MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

If, “upon information and belief”, JK is IM, then this post is particularly interesting in light of Nagel’s privilege claim and Silver’s response:


Ha ha. Yes it’s true that on SM as in social life IRL there is no explicit law against lying. But if you go around stating things that have bearing on a criminal case, like" I have weapons" or “I have evidence I haven’t shared” or as with some especially dim teens, “I killed a person,” it will work against you.

I think some folks are unclear on different kinds of SM.

You get to control your own story more on FB or IG where you can delete comments and threads.

If you are on big public forums like YouTube with hundreds of thousands of viewers, it’s unlikely anyone will be invested enough to screen shot you.

Snapchat evaporates.

But COTH is more an old school.forum, like the old blogs. Yiu have a core group that has been here long term, and will qfp or screenshot or link to outside information. And also pool intelligence.

If you lack impulse control and SM common sense like the Trifecta appear to, it’s possibly easy to say way more than you should and to not think about how hard it is to walk things back.

I think some of the more intense Reddits might be like this, a core group that has long recall on topics. But most SM these days is evanescent and no one keeps tabs on your lies or evasionsm


I dont read that as eggbutt is a long term friend of SW… how do you see that?


Now THAT is a bombshell!


Sounds like a small tack store owner here in Ontario :eyes:

In the motion ekat shared above, it references a post by LK, about a visit from the cops and the documents MB wanted them to sign.

She writes “He even tried block us from going to the barn to ride (something the DA told him repeatedly he was not allowed to do)…”

So wait, when did MB see a DA about this situation, such that she is referencing it to the LEO responding to a 911 call?


In MB’s police suit, he mentions the cops called the DA at one point about the situation. I want to say it was the same time they mentioned the recordings to the police, but I don’t remember.

The DA is Schellhorn’s boss…who had the say in taking the case towards trial in the first place.

I wish they had used the one about JK and the negotiations too….that one was subject to a delete, so you know it said something it shouldn’t have….


AH! Thank you!! I had forgotten about his suit against the Police Department.
It’s almost like MB tried a million non-litigious ways to get these people out of his hair, and none of the routes people are told to pursue were of any aid to him.

Anyone know what the chances are of going back over that one and, with all the new information about the materials and parties involved, getting this addressed?


I didn’t suggest either should be banned. I haven’t seen either one and simply wondered if they were banned.

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I wonder if SW will be on 48 Hours. Seems like she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to trash LK in such a public way.

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Interesting thought and makes me wonder if 48 hours or 60 minutes is reading this. With the 48 hours focus being on social media, the I-M reveal is pretty impactful.


I find it amusing that he is sitting on the sidelines and watching the discussion.

If he thinks the feedback on a small forum like COTH has been hard on his daughter over the last two to three years…. He and Seeker better buckle up. It’s pretty obvious 48 Hours is going to thoroughly examine the whole pathological narcissism angle of this story.


Hmmmm. CBS has put out a longer written report in advance of the upcoming episode.


I wonder if they will comment on the irony of of SM posters bullying SM posters while discussing a SM poster bullying?


So, is it possible to see what the DA was shown about the situation?

I don’t think so :slight_smile: It seems like they are definitely focused on Lollypop’s posting habits. Which are pretty specific, and predate anything anyone on COTH ever said.


I just wonder about the angle that LK was keeping MB afloat with her “deal”. Now I know there were probably some other revenue streams besides board and training - the horse purchase and most likely there were commissions on the horse LK imported. But still $5k was really cheap for just two horses and then you throw in a place to live. BUT unless you travel in those circles you would not realize MB was likely losing money or barely breaking even on this deal. Most people would hear $5 k a month, even for 4 horses, and think WOW she was really paying through the nose. She must be the reason he could keep his barn open and pay his people.

Heck my parents would think that was an outrageous sum of money and he should have been grateful for her monthly check. So many of the viewers just won’t realize she was getting a really sweet deal since they have no clue. I couldn’t pay that but I know how much that kind of program costs. I doubt the average viewer does though.


She already had the horses I think. Someone else helped her shop and imported them, not MB.


Probably not, since it’s only a very tiny minority that thinks that discussing the public behavior of others is “bullying”.


No because I didn’t give them my messages from LK trying to bully me as she cried to the NY Times she was being bullied. Unless someone else did.