MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Usually cases are assigned randomly to judges, so if it’s a new filing yes, it could go to any civil judge. If they reopen it would go to the same judge


Does the same thing happen if you choose Forever as the timeframe?

I don’t know.

I suspect what has a poster so triggered about the Dr Grande video is it has received over 46,000 views and most of the 900 comments are not favorable to Miss Kanarek. Couple this with the viewership of 48 Hours and all the negative comments, the handwriting must be on the wall for the Krifecta. I honestly don’t see how Nagel is going to spin this into a win for his however many clients he has on this case. Perhaps he’s trying for the currently popular strategy of throw everything possible into delaying hoping the defendants run out of time or money.

Maybe the Kanareks will think thrice before targeting anyone else. Or maybe they will leave the Eastern US area and start over elsewhere.


My recollection is that the judge ruled against the claim that MBs human rights were violated by incompetent police work. The judge did not defend the police work as competent. Therefore no further proof of incompetency would further the cause of that claim.

What counts as a human rights violation is rather narrowly construed. If you’re fired because your boss does not like people of color and boss makes that clear, it’s a human rights violation. If he fires you because he thinks you are not doing a good job, it’s not a human rights violation.

Anyhow I also think we surmised at the time that the suit was useful in getting some evidence into view that helped in the eventual trial, and the legal team might not have been deeply invested in winning it.


Go to the original post and read some of the more recent filings.

This makes me think.
In the eyes of someone like Lauren Kanarek, any attention is good attention so maybe in this case, being the talk of just about everyone is an amazing thing to the Trifecta, because to them they can always just lie their way out of whatever anyone says that is bad about them.


Start a new case if time hasn’t expired with new allegations such as malfeasance or something.


Yes but unless the SoL have run out, it seems the fact that PD did such a shoddy job should be grounds for another suit.

Honestly I’m surprised the sue happy Kanareks haven’t brought suit for the failure to collect forensic evidence, since that evidence would have brought a different verdict assuming the evidence confirmed the stories RG/LK testified to.


But the Klan has been insisting that the police did an amazing job, so suing them would go against that.


JK as Inigo-Montoya wasn’t confirmed by COTH. It had that legal phrase attached to it meaning the lawyers think it’s him.

Edited to replace “we” with “the lawyers.” .

It seemed there was one or two lines about how there may be something there…but not until they testify against you in court in your trial.

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Since Mod 1 is actively following these threads, and since Mod 1 typically says ‘stop assuming who people are’ when we are totally off base, and since there is a legal document that was done in a manner that is concise and has references that says IM = Jonathan Kanarek, I am thinking it is more likely than not that IM = Jonathan Kanarek.


What about the presumption of innocence… Ie no evidence was collected (bullets, gun shot residue, cameras/video) because the police appear to have believed the two witnesses about who the shooter/aggressor(s) were… ?


I just thought the first filing was a “jail house lawyer” adept in filing nuisance lawsuits against LE (including the courts) for harassment who talked Mb into filing and Mr D had to jump in and clean it up. :woman_shrugging:

Yes. They came out and directly stated that Dragonfly was an unconnected individual.

They merely confirmed that YD was not LK but otherwise left it open. Likewise, they merely said that the email used for IM didn’t make it obvious as to a connection, which wasn’t exactly a confirmation or a denial.


South America / Venezuela would be a good retreat.




Maybe Jonathan Kanarek will hire an attorney that will respond to that Motion For Contempt, and the Opposition to Bruce’s Motion to Quash and they will address that. Time’s ticking though.


Is anyone watching the coverage today of the Alex Jones trial? The courtroom has turned into a circus. I’m having visions of LK playing the role of Jones when (if) her trial is televised.

@ekat during one of Court TV’s talks with guests they talked about a lot of the trouble Jones is in today is because he ignored court procedure earlier. I can’t give you the verbatim conversation but, it hit me that what happened with Jones might be the same type of behavior we’re seeing from the kanarek family. Ignore subpoena’s and court requests, etc.


I haven’t seen it, but I’ll take a look. As a rule though, judges don’t like that one bit. They like it even less when it’s the PLAINTIFF and her witnesses.

It’s one thing to play around as the defendant (like Alex Jones). It’s an entirely different level of pissing off a judge when the party that brought the lawsuit can’t bother to play by the rules in a game they chose.