MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I’m behind on the thread again, but the irony of LK talking about others who will never be seen in the same light again after the facts come out is just too much. Pot, meet kettle.


That’s disgusting but what LK has and is doing is just dandy. Got it.


Not to mention the part about SS/USEF monitoring the activity on the BB and knowing everyone’s identities.

Sure, Jan. :roll_eyes:


No it wouldn’t have. As long as the jury determined that MB was legally insane at the time of the shooting, the verdict would still be NGRI.

The prosecutor met the bar of “beyond a reasonable doubt”. More evidence to meet the bar of “way, way, way beyond a reasonable doubt” would have made zero difference.

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Wow. The idea of IM/JK asking anyone else about admiring someone’s parenting style is just too much.


I use a similar software for my consulting (not a lawyer!) and bill in 6 minute increments as well.


The idea that you (g) hate LK is false? Good to know.

I’ll leave it to each individual reader of these threads to assess for themselves your feelings toward LK. There’s no need for me to “push” anything.

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So, following along, do I have this right?

  • a claim was made that IM had insider info and ‘never’ claimed otherwise --> proof was posted of IM claiming otherwise; and

  • a claim was made that IM didn’t lie --> IM lies re: USEF and SS monitoring these chats AND knowing all the IRL identities of all participants was posted

And it was all ignored completely as if it never happened, am I getting that right?


Don’t forget * IM never said that Lauren would train with MB again after the verdict —> except for that time IM said that after the verdict.

Other than that, yes, you are getting it perfect.


Ekat- I originally missed that statement made by IM after the verdict. You were right; he said he would not rule out LK training with MB after the trial as well as before the trial.


Yes! Same in Hollywood. One former powerful big wig (now disgraced publicly) was notorious for returning calls at like 6am or 7am EST when he knew nobody would pick up. “Tag, you’re it!”

ETA: when I maintained the call sheet, had to roll calls, and had to attempt to clear it each day, I loathed that man.


Good idea! Does Venezuela have an Olympic dressage team? Might be an opportunity for the Olympics after all!


Re: the screenshot of IM saying “Of course I have no inside information”. I took that as sarcasm.

Bad, bad IM for not including the /s. Maybe he overestimated the powers of perception of his audience.


I’m sorry, but this is nonsense. I doubt you could find a single, good prosecutor in the world who would turn down more evidence for a stronger foothold in their case. No one worth their salt as a prosecutor says, well, we have enough evidence so we’re not going to pursue these additional paths so that the jury can be even more confident in our side of the case.


Thank you for admitting you were wrong.


So why didn’t you take what @eggbutt said as sarcasm? Why does IM get the special privilege of being protected from his inconsistent statements?


So, it’s ok when IM says it because he’s your hero and the paragon of honesty and obviously we all missed the /s. But it’s twisted and deceptive when Eggbutt says it? I just want to make sure I understand.


Phew. I finally caught up on the thread again!

I have to reiterate how much faster and easier and less annoying that process is with the ignore feature firmly in place. It makes a world of difference.

One odd thing is that periodically I will see a post or two from someone I have on ignore. But then when I refresh the page, those replies are hidden again. Didn’t someone else say they had that same experience with the ignore feature? It seems like sort of a strange thing.


I am sensing a double standard. The family that lies must be telling the truth and when it looks like a lie it was clearly meant as a joke with some sarcasm, heck with the fact that the rest of the post was threatening everyone with a lie…
Someone who typically is honest and tells the truth, they must be lying.
So weird, so very weird.


You did not miss much. Tide seems to be turning back to it’s all Stormy Daniel’s fault. Oops, I mean MHG.