MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I wondered if he thought she would buy every horse through him but instead, she only bought JT and then she bought the others through her friend instead? She did say she bought more at MB’s instruction about having to have two at each level in case one is lame. That is a quite a bunch of horses. I always say you can justify owning two because then you can give both arms a good workout while rehabbing/handwalking both of them at the same time.

Point being that part of his anticipated income stream from her may have been the purchase of more really nice horses. MB and MHG had several young ones coming along for sale and with their connections could probably make some calls and locate anything one would ever want.

She thought he would be her trainer. He thought his assistants would.

“What we have (had) here was a failure to communicate.” Cool Hand Luke.

After seeing the crap posted online by your favorite snowflake, you obviously haven’t read any of LKs posts.


There isn’t enough money on the face of this good earth to make training/boarding Lauren Kanarek worth it, lucrative, or desirable IMO


Well, why don’t you ask her? She’s been here for a while. So far she’s declined to comment at all. So far, she’s been the smartest one involved so I don’t expect her to say anything now.


We have no way of knowing, outside of JT, what MB’s role was or wasn’t in each purchase. He could have, and likely did, act as her agent if she purchased others from outside sellers (the friend she lied to as testified to at trial), earning himself a commission. JT might have earned him more since he was the seller. We don’t know. He doesn’t need to be the seller or seller’s agent to make money.

Edited to add that most ammies in show barns don’t search for, try, or buy horses without agents, who are typically their trainers… just for those who are presently sans equine or have never owned.


It would also call into doubt anything the family may have submitted to the court (e.g., any letter or ‘victim statement’ claiming LK is afraid of MB, etc.) in connection with the recent Krol hearing. If they are saying one thing on SM (she doesn’t dislike him, she’d even train with him again!) but then telling the court the opposite story, that would need to be looked at closely based on the recent ruling which went against the doctors’ recommendation.


You know, that is a phenomenal point.


Excellent point!!


She wanted no part of 48 Hours.


You lost me. Her friend, or someone claiming to be her friend, posted a few times, the last time right after court. I would have to go back and find that post just to see who it was.

LK is banned.

I think everyone agrees her family should stay off SM for a while, at least about this topic.

I’m supposed to get this done by messaging her alleged parents to ask details about horse purchases? And they would tell a random internet poster right before the civil trial? Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one.

What is RICO?



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@FitzE What are your thoughts regarding Silver’s response to Nagel’s motion to quash?

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Deininger posted two filings but I wasn’t able to open.


Really? Reading comprehension issues again?


This can be easily disputed with testimony and financial information. According to testimony, it took 40-50k a month to operate HH. 5k would be about 10 percent of operating costs. Hardly keeping anything afloat. It’s a weak argument. Also, MB hasn’t opened his mouth to dispute that fact yet either. MB was able to develop HH, purchase/own the farm in FL, have numerous investments, and establish wealth far before LK ever entered the picture. Sure, he went through a divorce but still maintained millions in assets just by his ownership in the 2 facilities and horses alone, let alone all the investments we don’t even know about.

ETA: I forgot to mention the relevance to this thread… JK may moan and groan about MB needing LK financially in the 48 Hours episode but all of his groaning can, and I’m certain will, be easily disputed in the civil trial. Easily disputed with legitimate financial documents, etc.


Here you go! Also a fun one to read!



Thank you!

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You’re welcome!

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