MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I am still so excited that we might get responses sometime today to Bruce’s mess of a filing!

Just think what we would be missing out on if Bruce was more organized.


“Job” usually implies payment for something. I believe “hobby” would be a more accurate term, unless someone is paying for the services.

Which is fine. But the whole inaccurate concept of it being her “job” just lends credence to the idea of lost income for her, which is completely off base, as far as I can see.


So was it the “Today” show? I think that’s NBC…
“The Morning Show”?

I meant in the sense of, its the one thing she does “regularly”, …or its the main thing that consumers her time.

Along the lines of:
" Where does your father get his money?"
“The bank”

I should have put it in quotes.

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Isn’t 2020 when she got her bronze medal? So riding BETTER than before, no reduced ability.


Why lie about something that is so easily disproved? Liars annoy me. Greatly. Especially when they aren’t even clever about it.


I thought so, and on the horse she bought from MB, the schoolmaster JT I believe?


To be fair, she may very well have not talked about how long it took to start riding again. Maybe she did for a bit then had complications or pains and stopped for a while… Until we watch tomorrow, we don’t know what was actually said.

What we DO know is this is an entertainment show that will absolutely go with the most dramatic stretch of the truth. It sounds much more sensational to say that she’s “just getting her life back together, 3 years after the incident.”


Here’s the link.


It is on Saturday night in Canada. I don’t get Global on our TV, and definitely do not have a PVR, so I’ll watch it the next day, unless some miracle occurs and I actually stay awake that late for a change. :laughing:

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Thanks for posting that!!

Is that LK’s mom standing next to the horse in the picture where LK is mounted and MB is by the horse’s head?


Yes, thanks for no posting the link.

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Thank you for posting!

I think for the popular media it looks like they are really going to play on the ‘Online Bullying’ card, as that is a big thing these days. We usually hear about it for teenagers, but I think hey are are looking at it as a bigger picture - She mentioned if we need to start viewing social media as a ‘weapon’ now. Interesting take. This whole case aside, I think it’s an important message. Most of us did not grow up with social media, it’s a big new beast and as a society we are still figuring out how to deal with it. I don’t think it suffices to say that anyone can ‘just ignore’ what is said on social media any longer.


This article was posted on the other thread, with some interesting pictures. It also includes another gigantic revision by LK from previous statements regarding how long she was in a coma.

I will say it seems like 48 Hours is giving this thing the full court press. I wonder if they will bring it up again on Saturday morning. Do they have a Saturday morning show on CBS?


She is still having fun stretching the truth about how long she was in the hospital/ICU. I guess she would say that the doctor who testified at the criminal trial must have been lying or something? She was not in the ICU for three weeks.


Yes, that is Kirby.


I found it interesting that neither the CBS segments indicate Michael was almost beat to death and that’s why he has no memory, not because he was bullied on SM!


Hmmm….another theme……


Holy moly. I had never seen that photo of MBs face, as he lay in a hospital bed, immediately following the shooting.

Whoa. Why in the world would RG have continued to beat his head in like that, while he had MB on the ground with one of his arms twisted behind his back, and MBs elbow dislocated?

This whole thing has NEVER added up. I have no clue what happened at the farmhouse that day but:

  1. LKs voice on the 911 call, and her calmness, make no sense to me

  2. Just look at MBs face in that photo, and the severity of the beating that was delivered to his head. That required blow after blow after blow to be delivered to his head. That’s not what someone would do in a self defense situation.

I really hope Bilinkas and Deininger present a case all over again during the civil proceedings, and lay out a theory that actually explains the evidence. This whole case disturbs me. The continued lying of certain parties… it’s disturbing.


I’m very frustrated by that. I hope the 48 hours episode is actually clear on that point.