MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

This one. I have a very good friend with RSD so I am familiar with what it is and how it affects someone. Robin sounds amazing.

Oh, has he been moved to Greystone? I haven’t received that information. Goodness it almost seems punitive delays by the State of NJ, doesn’t it? I’m sure the Kanareks are thrilled at the continued delays! One can’t help but wonder if there has been inappropriate influence. :thinking: I wonder if 48 Hours and other news outlets are aware of the inappropriate delay in moving Michael?



Although as KM posted upthread, there may not be a decision rendered today. His Honor may want to think about it some over the weekend. If it were me, I’d be inclined to cogitate on it over a wee dram of a very good Scotch or Tennessee Whisky. :grin:


She is amazing and has recovered completely since her decision to amputate. I ran into her this morning playing pickle ball!


Gosh, has he not had enough time to ponder a decision?


If it were me, I’d be inclined to take a giant red sharpie, empty the contents, and dip Nagel’s filing in it. Render my decision. THEN grab a fresh bottle along with a handful of asprin.


Good point. It’s for the contempt motions and deposition motion filed on 8/24, correct? Plus the subsequent cross motions and opposition motions filed after that?

So is it safe to assume he looked at the contempt motions and deposition motion in anticipation of ruling on them on 9/9 (the original scheduled date)? But then Nagel asked on 8/30 for it to be pushed back, and Deininger, Silver, and Nagel have since filed various cross motions and opposition motions.

I wonder if Sceusi’s head is spinning trying to wade through it all.


Usually a judge (by me) should render a decision within 30 days. Most were done that day or within a weak.


That wasn’t how they were presented though. One was presented in comparison to top level finished horses ridden by top level riders.

I don’t know what quality she bought, what MB and MHG had available for resale other than numbers (18-20 combined), if an offer was actually made, if MB actually told her to own 2 at each level in case one goes lame, etc. (my experience is if you have 2 you can work your arms evenly handwalking through rehab while they are both lame). Some of those ammie friendly might turn out to be top level and some of the top level contenders may turn out to be ammie friendly.

I’ve seen friends even stop riding for a while because different trainers trashed their horses until they sold them (both nice horses and safe to ride, one won regionals at training level) and then the trainers tried to get to buy horses too expensive and too hot for them to afford or feel safe riding. It was a disaster. Later they did buy another horse.

I don’t know. I just meant he is in an institution and will get treatment and work the levels.

Goodness I hope we see a decision today.


With the briefs from the lawyers, I’d suspect the judge will want to avoid oral arguments and sign off on the form of order from the most compelling side. Don’t postpone joy, I always say!


I actually wonder if he declined oral arguments to save Nagel the embarrassment of going up against Deininger and Silver. :laughing:


What an absolute disgrace and shame there is no treatment for all intents and purposes at AK. Apparently he is being used as a type of counselor helping the employees with other patients! The delay is punitive IMO. If I really wanted to be absurd, I would say JK influenced the prosecutor/judge to delay so he can be assured of winning his wager with @Knights_Mom!! Nothing would surprise me with this family and what I perceive to be a broken legal system in Morris County, NJ. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! /s




I just looked at the GFM and saw this.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


You are really reaching with this post and insult the intelligence of others following along on this thread. It appears you are picking trigger words and concocting weird assumptions for your benefit. You take a close to brilliant discussion of dressage horses and manipulate it into slamming Lauren’s perfectly nice horses! Get off it @hut-ho78. We all see what you are doing.

Perhaps Ignore actually is the best choice for you.


I wish. However, I bet it was more selfishly about not wasting his time listening to the grandstanding of a lawyer that has no leg to stand on.


[quote=“Sdel, post:7041, topic:775980, full:true”]

I bet you are right!


Apparently I’m incapable of figuring out how to quote from an archived thread on a phone, so I took screenshots instead. They seem to match exactly what I was saying - the discussion about her horses wasn’t disrespectful, it was realistic. Like humans, horses will have a range of talent and mental and physical ability. Perhaps a great trainer can get most horses up to be competitive nationally at PSG or even GP, but that still doesn’t mean that that horse will be competitive at the international level or even be capable of showing at that level. And there’s nothing disrespectful about being clear about that. Doing the opposite (saying every horse can go to the Olympics), in my opinion, is just Black Beauty/Black Stallion mindset.