MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

No doubt that LK will be telling an altered version from reality because she will think she can get away with it.


Even if I hadn’t been following the case, this part would make me say Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot. How does someone get that beat- up looking from being merely “tacked to the ground”? Nope - there had to be more to it - like a methodical and repeated beating using something other than LK’s cellphone. I would be willing to bet that MB was either pistol-whipped or RG repeatedly slammed his face into the concrete patio - or both.


Giggle…farmers tan…


Pathological liars lie even when confronted with evidence of their lies. Sociopaths, Narcissists and Pathological liars seem to have a lot in common. I believe we are looking at that here…


But didn’t you say that SW then contacted you? Why would you be the first person she contacted?

As I recall, in the week before the shooting, Barisone was contacting people who had had SM disputes with LK. That would include Joey Stagaard and SW. You’re a long time family friend of MHG. Did MHG contact you for info on LKs SM disputes prior to the shooting?

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None of your beeswax?


YES, I am responding directly to you Give it a rest. We ALL know what you think about the criminal trial ad nauseam.


Did the Kanarek’s contact you about < insert some random topic here > ?

Right, it is a silly question, just like yours is.

I read what @eggbutt posted and I do not see how her saying someone contacted her = she was the one and only go to person that they contacted and that means she is a big deal in this and is the reason for all the drama. It really just means that the person doing the contacting sent out a wide net to anyone and everyone they could think of that knows anyone in the situation. So not hard to figure out when you are not trying to twist it into something it is not.

Don’t bother telling me I am on ignore, we know that is a lie.


Tackled repeatedly with a crowbar, maybe.


Hey @ekat, any responses yet? I am dying to read the response to that joke of a filing by Bruce.

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OMG you are one obtuse individual.

Bold = my responses.


Yes. And as everyone knows, it’s a pretty small world among horse people, even if they are not in the same discipline or state or what have you.


At the time I said you were on ignore, you were on ignore.

Things change. The reason I had put you on ignore was to screen out the insufferably long QFP quotes. The mods have since advised against using that annoyance. Therefore I took you off ignore.

Does that make sense to you, @trubandloki?

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None yet. Clicked a bunch of palm trees though.


Michael was beaten within an inch of his life and rendered unconscious TWICE. And idiots wonder why he has no memory of the event.


Every time she opens her mouth, or touches a keyboard, she solidifies who she is.

Today I am just floored by the NPD behaviors on full display for the world to see. Its not flattering.


About as much sense as anything Lauren Kanarek says because when you proclaimed that I was ignored it was after the mods asked us all to not do lots of quoting (that included you, but good job pretending I was the problem).

Do you happen to have any updates on the whole Bruce’s horrible filing topic which the thread is about? Or anything about the 48 hours episode that has been added to the topic? Or are we going to go back to the criminal trial again, since that appears to be the only topic you are able to talk about?


Hey @CurrentlyHorseless, there are two new hot topics! How about you keep up with the rest of the group and give us your slanted thoughts about 48 Hours or the High School level recent filing by Miss Kanarek’s “attorney”? :thinking:


@eggbutt, don’t forget the latest round of lies that Lauren Kanarek is telling…that is another good topic.


Well, she is described as an investigator so I was thinking that she had met LK well before the interview.
I also can’t remember when we first found out that the show had an interest in the story.

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