MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

And here is the rub….supposedly, according to Seeker, the murder plot aspect of the recordings wasn’t readily apparent until “after” the shooting…then it was clear.


My gut feeling is that they heard a lot of the chatter about “God I could KILL her! I want her gone, like yesterday.” “Ruth, can you help get her out of here?? I mean geeze, she should leave, I don’t care what you do, just make it happen!”

At the time, they came to the conclusion most would upon hearing these things, but also instead of leaving, upped their games.

And then after the shooting happened, they thought back and their brains now say “OMG, they were PLOTTING!”


I did not say he never lied. I said I found him credible. More credible than LK. More credible than Eggbutt.

You’re constantly misrepresenting what I write. Some of that might be honest misreading. But all of it? Unlikely.

When he said “Of course I have no inside information”, given the context, that was obviously sarcasm. You’re not dumb, @BigMama1. It’s dishonest of you and @FitzE to pretend you didn’t notice the sarcasm in order to label him a liar.

Re bolded: I’m taking that last statement as sarcasm. And you didn’t make it clear with the /s ! Just like IM didn’t make his sarcasm clear with the /s !

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If that’s the case, that is egregious.


I hypothesize the goal was to kill Michael. But LK was accidentally shot in the struggle for the gun and they ran out of time. FINISH THE BASTARD, and all that!

Remember LK’s post about the king being dead and the queen must be sacrificed???

What better way to take the queen down than to kill her fiancé and make it look like he attacked them and they killed him in self defense!


Good point


The subjects of Dr Grandes “analyses” are typically celebrities. Since LK is not a celebrity of interest to millions, are you suspecting he covered the case in response to a request?


I have a hard time believing anyone actually started out with a plan to kill. I know true crime leads us to believe that a lot of people are out there planning to murder people, but I will stand by my stance that it’s really rare to want to KILL someone, actually, in the flesh.

I think LK’s games got going too far. I think she got carried away. I think things went farther and for longer than ever before and she got out of control and things got out of hand…

I really doubt she plotted MURDER. She wanted to destroy his life… then things got real.

I think she is a very good example of “F*&$#D around and found out.”

ETA - I still don’t think anyone deserves to be shot or to have their life on the line… but I do think some people can share the responsibility for how that may have happened.


But didn’t she tell RG “Don’t kill him!”?

I’m thinking she didn’t really want him dead because then she couldn’t continue to torture him. And what better way to do that than to see him on trial for attempted murder?


Do judges usually consider motions in the order in which they are listed on their schedule (on the web site)?

And what happens if they get to one that is so complicated it is taking up way more of their time than they thought? Do they proceed with it until they make a decision? Does that sometimes mean that the other cases on the schedule may get pushed back? Or do they reschedule the complicated one so they can continue on down the list of other proceedings scheduled for that day?

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I see… the Queen… The Duchess… and Richard Simmons… out of what? 36 of the latest videos.

So… 8.3% is now ‘typically’…

ETA - Let’s remember that LK was the subject of the SEASON PREMIER of 48 Hours - There was no need for anyone to bring the case to the attention of any true crime follower


Let’s face it- for all her braggadocio about her intelligence, LK is NOT the sharpest tool in the shed or a criminal mastermind.

Was her plan well thought out? Doubtful. Was it well executed? Doubly doubtful!


Delusions of Grandeur.


Are you unaware of the discussion on YouTube, Law &Crime, etc?

If this was my job, I’d be observing many platforms that covered cases.
If a particular case saw the volume of reaction, including from one of the primary participants, that’s a no brainer.
But why not ask him?


What about here? I mean technically you didn’t say that IM never lies, just that you were not aware of any. What about the lies that have been pointed out here in this thread?


MB said in the 48 Hours interview that he had told LK to leave “many, many times”. JK said in the 48 Hours interview that MB “never asked her to leave.”

My best understanding from the evidence from the trial, including the text from MHG saying “we haven’t asked them to leave” on when? the third? is that MB did not tell them to leave prior to the 5th.

Based on that, the statement that MB “never asked her to leave” is not strictly true. I find it understandable that JK may have used “MB never asked her to leave” as short answer to the question rather than say, ‘well, LK had already begun negotiations for the terms of her departure, given that she and RG were pretty enmeshed with MB due all the sloppy, verbal agreements, it wasn’t quite as simple as just finding 5 stalls all on one farm, and there was another horse coming in from quarantine that Wednesday, all of that was already underway before MBs lawyer told her to leave on the 5th.’

It appears both the statements by MB and LK fail to match the exact facts. I’ll be interested in learning from the civil trial which statement is the comparatively larger misrepresentation.

Of course if there’s a “misrepresentation” by MB, he’s not legally responsible for “his conduct” since he has been determined to be delusional, insane.

I have not said IM “never lies”. I said I found him credible and with access to inside information.

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Yes, the sex tapes were from the step kids, not his bio. kids, unless the bio kids have some too. I don’t keep up very well with that stuff, I just remember the original tape story.

I have posted the testimony of the exact wording of the text more than once. That’s not what MHG said.

So, was IM lying when he said MB asked them to leave, or was Jonathan Kanarek lying?

This paragraph makes no sense. Please clarify, if you don’t mind.

Edit to add: @trubandloki - can I get a pair of those reading glasses please? Maybe that will help clarify this answer.


Apparently @CurrentlyHorseless went to the Jonathan Kanarek School of Truth and Honesty!

You know what we call this in my neck of the woods- SEMANTICS!

