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MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

The very first phone call I received about this event I was told RG had ripped up a large portion of the partially renovated bathroom. I have no idea if that is true but he did testify that he wasn’t happy.


So someone is trying to influence the K-fecta to stay off of social media…unfortunately the K-fecta cant stop themselves. You would think they would have recently learned that alters can be traced.


Not if MB was performing as owner as Barisone Dressage or Representative from SGF. Then MB was responsible for pulling permits.

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It must be part of the 9D Super Chess Strategy that us plebes can neither understand nor follow.


The contractor is responsible for knowing whether he is licensed or not. Based on the history of lying I’m willing to bet Jim E. Stark lied and said he was licensed. Also, most of the time it’s the contractor who gets the permits so there’s that.

Thank you. Come again.


According to my cyber security (don’t get excited, normal package) that trolls the dark web looking for my info, our information from this forum, email and password at least, is out there for sale. I hope everyone changed their passwords after the Great Hack.

and you are correct, except the owner can function as his own contractor.

There is a song-it seems we’ve stood and talked this way before… Where or When. Rodgers and Hart

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See now I read this as a threat.

I read this as “we don’t need to get subpoenas, we can just buy your info and find you”.


Hahahahaha as much renovations as we have had done over the past 40 years, we’ve NEVER, been the one to obtain permits. That is the job of the contractors!!!


Why would MB do that himself when this was supposed to be the trade for MB supporting the LK herd of horses?


If they’re licensed.
Its my understanding that in NJ the person doing the work needs to be licensed.


I am thinking more like Pinnochio.
Or Caillou


Didn’t the representative for Jim E. Stark (aka Lauren Kanarek) say in one of her long rambling posts way back when try to say, but not say, but say that Jim E. Stark could do the work legally because he was incorporated or something like that?

In other words, it is very believable that Jim E. Stark did just as Knights_Mom said.



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When you have a flood it’s very common to mitigate your loss until actual work can be started. Ceilings need to be removed to prevent mold.

Edit for typo. Ugh

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Lauren Kanarek has proven that with out a doubt she does not believe in mitigating losses.

Oh wait, we are not talking about her for a change, we are talking about Michael’s house that she called hers.


I was alarmed. It was creepy. I had to find my old password, log in, see some posts were liked but what? I deleted my posts. Nope. They’re back! Later when the forum was acting weird I freaked out and commented on technical forum.

So what prompted you, what was your impetus, to mention that suddenly, here, at this time and place?

What is your motive?

I’ll wait.

I may have been born yesterday but it wasn’t last night.


Just make sure you don’t overload your septic system.

If memory serves, when I looked this up alarms don’t require a licensed electrician or a permit for installation and replacement in New Jersey. They just have to be there and be operational.

There is the link but it’s not real clear. Battery operated don’t need a permit. Smoke alarms must be there and don’t have to be permitted or inspected. I’m not sure about initial wiring for hard wired smoke alarms. Replacements I think are included with the battery operated.

See prior usage in the 48hrs thread. It’s a handy phrase, and it means something entirely different in this context than when said to Buttercup, I assure you.