MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Wasn’t it IM who posted recently the allegations the MB was a __phobe, ___ist, ___ist, etc? Or am I remembering incorrectly?


Barn scrubbers make the most cunning but ethical pirates. Something about humility, common sense, and living in the moment among fragile but powerful beasts really lends itself to a smarter, not harder, approach to swashbuckling.

Woe to those who look down their noses at the barn staff and the law office vacuumers!


Indeed. Indeed you are correct.


Yeah, that post was almost immediately removed by the mods but not before screenshots were made for the attorneys!


Right. This was after she’d been “shot in the heart” and was losing lots of blood and, of course, had to put the dog in the house. :roll_eyes:


I think the broken hand of one of the victims is suspect. The stitches are on what could be a trigger finger. The interesting “forgetfulness” about it being broken on the stand. The insistence of IM that the doctor said he didn’t need to wear a cast….(a lie?)…

I wonder if he didn’t wear a cast as to avoid the attention and questioning about how it was broken….


Off topic - but what book is that from? Amazing illustrations… I have a collection of kid’s books with illustrations that I love… in hopes of being able to do one myself at some point.



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How can they not know about the videos, they have the discovery that mentions them.


At the end of 48 Hours on Saturday, I can hear the announcer break in and say “Come back for the month long mini-series of what the Kanareks did and will do next”

Also, we already know from Lauren’s own mouth that she lies on social media. What is to stop the rest of the trifecta from claiming they were lying.


The Fan Brothers, you will also like The Night Gardener by them.

I bought this book purely for the illustrations, and it happens to be a nice story too.


“The Antlered Ship”, I believe.


You beat me to it!


Bear with me…

But if that’s true, that they knew that video existed or was alleged to exist, why weren’t they interested in pursuing those in the endeavor of discovering the truth of this whole mess?
What… The…


I keep re-reading Mr. Silver’s latest filing and keep discovering new nuggets, like this:

Crime/Fraud Exception. The Attorney-Client Privilege does not protect inherently
elicit activities such as illegal listening devices and the recordings created therefrom.

Wasn’t that what LK was raging about on other threads (was it the SS thread on H/J?)? And insisting that she had “gotten the okay” from an attorney to use such recording devices, so they therefore couldn’t be considered “illegal.” And since they were not “illegal,” her discussions with her father vis-a-vis MB et al were protected under Attorney-Client Privilege. Or so her argument went…


I believe in the group of hyenas in The Lion King, there was the one hyena who was sort of the outsider who did not really speak. He just nodded his head and went along with whatever the others told him to do.

I think his name was Ed, but that would just get confusing with the other Eds we already have in the storyline.


Just catching up now. Silver’s response is magnifique!

I said a while ago in the discussion that I suspected JK was essentially legally representing himself in this situation, since Nagel is not actually the attorney of record for Jk. I followed that up with the old adage:

“A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.”

I rest my case.

Oh… and I think everyone should pause and consider whether or not it really is just a family trifecta on these forums. Maybe it’s a superfecta… :woman_shrugging:


I apologize if this has already been talked about.
I’m not caught up yet, but this bothered me. It was misspelled everywhere so I’m wondering if it was on purpose for some reason.
(Asks the person with too many o’s in her name :crazy_face:).


Based on IM’s posts here, the event referenced is most likely the “break in” by RC when she was bit by Rosie.

Since SGF is interested in that, I assume there is evidence that there is much more to that story…and it probably isn’t quite how it’s been spun here….


All true.

But that was more than three years ago.

She was back riding and showing in less than a year, according to the online show records at USEF.