MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

My grandmother was a judicial clerk for 30 plus years and shared a long career with 2 criminal judges, one in particular was also her best friend. When she died and we were going through her things, we found all kinds of secrets my grandmother had kept for said judge, including glamour shots from women sent to him in all kinds of scantily clad things like a tiny cowboy outfit with a wet white t-shirt. :laughing: We never knew we welded so much power over the man!


Another callback to the movie Witness for the Prosecution.


I love it! :joy::joy::joy:


Is LK a celebrity? I guess she was on 48 hours. Are people on TV shows exempt from commentary?

Yep… I’m picturing the online equivalent of fingers in the ears doing the lalalalalalala thing.



The court system is big on cheating and alcohol.


Not sure she would appreciate being a celebrity - California for example has very strong anti-SLAPP laws. All of those threats she made…


I think the real question is LK famous or infamous???

Either way, the situation that has brought her 15 minutes of fame is absolutely nothing to be proud of.

Sadly, the Trifecta seems to be missing the genes that help them understand the difference between good behavior and bad.

JK proved this when he chose to lie on national television and thought no one would catch it. Poor JK does not seem to understand the concept of screen shots now, does he???

FINISH THE BASTARD, and all that.


Funny thing about fame, people won’t recognize her on the street, so she won’t get the attention she so desires, but once she opens her mouth and brings up the situation (which she can’t help but do), People will remember and run. Far far away.


Sadly, the rest of the world seems to be leaning that way these days. Either unable or unwilling to differentiate between people who are famous for winning an Olympic medal, for example, or infamous for leaking a sex tape. Even when it’s in the same family.


Don’t think that any of the Jenner, Olympic medalist’s, kids have made a sex tape. Step kids perhaps. Although admittedly, I’m not up on the latest trash T.V. so I could be mistaken.

Kim Kardashian made a sex tape. Step dad is Bruce Jenner… Katelyn Jenner


Well it must be true, because @CurrentlyHorseless says IM never lied! Not even when he claimed to be an outside party with no inside knowledge. I’m sure that was just a typo and not a lie…


Or sarcasm.


That is what I said, yes? Not his/her kids, but step kids.

Yes. I just added the name.

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You know, I was thinking about that second post yesterday -

  • if you’ve got recordings (legal or illegal) of a person and others planning your murder and where to bury your remains on the property (so they can get your horses),
  • and then you actually DO get shot (twice, three times, who knows),
  • apparently by that person (“Michael Barisone shot me”),
  • it’s a slam dunk as some kind of pre-meditated murder attempt,
  • whether he can remember doing it or not, surely?

Yet, here we are.


I’m thinking those supposed bombshell recordings are at the same location as their lost responses to their subpoenas.


I’m wondering if they’re with “you’re my best friend, no I love you more, love you to the moon and back, ride or die” - and if they are, the chances of her being subpoenaed are fairly high, and that’d make things quite a lot more interesting going forward.


I’m thinking there ARE recordings but there is no murder plot on them but rather more “I hate her” kind of stuff.

I also think there’s probably video of the event but it’s hidden because it shows MB getting jumped. I don’t believe in the fabrication that the video just happened to be turned off because it beeped a little. Not in that environment. Not with the events of that day and the days before if you’re LK and you think you’re about to get murdered.

I hope the civil trial settles these unsettling things.

Just my suspicion based on logical chains of events.


Remember, she has no clue what she’s talking about.