MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Let’s face facts, there were probably many devices all over that barn, lounge, office, bathroom, etc. I mean go big or go home, right? Especially when doing something illegal!!


In what appears to be a major walkway, people are just chilling and plotting evil. And a lawyer is conducting privileged conversations right there. It seems unlikely.


I’m betting one reason the farm was bought for Super Ninja in Florida is that your ‘homestead’ can’t be seized to pay a civli penalty. That’s why OJ and others moved to Florida.


Here is a portion of a post @DownYonder made on the 48 Hours thread and really strikes a chord!!

IOW, the outgo for support of darling daughter and her manservant would have gone from $5000/month to what, $10,000, $12,000, $15,000/month?


They didn’t buy a farm in Florida, only a house.


I agree with this point.
Jonathan Kanarek has proven that he is not very honest so I am sure he was telling Michael that he was helping him convince Lauren to leave and then helping Lauren Finish the Bastard.
I am sure having to spend that much more to support all the horses that Lauren buys was not something he wanted to do.


Many who aren’t horsepeople are not going to realize how much it would cost a farm to provide those services for all those horses.


I think your post combined with @DownYonder’s is extremely close to the absolute truth. Remember, it wasn’t just about moving the horses, it also was about where on earth would they put HER? He certainly didn’t want her in HIS home!


So, I wonder, now that “RG” is on FB talking about the RC incident….will that earn him a subpoena?


Couldn’t they just go stay at whatever hotel it was that they ended up at after the shooting? If it was good enough to stay at while one recovered from being cut from “stern to stern”, it seems like it would be good enough to stay at to leave the barn where it was very clear you were not wanted anymore while you worked out housing somewhere else, but still not at your parents house since you are not allowed there.

But we do not know if he has already been given subpoenas and actually answered them so nothing we would see has been filed, since he complied.


So….just more evidence that JK is in contempt and should be forced to compel.


Yes, I wish someone had asked other witnesses what they paid to board and have a horse in training there, to assist in the understanding of how cheaply the Kanareks we’re getting off here.
Not to mention rent in an apartment.


So, I think I recall from the trial that MB had his barn swept for bugs didn’t he? That’s all I remember. What was the outcome of that sweep?

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$5k to sweep for bugs
Nothing found.
Doesn’t mean they weren’t there, just well hidden (or carried in a pocket).


I do too. I could commute from the west coast and ride/show on three-day weekends and it would still be cheaper than full board/training at my local barns. I would not come with a goon squad and an untrained dog.

But I would never train at a barn where there is a ‘work exchange’ program, especially if it is only offered to the special snowflake. (Not speaking of WS’s here.) That always ends badly IME. I consider it a red flag for several reasons.


Or removed before the bug sweeper showed up, after they heard the discussion about the upcoming bug sweeper via the bugs.




I have a big ask…could someone post the civil suit original filings on this post along with the others? (LK vs SGF, MB, RC plus the cross complaints) I’ve tried to find them/figure out what’s current but I am having trouble.
Thanks in advance!

Give me a few minutes and I’ll add to my original post. To clarify, you’d like original complaint and answers, etc?


Yes, thanks!

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