MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

That’s a very simplistic way to look at it, and not totally wrong, in some respects, but there’s more to it than that re this case. KM explains that in her post after yours.


But he doesn’t have to prove he didn’t shoot her, correct? The burden is on the prosecutor to prove he shot her.

If I were a Barisone supporter who thought the evidence he shot her was weak, I’d be filled with rage at Bilinkas for advising him to plead NGRI. If he’d pled straight NG, he’d be home in Florida right now.


Can’t prove a negative. And I’ve already explained the rest as many others have as well. The only difficulty here is your refusal to listen.


I think the point is flying over your head. Which is fine, because I feel as though you’re just being obtuse at times. I’m not a full fledged Barisone supporter so I can’t speak for that population. Nor do I have the time and/or energy to be “filled with rage” #dramatic

It’s obvious why he pled NGRI. Now, this is really going to blow your mind here, so hold on…but it’s entirely possible for some of the evidence to be a bit weak and for a NGRI plea to make sense and be the best option, not solely due to “weak evidence.” If you want to look at it “simply” or in black and white, then whatever, and I understand that no one here is capable of opening your mind.

Anyway, that’s enough rehashing and arguing about what has already happened and is a done deal.


Dressage Hub initiated story telling? And she contacted a person on this forum?

So COTH has been hosting DH fueled drama for over 3 years.

I guess everyone seeks their own level. Now we know.

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Christ on a bike. :roll_eyes:

This has got to be a joke.


Unfortunately no. Look up thread a few to the tale of how 48 hours became involved.

Thank you for the definitive proof that the pro LK contingent is completely out of valid arguments or anything worthwhile to add to the discussion.

FYI: One can also just fly a white flag to admit defeat.


And again, Nagel states that MB was found guilty. How is he allowed to lie in an official filing like this?


I am not a lawyer, but I think the judge may note it, but don’t the judges basically wait for the lawyers to sort this out themselves? He may wait to see that the other side straightens out the facts, and take note of who is stating facts and who is flat out making things up. As someone else noted, too, there are judges who would call a lawyer into his chambers and read him up one side and ripped down the other for filing something that dreadful.

Brings to mind the judge in My Cousin Vinny. The scene where the judge is giving Vinny instructions about procedure in his court. We are not informal, here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEA_1DWRzwY


If this judge is “with it” and I imagine that he is, he will immediately notice the blunder. I’m quite sure he is well aware the criminal trial resulted in Not Guilty verdicts.


Is it on Fri in Canada? It’s on Sat in the US.

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I didn’t see it stated anywhere that he was representing JK or KK. His client is LK.

Meanwhile, RG is significant by his absence except in reference.


Well, RG didn’t bring suit to anybody. And so far, nobody has brought suit against him. It may be that they are responding to LK bringing suit, at this time, and not adding in other issues (such as RG). RG May also be cooperating with any subpoenas or depositions, however, RG wasn’t given any interrogatories, was he?


Not that I’m aware of. Still, it’s odd that an attorney is implying they are representing JK & KK (it is never stated that either are his client - just LK) and RG is left entirely unrepresented.

Makes no difference, I suppose. Still interesting to see in light of his involvement throughout.


Once again, the things one learns on a horse forum. I did not realize that was what they were called. I am probably so busy stressing about - is this the right thing - to have noticed that it probably says that right on them.

This is exactly the problem I have. “does that count as a tractor? it is a lawn mower but maybe they are calling it a tractor?”


Here’s another little tidbit: I was told that all those ‘click on pictures that include x’ things are to gather data for self-driving vehicles. :astonished:

Those filings are astounding. Did anyone else notice that they simply copy-pasted a lot of their previous stuff without even correcting the typos and grammatical mistakes? I cannot believe JK has not gone supernova on them. They look REALLY bad as legal professionals and they are making their clients look bad, too.

  • re-use of error-filled text without correction
  • beyond typos, using words that aren’t even real words in the English language (instable)
  • filled with highly emotional, dramatic language rather than clear, concise legal drafting
  • attached exhibit is beyond laughable (and dated AFTER the deadline is just the cherry on top of that garbage sundae)
  • total misunderstanding of attorney-client privilege, like worse than your average 1L’s understanding (what lawyer would allow that to go out under their name? I mean, that’s really REALLY bad!)
  • oh, and proof positive that IM was lying when he said they did respond but the response ‘got lost’ :roll_eyes:

To that last point, I now see the source of LK’s insistence that anything she gives to her lawyer automatically privileged. Funny, she never did revert with her confirmation from her speed-dialed top 5 global blue chip law firm that the rest of us were wrong about privilege. :thinking:

I have never seen such humiliating work product made public like this. I cannot believe that, not only did heads NOT roll at Nagel’s firm after that first piece of toilet paper was filed, no one even corrected the mistakes and/or bothered to do a better job this time.

Truly I do not know what kind of lawyers would do this bad and have it out there in public and not care about how badly it tarnishes their reputations.


I do not understand why that side seems to like to repeat the whole Olympic thing (that is not true). Does Michael having (not) won an Olympic medal some how make their case better?


FWIW, Captcha is a security protocol used to thwart bots. Here is the Google definition:

CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a type of security measure known as challenge-response authentication. CAPTCHA helps protect you from spam and password decryption by asking you to complete a simple test that proves you are human and not a computer trying to break into a password protected account.

A CAPTCHA test is made up of two simple parts: a randomly generated sequence of letters and/or numbers that appear as a distorted image, and a text box. To pass a the test and prove your human identity, simply type the characters you see in the image into the text box.

It’s to make someone prove they are a human, and not a machine that is programmed to try to access and compile data that may be considered personally or legally sensitive, or programmed to try to find a backdoor access point to even more sensitive data (i.e., “hacking”). Can you (general) imagine the havoc someone could cause if they were able to access really, really sensitive data buried in a legal system’s databases - like juvenile record info, information about people in Witness Protection Programs, names of child victims of sexual assault, information about upcoming court cases, records of search warrants issued for ongoing investigations, names of undercover law enforcement officers involved in investigations, names and addresses of jurors, etc., etc.?


Where have we seen that before? I hope the attorney planning on taking on SS is better.