

No, Michael Barisone was found NOT Guilty.