MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?



I would guess more likely it was typed wrong the first time and then copy and pasted so it continued to be wrong everywhere else.


We have no reason to doubt that @seahorse had a negative experience with MB. You ask about any trainer, anywhere in the world and you will find clients who are unhappy. What one student may consider to be tough but fair, another may consider to be rude or abusive.

Why would someone go back? For the training. If your goal is to progress, really progress, do you choose the mediocre trainer who always makes you feel like a million bucks? Or do you choose the top-notch trainer who can be a jerk? (Not saying MB is a jerk, just giving an example). The grass isn’t always greener and really good dressage trainers are rarer than hen’s teeth. It’s not unusual for someone to return to a trainer after a break, IMO.

For those of us on the outside, it’s a matter of weighing the negative feedback against the positive feedback and seeing where the balance lies. Generally in a public spectacle like this, more victims of bullying, abuse etc. come forward. It’s actually interesting that in this case seahorse seems to be the only former client speaking out against him, aside from LK. To me that suggests there isn’t a large group of angry, upset former students out there.

I don’t think anyone thinks MB is up for sainthood. He probably had a temper from time to time, maybe liked to have one too many drinks on occasion, perhaps didn’t suffer fools gladly. But the fact that after 3 years, we have yet to see any bombshell revelations about what a horrible person he is (IM’s rants notwithstanding) I’m guessing they just don’t exist.


You are remembering correctly. Ed is the dopey looking one on the left in this picture


Apparently there are some mentioned in texts from RG to JK that weren’t in evidence. RG sent videos to JK via cell phone and then asked if he received them. I doubt they have been seen by any attorney anywhere. If they were beneficial to the Kanareks they would have been all over the criminal trial!


Well… :thinking:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


So here is my question :grin: - if RG emailed the videos to JK - then RG should still have the videos too if he didn’t destroy them, right?


Wait….what about the insurance settlement?!?

Subpoena time!!!


I’m really not defending the behaviour. I’m just trying to empathize? understand?

I went through a weird period looking at my newborn, wondering who he will be - I used to ask my husband all the time what would happen if he turned out to be a bad egg. What if he grew up to be a serial killer? What happens to those Moms? Because looking at that baby, I would fight to the death to protect him. How would I reconcile those feelings if he did bad things? I still wonder this occasionally. Usually while he’s taking great pleasure in squishing insects…

That’s all. I get it was a long time ago, but she’s still ‘dealing with’ the situation, even if it’s on her own accord via her own filed suit. I try to give people the benefit. I try to understand the behaviour from their shoes, not mine. Everybody has a story. Blah blah blah…


Funny, those are pretty much exactly the same terms that were highlighted in the social media posts from LK that were included in the 48 Hours trailer. Apple, tree, etc., etc.


Well, theoretically. But, also hypothetically, let’s say the videos were on his phone, which was seized by the police. Morris County did not disclose any videos during the criminal trial. So, were the videos erased from RG’s end prior to seizure?

Perhaps RG could access them from his email/some cloud somewhere. What if they’ve already gone down this road?


Yes….and what showed up on the sneak peak…


I would be more inclined to believe videos and such, which were perceived to be of great value by LK, were stored on an encrypted iCloud or something of that nature. That would explain why the videos weren’t obtained by the police department when confiscating phones. There are ways around storing, and therefore protecting, data other than saving to a phone’s direct hard drive.

ETA: I also wonder how much hard drive space would even be available on a phone with all the recordings allegedly obtained. One would need some sort of external hard drive to transfer the data off the phone to be able to have the space to save more files.


So given MBs counterclaim… there is no possibility for LK retreating from this situation of her own making, unless a settlement is negotiated?

Is it possible for her yo settle with SGF and RC, and continue on with the litigation against MB?

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It is rather amusing that after LK threatening posters here that their identities were going to be revealed via subpoenas to COTH, the ones unveiled are simply her and her bizarro parents



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The insurance won’t pay out unless there’s a ruling against MB and SGF. If they did pay out, then the insurance could also come after both parties. As I said, it’s in MB and SGF’s interest to see this thing play out in court, to the point where things are relatively wrapped up and conclusive, against the Kanarek family. The collective evidence that can be put forth against LK in the civil case - namely Lauren’s personal history and the continued financial and personal support of her father, especially if that support extended to doing things that would be considered illegal, if not wholly immoral - is enough to sink claims against MB and SGF and leave LK high and dry. That’s why they were so dependent on MB pleading guilty and then having the civil case go in their favor. Because MB didn’t go along with their tune and the verdict was not what they wanted, they are stuck with the messed up bed that they made for their daughter and their actions regarding the civil case are nothing more than evasive tactics that buy them time to soften or attempt to dodge the blow that will inevitably come down on their messed up family. For all we know, they could intend to leave the country before anything really bad goes down and leave Lauren here with her little home in FL and continuous bank transfers to fund her wondrous existence.


Could it be they already have them, from RGs end?