MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Good morning Friday. May I simply say the broken record of some posters has become ridiculous.

BTW, I don’t know of anyone here contributing to Dressage Hub but whatever floats your boat. I find it quite fitting that CBS contacted SW before Miss Kanarek.


They are astoundingly bad to me, and I am not an attorney, nor do I vacuum anything other than my own house. :laughing:


I’m sharing this again just because it was so much fun to read!


It does kind of match Lauren’s theories on attorney-client privilege that she tried to insist the rest of the lawyers here were all wrong about.


I understand the purpose of Captcha to show you’re human.

But, there are many ways they test for that. Another common one is asking you to retype letters and numbers and are all skewwhiff.

The ones that ask you to click on pictures I’m told are harvesting data for recognition functions for self-driving vehicles. Captcha can perform two functions at once: preventing access and creating a huge data set that is useful for something else.

Think about it: those vehicles have to recognise all kinds of things on the road. Getting lots of data about what various objects look like to humans is super helpful.

ETA: I googled it just in case I was told a tall tale. If you google it, you will see tons of confirmation that Google itself uses captcha for its self-driving vehicles.

I was not saying what the purpose of captcha is (as you rightly IDed: access); I was providing what I thought was a cool extra tidbit about it. I should have said ‘are also used to gather data’.


I have a feeling this was drafted by Nagel himself and he was n a hurry to get golfing. He bashed it out on the computer then hit send to get it in ASAP.

It’s written terribly, for all the reasons you said, and it gives me anxiety because I’ve had to litigate against attorneys like this and it’s just awful. They are rarely successful except in intimidating people. I even had to report one to the bar for trying to intimidate a witness; we were in the hall waiting for our case to start, and the witness was sitting right next to me! The attorney walked up to stand over him and asked him if he was going to tell the same lie from the deposition or a different one?

In my experience, attorneys like this get shut down by the judge and juries despise them. This guy wins settlements with big corp and insurance companies, because they can’t be bothered so his pleadings can suck and no one cares.


This lawyer is sounding more and more like the whole Kanarek family.

No wonder they picked him.



Also - FWIW - the Google description I posted above is for the original Captcha protocol, but that has since proven to be vulnerable, so many organizations are now using the image-based Captcha technique strictly for authentication purposes.

The company I work for uses the image-based protocol for its web-based applications, specifically as a way to make the entity seeking access affirm that “I am a human.” We aren’t involved in capturing data for self-driving vehicles, but I can certainly understand how that protocol could be useful for that industry.

Gad, we sometimes get so far off topic on this thread but a lot of it is interesting and useful information! :smile:


There are never more than three of whatever you are to pick. I have never been asked to identify tractors! I’ve had boats and mountains, and once guardrails! It makes total sense these are used to help ai.

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Research wrt…?

I was a psych major in college, in part thanks to an effed up family I wished to better understand, so the psyche of people who do this is very interesting. Finding the answer to “who does that?” If you will.


So, so thin. And not the muscles you’d expect to see on an athlete of that calibre, who rides several horses a day, as basically her job.


Ok, so who us the brunette in the red blouse?

The host/investigator


That’s understandable, from many angles.
Her kids were threatened and who knows if these people are dine with this scheme?
I can understand wanting to keep your head down.

I alternately, or because of that understanding, herald those willing to stand up to these bullies.


I posted this in the wrong thread, I meant to put it here. Copy and paste from the other thread.

Anyone watching the morning show today?
There is a bit about the 48 hours on.

It appears that Lauren Kanarek is being Lauren Kanarek and not able to stop lying about even the most basic thing. She told the host of 48 hours that she had just started riding again (and we know when her interview happened) when there is so much proof out there that this is not true. Poor Lauren Kanarek, not able to tell the truth about anything.


As I replied on the other thread, the USEF website has competition results listed for her in 2020.

I wonder if 48 Hours knows about that little tidbit?


Maybe the false idea that he is an Olympic medalist makes it seem like more of a David and Goliath story for them?




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It was on TV. No idea how to provide a link.


You get that the criminal trial is over, right?