MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?



I just want to say thank you for the backup on the screenshot patrol. It’s been a tough week over here.


Active shooter situation. Everyone lived.

Disgruntled client wants the training she thought she was promised when recruited to leave her last trainer for this one. It was pointed out that she was riding better and her scores were better with her last trainer. If true, then that certainly gives more credence to her dissatisfaction with training with lesser trainers than her last trainer and not training with the head trainer who recruited her. She should have left and returned to her last trainer in North Carolina.

Barn owner won’t evict client, shoots her instead.

Tit for tat escalation of dispute.

When someone makes a report to SafeSport and ends up in the ICU after being shot twice, flatlining are least twice, multiple surgeries then and after, it’s a valid report.

When someone makes a SafeSport claim and then shoots someone twice, it may still be a valid report but it does put into question the motive of the reporter/shooter. It doesn’t necessarily invalidate it depending on the circumstances, just opens it to more review. For example, the motive may be very understandable if the reporter/shooter was under a delusion at the time.

LE went to an active shooter incident. Thanks to RG and LE, everyone lived. They had enough evidence for the act that otherwise would be a crime (if MB was not proven insane by a preponderance of evidence) was proven in a court of criminal law beyond a reasonable doubt.

The dog only bit when defending its home and owner. That is kind of what dogs are supposed to do.

The only person in control of the handgun removed two people from his office, opened the safe, drove to the farmhouse, and LK was shot twice. RG was on the phone with 911 while he subdued MB, and used sufficient force to restrain but not kill him.

There has been no evidence presented that LK plotted or tried to kill MB, not in her social media, not in trial, none.

Judge Taylor tried to keep everyone following court rules and not allow the court to be a circus. He then followed Krol rules to insure MB works through the levels to avoid recidivism. His comments on court attire are pretty tame compared to judges comments on attire through decades of my memories. Michael Cohen recently spoke of being held in contempt for wearing 60s style attire and a pony tail in his first court appearance. Women used to be thrown out of court for wearing pantsuits. ED’s attire was tisked tisked by legal reps here. One attorney in large courtroom cleared the court until it was fumigated when his clothes were seen to be covered in bed bugs. Even everyone’s favorite court procedural movie, My Cousin Vinnie discussed courtroom attire. In the context of judges observing the dress and decorum of their courtroom and the adherence Judge Taylor has shown to court procedures, his comments about MB’s attire was not an attack.

The defense is going up against another performer this time instead of the very gentlemanly prosecutor Mr. Schellhorn. A civil case means all the stuff we had read on SM about both parties will be brought out in the worst light and possibly much more we haven’t heard.

As far as information with an impact, the defense already put MHG’s statement out in public in a dry document to lessen the courtroom impact later. I hope they settle. If not, I hope it isn’t streamed or televised. Unfortunately, though there is debate (it seems about a 50/50 split according to one article) as to how much social media can sway a jury, there also seems to be a belief that social media can influence judges including up to the Supreme Court. Law and Crime releasing jurors names during the criminal trial and the avid attention given those names was alarming.


goes to get more coffee


Not exactly.

Edit: this suggestion exposes a lack of knowledge of the variables involved in successful progression in equestrian sport.


Oh dear. Was that not true? Should I have not believed that poster?

Slight error, you have mixed up the previous trainers. She had only been with the trainer who took her to FL for a short time. The trainer she was most successful with was also an Olympian.

I’m not going to rehash the rest of your post. What a shame there are apparently no videos and no forensic evidence was obtained. What you’ve posted is your opinion, just as the rest of us have done. Nothing new here.

Edited to say, the circumstances of her leaving the previous Olympic trainer are not clear. The trainer does not speak of her experience with the Kanareks under any circumstances. Ironically, LK has never publicly posted anything about this trainer either. Gosh, if seems as if there might be some sort of legal document preventing either from speaking (my thoughts only! I have nothing to corroborate this thought). Coincidentally I ran into this trainer this morning and we chatted for several minutes.


Reserved Decision. It may or may not be rendered that day.


Sounds like a good fictional crime story for a movie. A TV movie.

Maybe with LKs ego you can name it Bragnet.

That’s what you do with fiction.


You are the expert on fiction so ok.

There is that proven in criminal court fact though.

I got that yesterday or the other day too! LOL

The dog had a history of biting. It was supposed to be tied up when outside because of it’s issues. Dogs that bite are a cause of lawsuits and often are (in normal areas, but obviously not this part of NJ) put down because they are dangerous.


I really appreciate the posters, like you EADoug, who provide the numbers/stats and those who provide the court documents. Thank you.


When you own a rental property, a dog with a bite history is not something you want.

Why or who it bites is irrelevant.


In many states that can still result in a lawsuit and/or the dog being euthanized. So that’s something to consider.


So the question now is who to believe, @eggbutt now or @eggbutt a few days ago?

More credibility:


Not all of what you said was “proven in criminal court” so there’s that.


I do not understand this flatlining business having anything to do with MB. I have wondered why people keep harping on LK and “flatlining”.
Was this caused by her blood loss, drug overdose, or what?
Flatlining is used more in my area of Canada for drug overdoses.
Generally ER’s stabilize pts before surgery.
She was in surgery when this happened. Why is it not the surgeons/hospital’s fault?

(Retired RN who used to work, years ago, on a surgery floor.


It is to create more drama. Notice the numbers increase as time goes on. At one point the number of times LK was shot kept increasing as well.