MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Ooo. It would be great to somehow retrieve the video from that!

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I’m waiting for the all out attack on CBS/48 Hours from them detailing what a horrible, has been, low ratings, never watched, false news show it is!


It could’ve been before the cameras were installed, or it could’ve been a part of the driveway that the cameras did not cover. Or they could have the whole thing on tape.


Ooooh. I hadn’t seen that particular preview yet.

They are definitely portraying LK as a demanding, attention seeking, and vindictive person.


Personally, I believe they had been recording and videoing since April 2019. There were way too many details and conversations she mentioned and quoted weeks and weeks before August.


It looks like she will be portrayed as social media’s worst nightmare!


That whole aspect of the story is just absolutely beyond belief. To think that anyone would be so cruel to someone who had undergone such a tragedy is just unreal. Much less to think that there could be other family members encouraging it.


Nothing about him has been mentioned wrt 48 Hours, anywhere… None.


Well… :thinking:


To Finish the Bastard

Little did they know, their little plan was not thought out thoroughly.

At lunch I went back and listened to the first day of the criminal trial, from. the. get. go. Tylor was all over MB. In a very strong voice Taylor says something close to this; Mr. Barisone, when the court makes a ruling, you don’t put your head down on the table… and then he calls Shelhorn(sp) in a sweet voice to begin his opening statement.

Yea, are JK and Taylor golfing buddies? Or is it more complex than that?


I remember him admonishing MB about that.
The guy has no empathy, apparently.


Taylor is looking really bad ….


We had several threads on SW round about the time she was turfed out of Florida and returned to Alberta, and I flowed them closely because I was curious about a fellow Canadian I had never heard of before.

Those threads made it clear with ample evidence that after her relationships with Florida trainers soured, she deliberately used her SM platforms to try to do as much damage as possible to careers and reputations. She also occasionally picked random ammies and juniors to try to humiliate online. She was banned from show grounds in Florida. She also doxed folks who commented on her posts even under alias, and then found stole and edited unflattering video of them on her YouTube. This in addition to constantly stealing video from professionally produced dressage YouTube channels.

Saying one merely “disagrees with some of her posts” is disingenuous but honestly if SW has linked your alter and you IRL, you would want to be circumspect because her history of cyber bullying is extensive and outrageous. She was also banned from COTH at that time, I think.

I always found it interesting that SW went strongly against LK at the start, because they exhibit such similar patterns of behavior. Interestingly, they are also both daughters of well off lawyers with family cash support, but also to some extent estranged from their families, and neither has had a clear career path other than dabbling in lower level ammie dressage until their behavior blew up in their face.


If I remember that post correctly, IM said (among other things) that LK didn’t hate MB and would consider being taught by him again.

If the Defense attorneys have that post and if JK is indeed Inigo Montoya, it would seem to me to be very damaging to parts of LK’s civil suit . @ekat?


But what was the expectation after they Finished the Bastard. What was their gain?


So….Silver directly stated CotH had answered subpoenas, that LK had not produced, and Deininger said they had gotten 38k pages of SM……

I guess they went and got it all themselves….


Excellent post!


Were they not emailed? So unless someone did a thorough job purging them, they should show up in someone’s email, not just their phone.


Actually who knows. There has been speculation they wanted MB’s farms. Maybe feeding LK’s desire/dream to be on the top of the podium? I’m just spouting off the top of my head in-between doing my day job.

It could be any random reason that any normal person cannot fathom. Can you imagine being inside these peoples brains?



I’m surprised. I’m surprised that anyone, especially a lawyer, could be so foolish as to sabotage their / their child’s lawsuit, because they couldn’t just scroll on. Wow.