MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Yep, the Trifecta!


keep wondering…seriously hut-ho78 you are way out on a limb here. LOL


I impress even myself sometimes.


Wow. Impressive. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I know right? This from the same person who once for an hour couldn’t remember how to spell the word “of”.


Today’s filings have been such entertaining reads.

If I were JK or KK, God, I would feel dumb.

In my opinion, LK is looking like the true predator she is. Just horrific behavior so well summarized in this last filing.

Almost unbelievable. Almost.


@hut-ho78 if she came to Hawthorne Hill with the total number of horses she left with other than the addition of Jay-T, where are you getting this information below you posted in your previous post?

She did say she bought more at MB’s instruction about having to have two at each level in case one is lame. That is a quite a bunch of horses.


She came with 2. $5,000.00 board for 2. She bought JT and brought in her old horse with cellulitis, leaving another old horse in NC. She had 1 new one in quarantine.

I can’t remember if there was another one in between the one in quarantine and bringing in the old one with cellulitis.

I don’t know what you mean by she came with the ones she left with. How many does she have in Florida?

Why are we rehashing number of horses?? Go rewatch the criminal trial if confused. This thread isn’t about that.


Ha! Thanks for the new word. Love it.


But…but… Lauren was his cash cow and she was there because he was making money in mass from her. /sarcasm


PM me the details about that one! Sounds juicy

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I wonder what she’s paying for board and her “apartment” now? That’s not including training (who is her trainer now).


The person who looks dumbest here is the attorney filing for the plaintiff in her own lawsuit to squash a motion for people he doesn’t represent.


Since LK’s horse importer is a member of the forum, I’m sure she could confirm when she helped LK bring in her horses and if LK owned them prior to going to train with MB. However, being the smartest cookie of that side’s involvement in the incident, she has wisely kept her mouth shut. So, I wouldn’t expect any answers from her now.


Supposedly Lauren did the same thing to a young man she drove out of the barn she’s at now shortly after she arrived. He’s posted on various chats that he lost his $130,000/year job because of LK. If that is true I wonder why he didn’t sue her?


Holy cow it really is Groundhog Day! Time for another reminder that discussing someone’s actual words and actions is not bullying.


Cost. Suing people isn’t free and if the judgement isn’t likely to be large enough to cover costs, well, nobody is really left better off except on the moral ground of victory.

I don’t know the actual reason but cost/resources is a big reason many people can’t protect their rights.



Did you read the exhibit in which Silver provides the post of LKs which clearly mentions that she has “video”?

The video in question, according to LK, is a video of the occasion on which MB called 911 saying the emergency was that his clients refused to sign a document that he wanted them to sign.

That’s the video specifically mentioned by SGF. Did you see mention of any others?

  1. SGF is defending against the suit brought by LK and they also have a cross complaint against MB. It appears they are trying to build an iron clad case that to the extent that there was an agreement that LK could live on the property, that agreement was made by MB and not SGF. I still don’t understand all the glee expressed here regarding the brilliance of the SGF lawyers, given that they are working in opposition to Barisone, in addition to defending against LKs suit.

  2. Nowhere in the response did I see any contradiction of or even mention of Nagel’s statement that it was established in the criminal trial that MB shot LK. I have not seen anything from SGF disputing that LK was shot and injured, or that MB was the person who shot her.

  3. This is weird. With respect to both LK and KK, SGF said that each had acknowledged their COTH screennames, and that after the screen names had been acknowledged by KK and LK, SGF had confirmed the identities with COTH by subpoena.

With respect to IM, the filing stated that IM was believed to be JK, but did not say that JK had acknowledged ownership of the screen name, and did not say that COTH had given up the real life identity of IM or confirmed anything after being subpoenaed.

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Are you serious? Really?