MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I think we’re seeing quite a bit of ignoring subpoenas and court orders by “leaders” of our country who should be well versed in laws and legal process and setting the example for the masses. Instead they act like they are above the law. What has happened to our country (not intended to be political)?


Oh I agree the prosecutor would have used more evidence of it were available. It just increases his odds of meeting the “beyond a reasonable doubt” threshold.

I was responding to Eggbutt saying the Kanareks should did the police department because more information would resulted in a different verdict. It would not have. Even if the prosecutor made his case a “complete slam dunk” as opposed to simply “beyond a reasonable doubt”, given the finding of insanity, the verdict would still be NGRI.

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Yet, he hired ED a week before the shooting to discuss the legality of the recordings! This man actually appears to believe the inconsistencies coming out of his mouth. Master spinners. Uh-huh.

Hey Jonathan, several of us saw through your daughter and you from the get-go!!


It’s happening to me as well…




While we’re talking about IM’s honesty and all…was Inigo Montoya lying here, or was Jonathan Kanarek lying on 48 Hours when he said Lauren was never asked to leave? :thinking:


Apparently I am still the object of @CurrentlyHorseless’s obsession and fascination. Thanks all for pushing back on her apparent hypocritical posts using my posts as proof of something.

But, just put her on Ignore rather than being pulled in. Today has been extremely pleasant not being pulled in to reading her diatribes.


well, if that’s the case, why were they not presented in the criminal case? can you imagine having a mother or father like this…? speechless. what a horrible life and environment…


If by ‘weird’ you mean complete and utter :ox: :poop:.

Outside the British tabloid press, I must admit that I was unaware that there were adults who would indulge in such naked and artless contortions to make one thing/person/source right while simultaneously making others wrong for the exact same thing. It’s the Meghan - Kate coverage. The British tabloid press will write the opposite headline for M doing literally the same thing as K without any sense of shame.

I guess we are ignoring the bald-faced lie now, is that it? Since that one cannot be passed off as sarcasm? I love how we are now ascribing motive and tone in a way most favourable to one poster and doing a Meghan-style coverage for every other poster.

What did someone call this nonsense: transparent and childish?


What is nice is not getting carpal tunnel from scrolling for the gist.


Not long before I left there they got cell phones. So when the attorney I didn’t like got a call I’d just transfer it to his. Made him mad but I laughed and laughed!


My blood pressure is lower now that I figured out how to refresh to turn it back on so I don’t get sucked in!

ETA: thanks again to whoever taught me that here!!!


That’s amazing! :rofl: Hollywood assistants have to “roll calls” - which means staying on the call (muted), taking notes, flagging things for follow up, etc.

It all goes in to a constantly updated spreadsheet (or into a database) that contains all incoming and outgoing calls and their status. The goal is to “clear” the call sheet, which never happens if you work for someone important… so the power plays of leaving VMs at odd hours, etc, are really frustrating when they add to the list!




There is no way in the history of the world I could do that!! My other attorneys wife called one day and gave me her grocery list. When the attorney got back to the office I told him to call her because she needed him to pick up some things on the way home. I would have never made it in Hollywood!! You are a better person than I!!

Edited to add - the attorney I transferred the calls to was cheating on his wife and he knew I’d tell her in a heartbeat so I knew he wasn’t going to fire me. :joy:


Oh the stories I could tell if I were loose lipped! I enjoyed it, but was happy for the promotion when it came (and the end to the call rolling!).

And ETA to your ETA: :flushed::flushed::flushed:


You deserved that promotion!!


Love it, we’re you able to ring him on the golf course? My experience with doctors.


None of us in our practice group played golf! I would have been really bad if I’d tried though!

We were government relations and legislative so he spent all of his time over there - or with the girlfriend. I have a feeling I rang him at some inconvenient moments though!!! LOL