MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I keep looking back at old IM posts and they are interesting! This one stands out (and may explain some of JK’s legal prowess or more accurately, lack thereof):

I want to take this moment to say that if it is true that (upon information and belief) IM is JK, I apologize to the several of you who suggested to me privately that IM was JK. I know I scoffed at that. I have messaged a few of you, but at this point I can’t remember who all said that to me (it was a LOT, you eagle eyed old hags, you!). Mea culpa.


RICO law has been applied to sports teams, individuals, police departments, politicians etc. It’s not just mafia or drug cartels any more.


Is there only the one for Kirby? Also, I got about two paragraphs in and I think he may be giving Silver a run for his money.


Yeah, the other filing just links the original motion to quash.

Deininger = Kirby
Silver = Jonathan


I’m confused. Why are we pondering more horses? She already had Two she brought with her, one in retirement, purchased JayT from Michael and the overseas horse from someone else before she ever moved to the farm, if I understand her testimony correctly. So, 5 horses total.


Just got done reading that one as well.

@Knights_Mom - you feature prominently in the exhibits :rofl:

These people were warned by literally EVERYONE that engaging in debates on the forums about the facts of a case while there was civil litigation in process was a BAD idea. But… they clearly think they are smarter than everyone else.



The way I understood it, she owned all the other horses, the only one she bought while there was JayT. None of the other horse purchases had anything to do with Michael. She was boarding two horses, and that multiplied.


Holy cow. That was some excellent legalese! And the fact that he outlines precisely how JK and KK may have been involved in the campaign of terror is compelling.


But the price of board/barter/whatever did not multiply proportionally. So, why would Michael want to help her collect more at his expense? Interesting theory I suppose.


I agree with you. It makes no sense that anyone would consider someone that he needs to have around for her money or why anyone would think it is a positive that she brings more horses but no more money.

On the other topic - It is such a pleasure to read the response by these two lawyers. They are brilliant men.
I love that it was brought up that both Kirby and Jonathan Kanarek feel they are above the law.


Between the two filed today, there is quite a picture painted re: Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek, isn’t there?


If you think about it, what we are learning is what we (many of us) have thought all along. Now we just have proof of it.


Puts them on the hook and he can add them to the case. It probably causes other headaches for them as well as far as being a witness, testimony though I’m not a trial lawyer so I can’t exactly say.


It is important to know as fact that LK came to Hawthorne Hill with all of her horses with the exception of Jay-T, who she purchased directly from Michael.


I screenshotted a specific part of Deininger’s filing with the respect to Kirby and her transcripts…

It ties to the SafeSport complaint. Apparently JK and KK actually wrote a “Summary” of the SS complaint about MB for LK, and this was part of what was submitted right before the shooting, which apparently resulted in SafeSport urgently contacting local CPS to go out and do a welfare check with respect to MHG’s kids.


I highlighted the specific portion of interest

It’s also interesting to pause and think about the fact that ILLEGAL RECORDINGS were part of the evidence submitted to SafeSport regarding MB. If he gets released at the 6 month hearing, at some point he should have the opportunity to appeal his SafeSport ban (if they don’t choose to amend or lift it). I would think the fact that these recordings were made illegally, as part of a broader intentional harassment campaign… well… that might be something that helps him make the case his ban should be overturned.


I simply figured that would be a given.
And it came back to bite some of my students in the butt when they underestimated the level of difficulty faced taking exams without any “help” the following semester.


Yup. MBs legal team is building up to adding them to the counter complaint.


Gosh, I sure hope that happens! Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek need to be held responsible for their parts in this torture.


I forget the term. I think it starts with an “i”. Inter something, im something… darn I took that test in like 1998 so memory foggy.


I wonder if Taylor and Schellhorn will watch the 48 Hours episode, realize they were duped, and hang their heads in shame.