MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Did you ever see the movie “Groundhog Day”?


Time for the daily reminder that the criminal trial is over and nobody’s personal thoughts on it matter…




Or kicked repeatedly in the head. Trauma and mental health issues aside, a vicious beating like that could certainly cause amnesia


Am I incorrectly remembering that you are a former client of Michaels?


I have appreciated all your posts here but can I just say…you need to choose better friends. LK and SW are 2 peas in a narcissistic, delusional pod.


Oh. Good catch. I think you might be right about this.

If the Kanarek family thinks MB did this, plotted it even, they should be furious that the PDs involved didn’t gather gun shot residue, all the purported bullets/casings, the various recording devices, etc to aid in conviction.


After all this time, you are still not capabale of wrapping your brain around the difference between NGRI and guilty, but not criminally responsible?

You can try to interpret it however you like, but as he wrote it, Nagel’s statement that MB was found guilty of attempted murder but not criminally responsible is categorically false.


Not at all the same. One is guilty, one is not guilty. For the billionth time.


I believe seahorse is the former client who spoke out against Michael here on COTH


See, this is how they keep their prices so low. Why waste money on silly things like fact checking and proofreading when you can have an unpaid intern do it for you, thus passing those savings onto the client!

Sorta reminds me of Dr Nick from the Simpsons.


That is… not true. That is a gross mischaracterization of what it means to be declared not guilty of a crime by reason of insanity. As I believe multiple people have explained before, there are two elements of a crime: actus reus (the act) and mens rea (intent). If both of these elements are not satisfied, there is no crime. The jury concluded that at least one of these elements is not present, therefore no crime. Thus, not guilty. Not, guilty, but one element is missing, so guilty but insane.


:blush: well, at least SW isn’t quite as dangerous and obsessed as LK! And being “friends” is considerably different than lovey-dovey BFFs :wink:


No kidding!
How about if they could explain how there were two shots (casings found) but a third one went through the door who’s trajectory looked like it could have come from a gun shot while lying on one’s back on the ground?

Didn’t the surgeon find only one bullet in LK and then speculated that the missing one could have been because the EMT’s or the ER staff somehow dislodged it? :woman_shrugging:t2:


skydy - the true crime shows are about the legal process of solving (or not) a case. Of course, they do use all the salacious details (gets ratings), but the reason I love to watch them is specifically because I love the legal process. Forensic Files is one of my favorites.


Yes, I believe you are correct. Didn’t she say her name was Pam when she outed herself in one of the previous threads?Funny, all these folks have to do is attack me or rehash the criminal verdict.

It seems there would at least be some support of LK via positive posts of her achievements/behavior.


My understanding is that the jury could not have found him NGRI if the jury had not found him to have committed the criminal act. Maybe the 48 hours show will explain how it can be otherwise, as suggested on this thread. I think 48 hours usually manages to interview some members of the jury on trials they cover which might help explain the thinking behind the verdict.

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Did anyone notice when LK testified how Michael shot her she used her right hand to demonstrate. Everyone who knows Michael knows he is 100% lefthanded. Small but significant mistake on LK’s part IMO.


I totally agree with all this. If it were possible, I’d say LK and RG intentionally gave or did something to MB to ensure his amnesia, so they could invent their story. How convenient for them, and unfortunate for Michael, that he can’t remember. Something is definitely disturbing about the whole police “non investigating” debacle on top of the obviously biased judge.

I really wish he had pled straight up not guilty, as there is so much reasonable doubt; it should even warrant a mistrial.