MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Also, it’s a weird angle for a left handed person to shoot someone in the left shoulder. Seems more “natural” if you’re facing someone to shoot them in the right shoulder if you’re left handed. Especially someone who’s a foot taller…almost like he’d have to really pretzel himself to create that angle.


Just to be sure, I just went thru the Dr’s testimony. It’s only 16 minutes. He stated that no bullets were found by X-ray or exam.


Or struggling to get the gun away from a right handed person using your left hand and the gun discharging into the person standing immediately to the left of the right handed person with the gun. All musings on my part of course.

And remember the right handed person had a slight injury in the fleshy part of their hand between the thumb and index finger. I’ve seen that type of injury when the slide pinches the hand when firing those small pistols.


Yes, I agree!
Though I like the older Forensic Files more than the newer version.


Thank you. I can’t ever find what I want on the YouTube videos. They don’t seem to be in any kind of order to me.


I can not find anything in them either. I am very thankful to the smart people who post here that can find things.


Look, the majority of people here know that LKs version of everything is so bizarre and beyond making sense that it’s just impossible to believe outright.

Add her addiction to lying profusely about even the most mundane things brings most people to question her version. We see this over and over.

Sadly, the few run ins I’ve had with the media has shown they have just an awful habit of inaccuracy so you just might watch the show shaking your head fully knowing their report is wrong.

That is sure to happen. It’s just a matter of how much.


There were no bullets found I believe. The 2 went right through her.


They aren’t, really. I just remember he was Day 4, which also had part 2 of LK’s Cross and part 1 of RG’s direct/cross.


This is so true. They will get things wrong due to not truly understanding the situation, or because of sloppiness/laziness, or because they want to sensationalize the piece as much as possible to get kudos from their editor, publisher, producer, etc. And often times, it isn’t just the reporter doing it, but also the editor or producer - and again, to sensationalize the story so it will attract more viewers.

To paraphrase the folksy Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana - “You can trust them about as much as you can trust Harvey Weinstein with your daughter.” :laughing:


Honestly, I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I know several of the people she has targeted who would absolutely describe her as dangerous and obsessed.

What about when she decided to try and have her male friend’s wife deported because SW believed she only married him to get a green card? The online abuse she subjected that woman and her family to sure looked like cyberstalking and harassment.

And how many businesses / careers has she attempted to destroy? It’s not a pretty picture.


You make a very good point @Knights_Mom. The media is very prone to not having facts straight.


All here, in chronological order.


Honestly, I truly can’t respond to your post because I sincerely don’t follow SW’s posts anywhere. I’m not doubting, I just can’t respond because I don’t know the specifics of what you’ve said. No defense or offense from me. Sorry.


I understood what he meant, and I think the judge will, too. NGRI means he was found to have committed the physical
act, and would have been found Guilty, but for the insanity finding.

You truly are unable to move on from this fixation, aren’t you?


I can’t believe we are still rehashing this but…The jury may or may not have believed he shot her (look up jury nullification for more details). But their verdict says even even if they did believe he shot her, it wasn’t a criminal act, due to his mental state.

Yes there was a shooting. If MB was the shooter (and there is a distinct lack of evidence to prove this conclusively), the shooting was not a crime.

Can we put this record back on the shelf now before it gets worn out?


SW is a bully too, you are so right!


I believe that several years prior to the shooting, she responded to a query here about top dressage trainers in NJ by warning against training with MB, based on her experience.

Thank you—that’s magic!

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