MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

RICO isn’t just for mafia and drug cartels. Major league baseball and FIFA soccer have had RICO issues as have private people.

Am I overreaching? Maybe. Maybe not.

But that attorney Silver Reply did mention Fraud and couple that with obstruction or something else with a dash of planned conspiracy by 3 or more parties…


Get out the rye bread and mustard - it is grand salami time! My Oh My…

Puget Sound residents may understand and recognize that reference…


Wait, what?!




A new name that it seems like there is no way anyone can twist it into something it is not meant to be.

I like it.


Y’all, did we know Mark Silver went to college on a theater scholarship? Have I just forgotten (if so, how dare I!)? That explains a lot about how effectively he communicates.



What are you wondering?

We have a legal filing that proves what we have thought all along, IM is Jonathan Kanarek.
That long libelous post the other day was written and posted by Jonathan Kanarek, who is a lawyer and should know better, but clearly The Trifecta Family does not believe they need to follow the same rules as the rest of us.


How will Michael’s losses over the past 3+ years be calculated? It would have to be in the mid seven figure range. Add in all his legal expenses and I doubt the Kanareks will be able to afford their lifestyle any more.


The Trifecta!

But truly, RG should also be included. Or is that him off to the side, sort of out of the picture?

And if he is included, then it wouldn’t be a Trifecta anymore…


Not that she’s to be believed, but LK insisted she beat MB in his ear with her/a phone, as I recall.



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Hoist by his own petard indeed. Can 48 Hours add an update to their already completed episode? Or postpone it pending new info?

Now where is that long harangue I got from YD about IM not being associated with the family as she had exclusive insider info or some such rot…


This part I have no idea. I would worry about it were it not for the fact that I’m trying to figure if intimidation via social media in order to hide criminal activity is a thing. Wish I were more versed in such things.

Just a vacuumer after all.




What are the odds of the Kanarek suits being quietly dropped? Can’t Michael and SGF pursue damages?


Oh what a knotty web we weave…


Indeed. I’m curious What the Firecracker a lawyer was doing posting the crap he did last week. I understand his little girl was shot. I am a Mamma, I get that he was scared for her life. No matter the circumstances, that’s a terrifying situation to be in.

I just… even if you are scared, backed into a corner, barking mad… That was garbage spewing, and he should know better. Especially since the defendants for his little girls civil trial seem to have enough proof to stand behind a statement that they know that was him posting.


Well someone did. His eardrum was ruptured as I recall and the swelling was quite evident.


OK, bottles of GlenDronach for Mr. B, Mr. D, and Mr S. Assuming I can find three bottles and can get them safely shipped. Although I am not sure I can afford them - might have to make another donation to the GFM instead. :thinking:


It was clear all along that the IM on this forum bore more intellectual resemblance to Vizzini, the overconfident bully, than a skilled swordsman. But seeing his smug face in the preview video only makes it more clear that he must have been confused about who was who in Florinthian history when he chose his screen name. Vizzini is a much closer fit all around.

JK told us so many times, in so many vile ways, exactly who he was … seems he himself is the only one who is confused about his identity.

As for why he’d blather on online, seems the whole clan misperceived their collective pigeon-level chess game as such high level mastery that the rest of the world is nothing but pawns. But like Vizzini, they were sorely mistaken about what the classic blunders are. It’s not “never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”, it’s, “never go in against vacuumers, elderly mobsters in bathrobes, or pirates when your thin veneer of intellect, your family’s (dubious) honor, or your shady legal actions are on the line.”